$10,000.00 Prize for Jarhead.....

I haven't said you were "wrong", Dix. I explained why I believed you were saying the verse was not in the Bible.

Well thank you, but the reason I was saying the verse isn't in the Bible, is because... the verse isn't in the Bible! There are indeed similar verses, it was indeed a huge part of Jesus' teachings, and Christianity certainly teaches and preaches the Golden Rule. My innocent statement of a fact, was deliberately taken out of context to try and make me look foolish, and I was not incorrect in what I stated. It does illustrate how desperate pinheads are to prove me wrong on something, and to detract from the topic of conversation, which was originally, Nancy Pelosi's opinion that we should invoke the Golden Rule for the terrorists. Again, a scary thought to think this ignorant bitch might be third in line for the presidency.
At that point it is not about fact but taste.

Hey, I know you are on the Debate team here, and all... but try to get this through your thick head... the verse known as the Golden Rule... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." is not found in the Bible, and that fact stands, regardless of how "close" you can come with various translated versions of the Scriptures. Had I said that nothing in the Bible relates to the Golden Rule, you would have a valid point, and I would be dead wrong, but that isn't what I said.

On the 1/3 argument, I am not embarrassed a bit, I don't give a fuck if you want to start another 1500 post thread on the subject, I'll stand by what I originally posted, that 1 can't be divided equally by 3, without producing a remainder. I never said that a whole can't be equally divided by thirds, that is ridiculous, we do it all the time, it is expressed by the mathematical fraction 1/3 and the decimal number .333e This still doesn't mean that 1 can be equally divided by 3 without producing a remainder, because that is a fact.
Your repetiveness is lacking believeability, you need to practice your mind control tactics, they are failing.

you are wrong, it is in the Bible, it also comes from the bible along with many other regional religions of variety. Precisely the way YOU decided to write as the golden rule no, but guess what, it is still the golden rule no matter what language it is writen in ...

you owe me 10k in CYBER BUCKS..... :D
Your repetiveness is lacking believeability, you need to practice your mind control tactics, they are failing.

you are wrong, it is in the Bible, it also comes from the bible along with many other regional religions of variety. Precisely the way YOU decided to write as the golden rule no, but guess what, it is still the golden rule no matter what language it is writen in ...

you owe me 10k in CYBER BUCKS..... :D

Guess what, the phrase we all learned in school as the Golden Rule, is not in the Bible. The original concept of doing unto others the way you want them to do unto you, pre-dates Christian belief by at least 1000 years, so the Golden Rule did not originate from the Bible. You don't win the prize, because you haven't given the book and verse of the Bible, which contains the exact phrase I requested, which is not simply MY version, but the most commonly known and widely used version of the Golden Rule. Sorry Care, I hope you didn't go out and buy something expensive! :tongout:
Can you guys not read???

it has to be the actual wording... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Stop trying to weasel out of paying Care 10 Grand, by word parsing. Its the exact same meaning, with the exact same intent.

You owe Care Ten Grand.
Dixie.. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is an interpretation ...

In the New American Standard .. Luke 6:31 it is translated this way ... "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

as you well know.. The orginal Gospels were not written in English ....

Okay, now you owe Klaatu 10k too.
...Or any pinhead, for that matter... If you can prove that the commonly known phrase, The Golden Rule, is in the Bible. It can't be a phrase like the Golden Rule, it has to be the actual wording... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Your money awaits, just prove your case! Post the book and verse, where I can confirm this, and I will send you a check for $10,000.00... it's that simple!


Pay up Dixie. There's about 100 different translations of the Golden Rule. The bible wasn't written in English after all. Hell, even the Ten commandments we quote in every day language, are open to multiple different translations, with minor changes in wording.

But, the exact same meaning, intent, and all the same basic words for the Golden Rule are there.

You owe 20 thousand dollars: 10k to Care and 10k to Klaatu.

