$10,000.00 Prize for Jarhead.....

...Or any pinhead, for that matter... If you can prove that the commonly known phrase, The Golden Rule, is in the Bible. It can't be a phrase like the Golden Rule, it has to be the actual wording... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Your money awaits, just prove your case! Post the book and verse, where I can confirm this, and I will send you a check for $10,000.00... it's that simple!
The golden rule is best interpreted as saying: "Treat others only in ways that you're willing to be treated in the same exact situation." To apply it, you'd imagine yourself in the exact place of the other person on the receiving end of the action. If you act in a given way toward another, and yet are unwilling to be treated that way in the same circumstances, then you violate the rule.

It is worded many different ways dixie in various different religions throughout the world, and it has the meaning of Do unto others as you would have them or want them to do unto you"

It is in the Bible, in Matthew 7:12

Matthew 7:12 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

12Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Matthew 7:12 (American Standard Version)
American Standard Version (ASV)
Copyright © 1901 Public Domain

12 All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them: for this is the law and the prophets.


Matthew 7:12 (New International Reader's Version)
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
Copyright © 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society

12 "In everything, do to others what you would want them to do to you. This is what is written in the Law and in the Prophets.

Pay up! yeahhhhhhhh! 10k! ;)
Luke 6:31
King James Version

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise"

Pretty darn close ..wouldnt you say?
Dixie.. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is an interpretation ...

In the New American Standard .. Luke 6:31 it is translated this way ... "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

as you well know.. The orginal Gospels were not written in English ....
I grow more and more convinced that the remaining hard core bush supporters are ones that are unable to admit to a mistake.
Dixie.. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is an interpretation ...

In the New American Standard .. Luke 6:31 it is translated this way ... "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

as you well know.. The orginal Gospels were not written in English ....

This debate originated when I corrected Gaffer, who said that it was a Biblical verse. The commonly used version that we all know as the Golden Rule, originated before the Bible was written, and is not found in that particular wording, anywhere in the Bible. I am dreadfully sorry for this, but it is a fact. I wish I could lie and claim that it's in the Bible, but it simply isn't there. Now, there are several verses which convey this same message, and the teachings of Jesus Christ, were largely based around the Golden Rule, and it's articulated in numerous ways throughout the Bible, just not as we commonly know it... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That phrase is not found in the Bible, and that was my only point. Am I wrong about that or not? If I am wrong, please post the book and verse! If I am right, please acknowledge that I am right!
Can Dixie proove that his "version" of the Golden Rule is not merely a misquotation of a Bible verse? Does he really think that his "version" predates the Bible? Or, if not, that it sprung up independently from Biblical teaching? If it is not independent, and it does not predate, then the fact that his "version" is anything but a bastardization of Bible text is highly suspect.
If, as Dixie now says, the particular version we know now as the golden rule predates the bible, how can that be? Is he suggesting that the english language predates the bible? or is he saying that he is certain that the english version he knows as the golden rule is not merely another translation of one of many similar bible verses?
again...Dixie says:

The commonly used version that we all know as the Golden Rule, originated before the Bible was written

How in the world can he know that? There are fifty or more different translations of the hebrew, greek, aramaic, and roman versions of the Bible. How can Dixie claim that this version from the ENGLISH language originated BEFORE the Bible????

What a moron!
Dixie translating it to how you have said it is a matter of personal taste. The Old testament was written in Hebrew and the New testament in Greek. One translation of the words by one person would be different than how another would do so.

Even a simple phrase like

Como Estas? Can be translated many different ways.
The passage of Matthew 7:12 is the closest though

do to others what you would have them do to you

The only difference is changing 'to' to 'unto' and 'what' to 'as'

If I spoke Greek I could easily translate the greek words for 'to' and
'what' to 'unto' and 'as'
So basically Dixie is right because the english version of the bible has a difference of two two letter words.

It doesn't get any closer and as I said its a matter of taste for the translator.
and for Dixe to claim that the verse as he has written it predates the bible is laughable..... all he has is a bastardized english translation of the biblical text.

