Trump is threatening the EU with 200% tariffs on wine, champagne, and other alcoholic products, if the EU doesn’t remove its 50% tariff on whiskey

The EU will find new markets easier than we will given Trump’s tariff behavior, and the point is that both entries will suffer especially small businesses on both sides who can not afford to pay the tariffs. Given Trump’s on again off again playing with tariffs don’t be so sure the EU will give in so easily especially if the economic indicators continue to slide

No, they won't; few regions have the disposable incomes that can afford luxury goods like expensive booze; American drunks are a huge market for them, not really the case for our booze makers, who have a market here already. The hole on the shelves is easily filled from domestic and other foreign sources.
No, they won't; few regions have the disposable incomes that can afford luxury goods like expensive booze; American drunks are a huge market for them, not really the case for our booze makers, who have a market here already. The hole on the shelves is easily filled from domestic and other foreign sources.
63% of all American alcohol exported is whiskey, meaning that huge market you are talking about will have to pick up their consumption considerably. And if they have that much disposable income they will pay the price
That is one of trump more deranged tweets by trump.

1) The EU is known for their being not hostile or abusive. They are extremely polite. If trump thinks they are hostile and abusive, he is going to have trouble dealing with Hamas or Iran.
2) The EU does not have much taxing authority. It mostly depends on its member states to do the taxing. Even in the odd situation where it can authorize a tax, it cannot actually tax, leaving that up to the member state. So it is not one of the most abusive taxing authorities in the world.
3) The EU's purpose is to reduce tariffs, especially between member states, but also in the world in general. Calling them abusively tariffing is insane.
4) The EU was formed to have a common market in Europe, not to take advantage of America. In fact, America was far from their mind. The original issue was that coal and iron were divided between Germany and France, with one being on one side of the border, and the other being on the other side of the border. Even before that, Germany and France had been fighting a thousand year civil war, but capturing all the resources became a primary reason. By the time WWII ended, France realized they were never going to capture Germany's side, so decided to make a deal to share the resources. None of this involved the USA.
"None of this involved the USA."

You don't know how empire works, Walt, or you're paid to post propaganda.
Trump is nuts. If he succeeds in getting the EU, Panama , Canada and Greenland to quit trading and dealing with us. it will be a mess. he thinks American economic power will intimidate them. They have options.
Why is Trump actively trying to wreck the good economy he inherited?
The economy he inherited was a mess. Lying your dumb ass off doesn't make you look any less stupid.

It will take some serious work to right that capsizing ship of state. Were headed in a good place. But just to be safe, sell off all your stocks and self deport. I'll help you pack.

One less leftist dumbfuck in the country would be an improvement ;)
"None of this involved the USA."

You don't know how empire works, Walt, or you're paid to post propaganda.
The thousand years of fighting between Germany and France could be seen as a civil war between parts of Carolingian Empire, and the EU could be seen as a reuniting of the Carolingian Empire. An empire is a multi-national state, which the EU definitely is.

So what was the involvement of the USA in the Carolingian Empire? Was it some sort of time travel?
Wait a second..... THE “FAIR AND RECIPROCAL PLAN”.....

Hmm... "reciprocal", he keeps saying this word. I don't think it means what he thinks it means!

View attachment 45694

  • 1.given, felt, or done in return:"she was hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture"
For those lacking comprehension skills, it basically means we do to them what they do to us. Glad I could clear that up. ;)
Your boy is out of control, Ziggy. He still thinks he's running "The Apprentice" or doing business like he did in his civilian life....rift with dishonesty and defended with Daddy's money in lawyers stalling in court.

But now the chickens have come home to roost .... and the fools that voted for this Orange Oaf are now realizing he wasn't about them (i.e., townhall meetings).

I hope you're at least getting scale troll rates. Carry on.
TDS is so very boring. Another moronic post that won't age well.