We can arrange a Board vote, to see if Care and Klattu met your challenge or not.
Pay up Dixie. There's about 100 different translations of the Golden Rule. The bible wasn't written in English after all. Hell, even the Ten commandments we quote in every day language, are open to multiple different translations, with minor changes in wording.

But, the exact same meaning, intent, and all the same basic words for the Golden Rule are there.

You owe 20 thousand dollars: 10k to Care and 10k to Klaatu.

We can arrange a Board vote, to see if Care and Klattu met your challenge or not.

HAHAHA!! This isnt' FullofShitPolitics.com buddy, we don't do the "Board Vote" thing here! You go ahead and keep up your lying and slanderous bullshit, people here realize you are about the most dishonest fuck to ever grace the board, and you just keep compiling the evidence to support that. I have already admitted freely, several times, including when I made the original statement, that the Golden Rule has MANY interpretations and translations, that was not the challenge. Read the fucking rules again, no one has won the prize, and no one can win the prize, because I am correct in stating that the text I posted is not found in the Bible.

I'll also warn that you are about one more post away from finding yourself on my ignore list with the other assholes here, who can't seem to do anything except throw shit at me. Now, run along back to SR, he's expecting his evening blow job!
I, for one, would still love to understand how Dixie could make the following statement:

"The commonly used version that we all know as the Golden Rule, originated before the Bible was written"

Is Dixie somehow saying that the english phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." originated before the bible was written?

How does that even work????
It really is pathetic, this faux "ignoring" thing that Dixie does with me. I have had his number for years, and out-debate himevery single time..... I guess he just got tired of getting his ass handed to him.

understandable, perhaps...but pathetic, nonetheless.
I, for one, would still love to understand how Dixie could make the following statement:

"The commonly used version that we all know as the Golden Rule, originated before the Bible was written"

Is Dixie somehow saying that the english phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." originated before the bible was written?

How does that even work????

I don't think Dixie is aware that the bible wasn't written orignially in english, and that the english language in fact, didn't exist two thousand years ago.
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Dixie is going to renege because none of the common english translations have it EXACTLY like Dixie has it.... and as we know, Dixie's version in english - verbatim - predates even the Old Testament....

he is such a moron. This thread is right up there with the 1/3 thread.... but it's all to keep from talking about the NIE and the train wreck that is about to occur for his party in November. He is as predictable as the tides
and speaking of reneging.... does anyone have any doubt that Dixie will renege on the $100 bet he made with me about the democrats picking up seats in both houses of congress? ;)
Indeed, Dixie has quite the conundrum on his hands.

On the one hand, he seems to claim the the "common" english version - as we've come to know it - of the golden rule predates the bible. When, in fact, the english languge didn't exist 2000 years ago.

On the other hand, when he's been shown biblical versions of the golden rule, which in the english translation, almost perfectly conform to the one used in everyday lexicon, he whines about a few english words that are different in the biblical version.
...Or any pinhead, for that matter... If you can prove that the commonly known phrase, The Golden Rule, is in the Bible. It can't be a phrase like the Golden Rule, it has to be the actual wording... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Your money awaits, just prove your case! Post the book and verse, where I can confirm this, and I will send you a check for $10,000.00... it's that simple!

Pretty stupid, since you're probably relying on the king james version and that was translated whenever language wasn't used like that. The present of "ye" in any translation indicates singificant outdatedness in it. If I get a more recent translation it would probably have that sort of wording, but in the old days people didn't say it like that. It's not like there's an "actual" wording, it's what the words mean that's important.
Here it is in modern three modern translations:

Luke 6:31

31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

New International Reader's Version
Luke 6:31

31 Do to others as you want them to do to you.

New International Version
Luke 6:31

31Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

These are tranlations just like the King James version, and just as authentic. They simply happen to be newer. Maybe you'll wince at the exclusion of "unto" in favor of "to". But we've pretty much proven our point anyway.