Canadians urge ban on potash sales to USA

That is Rob Ford, who has been dead for 8+ years. He did not live to see the first trump administration, much less to threaten our potash supply. Had Rob Ford said that in 2015, we would have all thought the drugs were getting to him.

When Doug Ford says it today, it makes sense.
I saw recently a report that the WarPigs were thinking of sanctioning Russian and Belarus fertilizers....I trust that the Not Morons got through to them.
Sounds like Moe doesn't want to dynomite his province's economy like the drug addict Ford would like.
Your crack addiction is getting turning your brain to mush and making you massively confused.

Rob Ford was the drug-addled former mayor of Toronto.

This article is about Doug Ford, the Premier of Ontario province.
Sluts, drink, food, weed, learning are the BIG 4.

The arts, mainly music, Hollywood and YouTubes...rounds it out....I dont socialize parties were legendary.
The gif I posted also came up in an image search for Doug Ford,
It is clearly Rob Ford. The point here is image searches often make mistakes. If you were better, you would compare him to other pictures.

can you explain your statement?
The idea of having a trade war between Canada and the USA would have seemed bizarre in 2016, but seems very possible right now. It is amazing how things suddenly change.