AOC facing expulsion from Congress, and revocation of national security clearance.

Now you are just repeating your moves, playing for the draw.

Too funny. Your argument rests on the denial of inalienable rights. Unless you have something to add that respects the inalienable rights guaranteed by the Constitution, we're done here.

You need a government refresher. Regulations are instructions on executing the law; they are not the law themselves.
Some believe that @Into the Night is one of your socks (history is evidence).

However, you're "batting 1.000" with him.
Most people are losing a fortune in their 401K's.
1. You don't speak for most people.
2. People only lose if when they sell after a dip. Those who are simply holding haven't lost anything. Learn basic accounting.

And more will lose jobs because of this market crash.
How effective do you rate yourself in "panic peddling"?

@JPP - Show of hands, who is being scared shitless by BartenderElite?

Trump inherited a good & growing economy
Trump inherited an economy that We the People wanted to be made great. Did you miss the November election?

- and immediately trashed it w/ his dopey tariff idea,
Naturally you are a much better economist than Trump. You make so much sense when you put it that way.

which even conservative economists said would be a disaster.
... and of course you speak for economists. You probably also speak for accountants and scientists.

You still believe in Global Warming, don't you? Too funny.

He's a bad President, Earl. He'd lose if the election was held today.
@JPP - Would you be able to identify a TDS-infected strawberry who hasn't recovered from the November election and is still cowering quivering in his hive-mind collective safe-space babbling incoherently about his trauma-induced delusions?
In order to it being a majority, it has to be over 50%.
Let's do the math: 312 + 226 = 538. Half = 269. 312 is 43 more than half. Trump laid down the hurt.

But the true American big picture is this:


Can anyone imagine what it would be like if we adjusted for Democrat cheating?
Let's do the math: 312 + 226 = 538. Half = 269. 312 is 43 more than half. Trump laid down the hurt.

But the true American big picture is this:


Can anyone imagine what it would be like if we adjusted for Democrat cheating?
Apparently you do not understand the percentages and the Electoral College.

Less than 50% of the votes is not a majority.
That poll is 3 weeks old - right?
So, when Harvard CAPS-Harris conducts a more recent poll, I will post it.

A few of the opinions on those dozens of issues may change in the future but I expect the overwhelming majority will remain positive.

He is doing what the American people elected him to do.

Just imagine what he could accomplish if the Democrats didn’t try to block him…on the issues that Americans elected him to do.
Let's do the math: 312 + 226 = 538. Half = 269. 312 is 43 more than half. Trump laid down the hurt.

But the true American big picture is this:


Can anyone imagine what it would be like if we adjusted for Democrat cheating?
These far left loons believe that in order to win the presidency, one must have a majority of the popular vote.

This is why I use the appellation (I love that polysyllabic word) “far left loons.”
Most people are losing a fortune in their 401K's. And more will lose jobs because of this market crash.

Trump inherited a good & growing economy - and immediately trashed it w/ his dopey tariff idea, which even conservative economists said would be a disaster.

He's a bad President, Earl. He'd lose if the election was held today.
Utterly bullshit and wishful thinking on your part.

You DESPERATELY want America to fail, but lying to yourself and us isn't getting it done.
Most people are losing a fortune in their 401K's. And more will lose jobs because of this market crash.

Trump inherited a good & growing economy - and immediately trashed it w/ his dopey tariff idea, which even conservative economists said would be a disaster.

He's a bad President, Earl. He'd lose if the election was held today.
Mindless chanting.
An act of sedition requires an actual act of violence. What act did she commit?
Your argument that simply talking results in conspiracy to commit sedition would mean that in 4 years everyone involved with Jan 6th could be indicted for conspiracy to commit sedition since the statute of limitations for conspiracy is 10 years.
Also by Democrats.
I guess you missed the first amendment which says that speech isn't a crime.
It's not speech. The 1st amendment is not involved.
What actual act did she commit. Making a video is not a crime. Aiding and abetting requires an actual act helping a specific criminal. The law for aiding and abetting a person in the country illegally requires that one knows that specific person is in the country illegally.
She did know.
Since you keep claiming she committed a crime, cite the actual statute she violated. Title and section.
RQAA. Pay attention.
Now you are just repeating your moves, playing for the draw.
Inversion fallacy.
Too funny. Your argument rests on the denial of inalienable rights. Unless you have something to add that respects the inalienable rights guaranteed by the Constitution, we're done here.
There is no right to support criminal activity.
You need a government refresher. Regulations are instructions on executing the law; they are not the law themselves.
Regulations are law.