And considering that the english language did not predate the bible, his claim is false. He should just donate the #10K to the DNC and then shut his piehole
I believe that the "Do unto others..." quote that Dixie prints was a paraphrased version of the Matthew verse made easier to remember for children and passed on through word of mouth through generations...
dixie is a moron...he claims that his "version" in english predates the bible.

I can just imagine how contorted he must be: sitting there at a computer desk with one leg rising up from his lap in between his two typing arms... with his foot imbedded deep within his yellow toothed mouth
So basically Dixie is right because the english version of the bible has a difference of two two letter words.

It doesn't get any closer and as I said its a matter of taste for the translator.

It's not a matter of "translation", it's a matter of fact. I have never, not once, even remotely hinted that I did not think the Golden Rule was articulated in the Bible, I made it very clear on several different posts, that I fully understand the Bible teaches the Golden Rule, and much of what Jesus preached, was centered around the Golden Rule. Apparently, some of you have a reading comprehension problem, or you just don't bother to read my posts, if you think I stated, in any way, shape or form, that the Bible didn't teach the Golden Rule. My ONLY point, from the very start of this, has been... the phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is not found in the Bible. I am correct on that point, and it is not a matter of translation, it's a matter of fucking fact. It's like the 1/3 argument, where I correctly stated that 1 can't be divided equally by 3, without a remainder. You can argue it all day and all night long, you just can't change that basic fact of elementary mathematics.

As I said before, had I posted that Pelosi had misquoted the Bible, some pinhead would have Googled and found that the actual verse we know as the Golden Rule, is not found in the Bible, and they would have posted how I was wrong in stating that Pelosi misquoted the Bible, because it wasn't in the Bible! I only made a casual point to Gaffer, about the actual text not being in the Bible, and I was correct, haven't been proven wrong, won't be proven wrong, because the fucking phrase doesn't appear in the Bible! Understand?
I believe that the "Do unto others..." quote that Dixie prints was a paraphrased version of the Matthew verse made easier to remember for children and passed on through word of mouth through generations...

The actual concept of the Golden Rule, pre-dates Christianity by about 1000 years, to the best of my research abilities. The literal phrase known today, was likely coined in England in the mid 1800's, and was, as you say, paraphrased from the verse in Matthew. This still doesn't mean the verse is in the Bible, it's not. That was the only point, and I am correct, regardless of what any of you want to pretend. If you don't want to be intellectually honest enough to give me credit, I understand, but I know I was right in my statement, and I've not been proven wrong. Thank you.
I haven't said you were "wrong", Dix. I explained why I believed you were saying the verse was not in the Bible.
It's not a matter of "translation", it's a matter of fact. I have never, not once, even remotely hinted that I did not think the Golden Rule was articulated in the Bible, I made it very clear on several different posts, that I fully understand the Bible teaches the Golden Rule, and much of what Jesus preached, was centered around the Golden Rule. Apparently, some of you have a reading comprehension problem, or you just don't bother to read my posts, if you think I stated, in any way, shape or form, that the Bible didn't teach the Golden Rule. My ONLY point, from the very start of this, has been... the phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is not found in the Bible.

Dixie I didn't say that you said the golden rule doesn't appear in the bible. You said that the phrase above doesn't appear. In that you are correct however it is real fucking close to the quote I put above. only the words 'to' and 'what' are changed.

It still is a matter of translation though. The new testament was written in Greek. When King James commisioned that an English translation be made of the New Testament the Greek scholar who did it could just as easily have translated the greek words into "Do unto others as you would have done to you" instead of "Do to others what you would have done to you"

That is really close it couldn't get much closer. At that point it is not about fact but taste. Language translation has a degree of personal interpretation. It isn't like translating binary code into decimals.

It's like the 1/3 argument, where I correctly stated that 1 can't be divided equally by 3, without a remainder. You can argue it all day and all night long, you just can't change that basic fact of elementary mathematics.

Dixie thats not the statement you made that got you into trouble. The above statement is correct. I along with String, MBL and AC never said that that was wrong. What we argued against was your statement that equal thirds of a whole do not exist because when 1/3 is expressed in decimal form the 3s go on infinitely.

Lets drop this now though and not mention it we don't need to go down that route again.
