Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
What lies?
Bragging about beating people up and shooting them? Those quotes don't have an inkling of violence, other than killing destructive rodents
You're the bloodthirsty misanthrope who wants to make shooting Trump supporters a national pastime. If that's not a red flag, there isn't one.
But then everyone knows you're all talk and just a lying pussy. Come on coward, lock and load. The invitation to shoot me is open. Bring it on, I like a challenge...
You keep this "red flag" bullshit up because you're scared shitless of me
I'll leave that decision up to the prosecutor and justice system, Arbie. You've made lots of violent threats and support assaulting elderly people. Note that the law doesn't distinguish the age of the assaulter. Your actions are premeditated and with intent. You've confessed to violent crimes and terrorism in your shooting of a neighbor's cat. You've supported the violence of Trumpers.
You aren't completely stupid. It's one thing to say those things on the Internet, but if you ever acted upon them, they all become evidence against you. It'd be prison for you. This is why you refused to show up when invited by me.