Barack Obama Tries to Shame Black Men for Voting for Trump

LOL. We'll see. Just like your fantasy Red Wave. Any reduction in black support for Harris will NOT translate to black votes for trump anyway.
tic tic tic....Time is almost up. I do so look forward to seeing the mass expression of cowardice that is SURE to come when over half of the LW posters here simply vanish overnight for a time after Trump is re elected. :)
tic tic tic....Time is almost up. I do so look forward to seeing the mass expression of cowardice that is SURE to come when over half of the LW posters here simply vanish overnight for a time after Trump is re elected. :)
Nah. It'll be another fail for the Red Wave crowd. I'm sure that you're enthusiastic now that abortion has taken the number one spot over the economy in polling now.
Well it will take a while to talk them off the ledge.
Maybe they can do some group sessions on dealing with LOSS ? They can all hold teddy bears and sit in a circle singing old Peter Paul and Mary songs while passing around the old "peace" pipe...

Maybe they can do some group sessions on dealing with LOSS ? They can all hold teddy bears and sit in a circle singing old Peter Paul and Mary songs while passing around the old "peace" pipe...

I haven't read Stoner's shit for quite a while.
As expected, he's still pretty fucked up.
And he still has Charlton Heston who died before the first ugly-ass MAGA cap was made.
Maybe they can do some group sessions on dealing with LOSS ? They can all hold teddy bears and sit in a circle singing old Peter Paul and Mary songs while passing around the old "peace" pipe...

I haven't read Stoner's shit for quite a while.
As expected, he's still pretty fucked up.
And he still has Charlton Heston who died before the first ugly-ass MAGA cap was made.
But you still sniff it.
What is sad is that you have zero idea how racist you are. The minute any black person leaves the democrat party plantation your side calls them Uncle Tom. As if they owe your side their vote. They don’t owe you anymore explanation than you owe them. Get over yourself.

Maybe there is a reason democrats keep losing more and more of the black vote? Maybe they don’t like to be condescending assholes like you?
Do you MAGA/Altg-Right WOS still think that "reverse plantation" BS works? I mean, beyond the fool you see in the mirror and the similar minded jackasses sitting on the barstool next to you are buying that Goebbels tactic.

When people leave BOTH parties and start a viable 3rd Progressive Party, trolls like you will be wailing like a banshee about that!

GTFU, will ya please?

None of these cretins are going to say "let's erase everything Obama did .... eliminate the ACA, go back to the near depression the Bush version of reaganomics gave us". No, they'll just tell sheet wearing shytes like YOU what you want to hear because they think it'll make them more acceptable and possibly gain some financial favor/upward mobility down the line.

No the Dem. party has not been bleeding black support. Certainly trump isn't picking anyone up. You are measuring against Obama's numbers, which were near 100%.

Republicans have nothing of value for non white, non wealthy voters. As such, I stand by my assertion that non wealthy black males who don't believe Biden has 'done enough' for them are grossly misinformed. They don't understand how govt. works, because they simply do not pay attention. Many said the same thing about Obama.
Democrats have historically gotten 90+% of the black vote. Going all the way back to Clinton. You can't be this misinformed. 75% compared to 90% is bleeding support.

But, hey maybe Clyburn is wrong?

It's impossible to cast sufficient shame on an African American citizen
who disgraces him/herself by voting for the racist Trump.

I myself call them tap-dancing, watermelon eating, jive-ass Uncle Toms.
Obama is more polite than I, but he definitely did the right thing
as he almost ALWAYS does.

I didn't vote for soon-to-be HNIC in the 2008 primaries
because he wasn't the furthest left candidate in policy--
John Edwards was--
but I became one of his biggest fans.

Best POTUS in my adult life.
Eisenhower, the last competent Republican, was in my childhood.
There hasn't been one since he.
You call them that on this forum but I guarantee you don't have the balls to do it to their face. Jive ass? Who talks like that?


I wonder if any of your fellow leftists will call you out on your blatant racism.