Trump is threatening the EU with 200% tariffs on wine, champagne, and other alcoholic products, if the EU doesn’t remove its 50% tariff on whiskey

Your boy is out of control, Ziggy. He still thinks he's running "The Apprentice" or doing business like he did in his civilian life....rift with dishonesty and defended with Daddy's money in lawyers stalling in court.

But now the chickens have come home to roost .... and the fools that voted for this Orange Oaf are now realizing he wasn't about them (i.e., townhall meetings).

I hope you're at least getting scale troll rates. Carry on.
lol who cares? Booze isn't a necessity, and most sane people nowadays don't drink that awful crap anyway. We import a lot of crap nobody actually needs.
Teenage bullies, who never grow up, have to bully. Trump always uses blitzkrieg tactics when dealing with anyone. Trump is mentally about 14.