Your king is tipped.
Not really. I wouldn't classify pocket change as being funded.
Some it gets locally, and some it gets from other nations, including Iran.
Absurd. Iran does not gift anyone money. Gaza has no real sources of revenue. Hamas has no money.
It wasn't Iran that attacked. It was Hamas.
Absurd. Show me some images of these Hamas fighters who attack people.
Israel was attacked by Hamas, dude.
You are gullible. Show me some images of these Hamas fighters that you claim could attack people.
Hamas is not a signatory to the Geneva convention, dude.
Granted. Irrelevant. Nice pivot. Israel is the signatory who is violating the Convention. Israel must be held accountable by the other signatories, e.g. the US.
Those defined in IV Geneva Convention. Please deny that exists as well. Please deny that US and Israel are signatories.
The definition has been established and ratified by the US and Israel, along with almost every other country. Israel is conforming to that definition.
You are Christian and you religiously adopt the Old Testament into your faith.
It is YOU trying to deny that Hamas exists.
Nope. I don't deny their existence. I deny their relevance. Naive, gullible Christians think their knowledge of the Old Testament makes them expert geniuses on current events. There is nothing more dangerous than a moron who thinks he's a genius. You have no clue who is doing what. You OBEY whatever your church groups instruct you to believe as part of your religion. As such, you cannot be rational on this topic.
Post some images of these Hamas fighters who you insist go around attacking people.
It is YOU trying to blame Israel for the attack by Hamas.
It is you fabricating fictitious bogey men as a pretense for your special pleading fallacy. You applaud a Nazi genocide when Israel is the perpetrator.
It is YOU attempting to equate Hamas with Iran.
That would be you. I'm not the one denying Iran's attack on Israel via Al Qassam. I'm not the one claiming the existence of Hamas fighters that don't exist.
I'm not blaming your religion, because you have none.
This is precisely why I am not beholden to any Christian church group to do my thinking for me. By the way, I ask all Christians who insist that Hamas attacked Israel to produce some images of these Hamas fighters, to show why any rational adult should believe that Hamas ever had the capability to attack anyone, and every single such Christian weasels out as you do. No Christian has any rational basis for believing that there is any big, bad , militant Hamas army of killers beyond their Christian church groups insisting that they side with Israel and believe that there is.
I am not committing any genocide, dude.
I'm not claiming that you are. I am merely pointing out that you cheer it on, with glee. You turn a blind eye to everything obvious just so you can chant that there is nothing to see here. You are deathly afraid of going against Israel because you don't want to go against God. I get it.
The next time you pray to God, ask him for a link to images of those militant Hamas fighters.