1 Brutal Thing Needs To Happen To GOP

You're a lying coward. You said yourself you wouldn't defend yourself. The rest of your ramblings are lies as well.
You're a loser, and I live in your head every day. Do I keep you up at night? Do you have your caretaker look under
the bed? What about making shooting Trump supporters a national pastime? Come on coward. You're the one with
the compulsion for killing and death, you post it daily. You gonna go back and delete those, too? Just go away, twit.
Not with you and your alter-ego punching me. One hit, I do down, you go directly to jail. Sweeeet!

That's a far cry from white supremacists attempting to shoot up a supermarket, church, synagouge or school. In that case I'd be happy to shoot as many as possible.