Barack Obama Tries to Shame Black Men for Voting for Trump

Lets get a super rich bi-racial guy raised white to support a super rich bi-racial woman raised white to tell working class blacks how to think.
A mischaracterization of what the man is saying....couched in the primordial soup of the sheet wearing mind.

Bottom line: you pointy hooded clowns have been gnashing your teeth ever since the man whupped your sorry butts TWICE in fair elections...and saved the country on the brink of depression. So you'll jump on anything even slightly negative about non-white folk and hyped it to the hilt.

Yeah, he could have phrased his criticism better, but there is truth to what he says ... it's rampant in various religious denominations that have black clergy leaders. You just have a bunch of black folk doing the "we don't air our dirty laundry in public" thing. I say, TFB. And if they're delusional enough to vote for a guy with a history of racist/bigoted actions against their brethren, then they need therapy.
I am not in the school of thought that what we are seeing re Obama et al is proof that the Regime has lost or is losing their confidence in rigging this election....I think it is a demonstration of solidarity and will be referred to when the Regime announces that its candidates have won "Harris was in trouble, but Obama et al saved her".
The potential is there to beat Trump.
A viable new party is possible but not imminently probable from my perspective.

One thing that multiple parties would do --real, viable parties that get significant votes--
is pretty much do away with presidential elections
as they wouldn't ever result in anybody gaining the required majority.

All presidential elections would be determined by the House of Representatives.
If it's the newly seated House, I'd be fine with it. Just like choosing a Prime Minister.

If it's the lame duck House, it could be a catastrophe.
You could be voting a party out, but before they leave,
they'll pick a president that won't work with the party you're voting in.
I agree with your first 2 sentences 100%.

I find major flaw in your 2nd paragraph assertion, as multiple parties work pretty well in other industrialized nations. Just ask any American who's lived abroad, or foreigners who've lived here for awhile.

Total disagreement with your last 2 paragraphs. As we've come to see, party politics isn't always on the up and up....just look at how both parties conspired to keep Nader for a national debate, or how the Dems sandbagged Howard Dean, and the Bernie Sanders. Nope, "1 man, 1 vote" is the best shot the people have of having an actual voice in politics, as they are not beholden to any party once they enter that voting booth.

As the song goes, "you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need!"
I will never click anything from the OP, but I'd love to hear what the small handful represented in those posts feels that trump will do to benefit them? Hell...they're probably paid for their endorsement.

Trump gave the black minorities their lowest unemployment rates in U.S. history when he was potus. He also gave women and Hispanics their lowest unemployment rate in history. Sorry there Miss, that you aren't grateful that Trump you a job, so that you could get off of that unemployed list of lazy liberal women.
Libhater said: Trump gave the black minorities their lowest unemployment rates in U.S. history when he was potus.

Nice try you simpleton. Would you care to show us that graph? Of course you wouldn't. Don't feel badly. You just parrot what your Nazi master barfs out at his Klan rallies, but you really don't know anything.

Do you?


Bush handed Obama a disaster of an economy. Millions out of work.

Black Unemployment

Jan. 2010...16.5% Dec. 2010...15.5%

Jan. 2016...8.5% Dec. 2016...8%

trump takes office.

Jan. 2017...7.5% Dec. 2019...6%

Dec. 2020...9%

I assume you can do 2nd grade math? Care to tell us how black unemployment was reduced (by %) under Obama vs. under trump?

Of course you don't.

Nice try you simpleton. Would you care to show us that graph? Of course you wouldn't. Don't feel badly. You just parrot what your Nazi master barfs out at his Klan rallies, but you really don't know anything.

Do you?


Bush handed Obama a disaster of an economy. Millions out of work.

Black Unemployment

Jan. 2010...16.5% Dec. 2010...15.5%

Jan. 2016...8.5% Dec. 2016...8%

trump takes office.

Jan. 2017...7.5% Dec. 2019...6%

Dec. 2020...9%

I assume you can do 2nd grade math? Care to tell us how black unemployment was reduced (by %) under Obama vs. under trump?

Of course you don't.

These idiots believe that any policy or program that the previous administration enacts magically disappears upon the inauguration of the new president. It really burned Cheeto Jeezus and his acolyte's butts when Obama schooled them on the reality in public!
These idiots believe that any policy or program that the previous administration enacts magically disappears upon the inauguration of the new president. It really burned Cheeto Jeezus and his acolyte's butts when Obama schooled them on the reality in public!
Presidents now increasingly rule as Kings, with a stroke of a pen.

