Barack Obama Tries to Shame Black Men for Voting for Trump

Love how the rightwing peckerwoods are pontificating about the Black community o_O o_O:rolleyes:

The feminists have long kept a lid on dissent with the lecture "If you speak out like that you will be betraying your sisters" and blacks have been kept in line the same way.......they are told that it is OK to disagree with the orthodoxy if they must, but if so they must not speak.
Black men voting for a man who supports white supremacy makes no sense to me.
Again...many who agree to be interviewed say a couple of things.

They don't know what Harris plans to do that benefits them.

They aren't happy that Biden didn't do enough to benefit them.

They said the same thing about Obama. Especially that moron Cornell West.

Do they realize that nothing happens with gridlock in Congress? Do they even research if Biden/Harris/Obama tried to get things done?

Do they KNOW trump will do? He already effectively took away their right to vote in many states.
The Regime does seem to be becoming unnerved by the scale of the cheat that will be required to get to proclaiming its candidates the winners.

Herman Caine died of Covid attending a mask free Trump rally, all this while Trump was sending Covid test kits to Putin. To date, Trump has never acknowlege his passing or the support given by this BLACK MAN.​

While speaking to an all white audience in Detroit, Trump all but called out every urban vestige in Michigan and issued nothing but insults intended to diss black nigg@s.​

Trump is against overtime, a paying venue that helps black people especially who are disproportionally under paid and devalued​

Trump is ga ga over the idea of giving total immunity to cops, regardless of how rouge so many of them go, especially when dealing with black people​

Of the thousands upon thousand of Covid deaths, black people, but especially black men DOMINATED THOSE NUMBERS..with my black brother being among them​

There's video out here, showing lone black Trump supporters being attacked by white supremist at some of Trump's rallies​

BLM protesters in Washington under orders from Trump, were attacked and beaten by the military. They were there to support the very black men, who today want to vote for Trump????​

The only thing black men have in comon with Trump, is that both treat black women like shit!!​

Black men voting for a man who supports white supremacy makes no sense to me.
Me either. Good thing Trump condemns White Supremacy. (y)

Herman Caine died of Covid attending a mask free Trump rally, all this while Trump was sending Covid test kits to Putin. To date, Trump has never acknowlege his passing or the support given by this BLACK MAN.

While speaking to an all white audience in Detroit, Trump all but called out every urban vestige in Michigan and issued nothing but insults intended to diss black nigg@s.​

Trump is against overtime, a paying venue that helps black people especially who are disproportionally under paid and devalued​

Trump is ga ga over the idea of giving total immunity to cops, regardless of how rouge so many of them go, especially when dealing with black people​

Of the thousands upon thousand of Covid deaths, black people, but especially black men DOMINATED THOSE NUMBERS..with my black brother being among them​

There's video out here, showing lone black Trump supporters being attacked by white supremist at some of Trump's rallies​

BLM protesters in Washington under orders from Trump, were attacked and beaten by the military. They were there to support the very black men, who today want to vote for Trump????​

The only thing black men have in comon with Trump, is that both treat black women like shit!!​

It seems Ziggy is the self appointed extension of the apartheid punk's "X" site. Posting MAGA memes painted in black. :rolleyes:

Someone pull Ziggy aside and enlighten him on the following:

- When the Confederacy lost the Civil War, you had black folk stating that "freedom" was not for them, as all they knew was plantation life, and it was better to stay put, as "massa" was going to be kinder and gentler. Of course, these individuals were "thinking for themselves" ... and promoting a mindset that was against the best interest of his people.

- The hierarchy of black church and civil rights folk cautioned MLK that he was moving too fast and too bold with his marches and speeches. Of course, these individuals were "thinking for themselves" ... and promoting a mindset that was against the best interest of his people.

- Cheeto Jeezus and dear old dad had to be taken to court in a class action suit to stop discriminating against black Americans by banning them from obtaining housing in their apartment complexes. He also took out a full page add in NY papers calling for the lynching of the Central Park Five, yet did nothing similar in ways of apology or admitting to error when they were acquitted of all charges. He also publicly bitched about the amount of money the Five got in suing for wrongful incarceration. And let's not forget how he championed and rode the "birther gate" nonsense against Obama into main stream politics. He NEVER publicly apologized for that, and ONLY ACKNOWLEGED that Obama was a born US citizen when he ran in 2016.

Of course, any black individual who ignores such is "thinking for themselves" ... and promoting a mindset that is against the best interest of themselves and their people. My grandmother, born and raised in the Jim Crow South (her mother was a former slave) had a name for the people Ziggy champions here .... "black fools".

Let's get real: if black folk have legitimate beefs with the Dem party, then do like the teabaggers did with the GOP. Get together and slowly take over via local then state elections. Yes, it's harder than being a stooge for the congenital racism in America, but nothing worth while in life is easy.

Obama wasn't "shaming" anyone, as he was very direct and specific as to what he was saying. As usual, the MAGA/Alt-Right trolls put their pointy hooded spin on things. It just burns their sheets that Obama whupped their sorry ass mentality TWICE, and in doing so literally saved the country from a second recession/depression via good old reaganomics and the Shrub.

Taking the route of kissing up to MAGA folk to get a high paying job parroting trash like Owens or being a pure sucker like Powell or Rice or Steele may get financial security and notoriety, but the price is being reminded just what you are to the people you toady to/for. They did.

And the band played on.
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I will never click anything from the OP, but I'd love to hear what the small handful represented in those posts feels that trump will do to benefit them? Hell...they're probably paid for their endorsement.

Any person of any color who complains that Biden 'didn't do enough for them' has no idea how govt. works.
What is sad is that you have zero idea how racist you are. The minute any black person leaves the democrat party plantation your side calls them Uncle Tom. As if they owe your side their vote. They don’t owe you anymore explanation than you owe them. Get over yourself.

Maybe there is a reason democrats keep losing more and more of the black vote? Maybe they don’t like to be condescending assholes like you?