In the absence of treason that done by the stroke of a pen can be ended with a stroke of a pen.
These idiots believe that any policy or program that the previous administration enacts magically disappears upon the inauguration of the new president. It really burned Cheeto Jeezus and his acolyte's butts when Obama schooled them on the reality in public!
Well...right after Obama's election, Iraq was 'Obama's war'. So there is that.
I agree with your first 2 sentences 100%.

I find major flaw in your 2nd paragraph assertion, as multiple parties work pretty well in other industrialized nations. Just ask any American who's lived abroad, or foreigners who've lived here for awhile.

Total disagreement with your last 2 paragraphs. As we've come to see, party politics isn't always on the up and up....just look at how both parties conspired to keep Nader for a national debate, or how the Dems sandbagged Howard Dean, and the Bernie Sanders. Nope, "1 man, 1 vote" is the best shot the people have of having an actual voice in politics, as they are not beholden to any party once they enter that voting booth.

As the song goes, "you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need!"
I didn't say multiple parties wouldn't work, Tacky.
I'm all for multiple parties with specific goals.
I've always thought that big tents were for a circus.

But the fact is that unless we start a new country to do it,
all elections will then be determined by the House of Representatives
because nobody will get a majority of electoral votes as required in a presidential election.
That's how the Constitution works.
And Constitutional amendments require more consensus than this nation may ever have again.

As for being beholden to parties,
I vote for policy positions, not people.
The existing parties have virtually no ideological overlap.
Thus NOT voting for my party's nominee would make no sense for me.
It has nothing to do with being beholden.
It has everything to do with my finding the other party's core values repugnant.

As for the Stones,
getting what you need is surviving.
Actually living requires getting what you want.
I didn't say multiple parties wouldn't work, Tacky.
I'm all for multiple parties with specific goals.
I've always thought that big tents were for a circus.

But the fact is that unless we start a new country to do it,
all elections will then be determined by the House of Representatives
because nobody will get a majority of electoral votes as required in a presidential election.
That's how the Constitution works.
And Constitutional amendments require more consensus than this nation may ever have again.

As for being beholden to parties,
I vote for policy positions, not people.
The existing parties have virtually no ideological overlap.
Thus NOT voting for my party's nominee would make no sense for me.
It has nothing to do with being beholden.
It has everything to do with my finding the other party's core values repugnant.

As for the Stones,
getting what you need is surviving.
Actually living requires getting what you want.
You just took the long route to repeat yourself. In local elections progressives and 3rd parties are making some progress.
But we must willing o confront status quo, like the labor/union or civil rights movements. Sometimes You get what you need to get what you want. ;)
You just took the long route to repeat yourself. In local elections progressives and 3rd parties are making some progress.
But we must willing o confront status quo, like the labor/union or civil rights movements. Sometimes You get what you need to get what you want. ;)
I agree with local elections being the start.
I was talking presidential elections.
Multiple viable parties result in the House choosing the president.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm not even opining that that's a bad thing, especially
if it's the newly seated House and not the lame duck House that gets to do it.

You don't even wish to share an opinion, one way or the other,
about the presidential elections becoming irrelevant.

See. I repeated myself once again hoping that you'll address the issue which I brought up,
but if it doesn't interest you, just say so and I'll stop mentioning it.
I agree with local elections being the start.
I was talking presidential elections.
Multiple viable parties result in the House choosing the president.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm not even opining that that's a bad thing, especially
if it's the newly seated House and not the lame duck House that gets to do it.

You don't even wish to share an opinion, one way or the other,
about the presidential elections becoming irrelevant.

See. I repeated myself once again hoping that you'll address the issue which I brought up,
but if it doesn't interest you, just say so and I'll stop mentioning it.
I'm not too sure about that, as other industrial nations with multiple parties work as such.

I addressed what you put forth .... I can't help it if you don't like the answers.

But to further clarify my position on the validity of the POTUS election (or our political system in general), I'll let the late, great George Carlin to that:
I'm not too sure about that, as other industrial nations with multiple parties work as such.

I addressed what you put forth .... I can't help it if you don't like the answers.

But to further clarify my position on the validity of the POTUS election (or our political system in general), I'll let the late, great George Carlin to that:
You addressed jack shit, Tacky.

You haven't mentioned the ramifications of the House electing POTUS once.
I'm not interested in in your YouTube clip...sorry.

The Democratic Party is imploding because the diversity con that it rests on has collapsed. A vote for Kamala Harris isn’t a vote for the inclusion of blacks, or the equality of women, it’s an insult the intelligence of the electorate. It would be shameful if she was our first female President because identity—rather than capability—is her only meaningful qualification. Black people are seeing through the bullshit. Men of every color are too. Women are the last stronghold, but even there the rate of awakening is astounding.Let’s send the DNC Elite home for good and put the Republic back on course. The West is depending on us!