10% of Republican Senators involved in SEX SCANDALS...

my gay brother in law says 1 out of ever 10 men is gay. so im SURE they are in the dem party as well.
my gay brother in law says 1 out of ever 10 men is gay. so im SURE they are in the dem party as well.

Umm umm more ladies for us straight guys.

But the dems are not so hypocritical about it, that is the issue here.
It is no fun to bash a politician that admits to being gay.
But the ones that head up anti gay movements and such.....
Bad people get in under the radar with good folks and do bad things while trying to present themselves otherwise. Watch out. I'm not saying that republicans are the "good guys" and the democrats are "the bad." I'm saying that there are good ones in both parties and bad ones try to get a piece of the action.

By the way, if I could vote for president today I'd vote for Huckabee. He hasn't a chance but right now he would be my choice out of either party's list of candidates.
my gay brother in law says 1 out of ever 10 men is gay. so im SURE they are in the dem party as well.

Yup, but the Democrats are generally not anti-gay, thus not hypocritical on the issue. I have no problem with openly gay people, just closeted ones and those who fight against who and what they are!
Yup, but the Democrats are generally not anti-gay, thus not hypocritical on the issue. I have no problem with openly gay people, just closeted ones and those who fight against who and what they are!

Random question. (Personal disclosure: I think gay sex is disgusting but to each their own so if men want to do it more power to them.) The rave for young women is to 'experiment' with their sexuality and if that means hooking up with a girl or two that's fine and it does not mean you are a lesbian. Being bi-sexual is cool if you will (for women).

For a (married or not) dude, does wanting some dick on occassion automatically make them gay or can dudes be bisexual too?

I just ate breakfast and can feel it starting to come up from even writing that question.

P.S. - USC starts their march to New Orleans this weekend.
Random question. (Personal disclosure: I think gay sex is disgusting but to each their own so if men want to do it more power to them.) The rave for young women is to 'experiment' with their sexuality and if that means hooking up with a girl or two that's fine and it does not mean you are a lesbian. Being bi-sexual is cool if you will (for women).

For a (married or not) dude, does wanting some dick on occassion automatically make them gay or can dudes be bisexual too?

I just ate breakfast and can feel it starting to come up from even writing that question.

P.S. - USC starts their march to New Orleans this weekend.

There have not been alot of really good studies on bi-sexuality. There have been some studies that have been done on sexual orientation. The following exerpt is from a report at this site :http://ipgcounseling.com/bisexuality_in_women.html

Bell and Weinberg (1978) report that only about half of gay men and half of gay women rate their feelings as exclusively gay. Hyde (1982), in interpreting data from both the Kinsey surveys of the 1940s and the Hunt survey of the 1970s, estimates that behaviorally, about 75% of men and 85% of women are exclusively heterosexual, 2% of men and less than 1% of women are exclusively homosexual, and nearly 25% of men and 15% of women are behaviorally bisexual. Bell and Weinberg (1978) report that nearly all of their samples of gay men and women have had behavioral heterosexual experience, and estimate that one-third of men and an even higher percentage of lesbians exhibit what they call a "partial bisexual style": i.e., attractions and behavior that are somewhat heterosexual. Moreover even their "heterosexual" control group, only three-quarters of the males and 90% of the women were exclusively behaviorally heterosexual! The "Playboy Sex Survey" (Playboy, 1983) found that 3% of males and 1% of females identified themselves as bisexual, and Klein (1980), in a Forum magazine survey, found that 56% of his respondents identified themselves as bisexual, with more men than women reporting this bisexual orientation.
5% of them gay sex scandals!

Well there are almost 50 Repub senators and 200 house members, so far we have seen Foley (one house member) and Senator Craig (if indeed he did what was alleged by this solitary accuser based only on his own testimony).
That equals under 10%, actually under 1%.

Nice to see that Foley was forced out of office and GOP senators calling for Craig gone, does anyone remember Dems calling for Dems in sex scandals to resign or forcing them out? Nope.
Alex just makes up numbers and hypes them like the media.
Also Alex as I recall you are married and had some gay scandal of your own? Remember that?
Well there are almost 50 Repub senators and 200 house members, so far we have seen Foley (one house member) and Senator Craig (if indeed he did what was alleged by this solitary accuser based only on his own testimony).
That equals under 10%, actually under 1%.

Nice to see that Foley was forced out of office and GOP senators calling for Craig gone, does anyone remember Dems calling for Dems in sex scandals to resign or forcing them out? Nope.

Umm he said senators.. Only 100 of those as I recall dano.

Dano impaled on his own skewer yet again.
Umm umm more ladies for us straight guys.

But the dems are not so hypocritical about it, that is the issue here.
It is no fun to bash a politician that admits to being gay.
But the ones that head up anti gay movements and such.....

Like has been reported about the latest case (by gay and straight alike) It's not about the sex, but about the lack of honesty.
Bad people get in under the radar with good folks and do bad things while trying to present themselves otherwise. Watch out. I'm not saying that republicans are the "good guys" and the democrats are "the bad." I'm saying that there are good ones in both parties and bad ones try to get a piece of the action.

By the way, if I could vote for president today I'd vote for Huckabee. He hasn't a chance but right now he would be my choice out of either party's list of candidates.
Huckabee? Shirley, you jest.

He's dead wrong about abortion, same-sex marriage (he even opposes "civil unions" which is, like, really extreme), and the death penalty. He supports the war against Iraq and teaching Creationism instead of science.

In short, he's a damned Southern Baptist preacher and I wouldn't vote for him if he were running against Karl Rove.
Huckabee? Shirley, you jest.

He's dead wrong about abortion, same-sex marriage (he even opposes "civil unions" which is, like, really extreme), and the death penalty. He supports the war against Iraq and teaching Creationism instead of science.

In short, he's a damned Southern Baptist preacher and I wouldn't vote for him if he were running against Karl Rove.

Nope. No jesting here. I am even more conservative than a Southern Baptist when it comes to what I consider to be moral issues. I oppose the republicans on most of their "help the top and let the bottom fight over the scraps" mentality and I oppose most national democrats on their stance of the moral issues. Hucakbee is a good middle of the road fellow (as pertains to money and taxes and public service) who isn't tied to corporate America like most republicans. He happens to support my views on the other side of the agenda slip also. But number 1 to me is that he has proved to be nothing short of honest as I witnessed the things accomplished in his state just a few miles from where I live. I also saw folks fighting against him tooth and nail as he tried to improve roads and education over there. The only thing I disagreed with him on was his push for healthy school snacks because of the obesity problem. I think he had a heart attack and decided to try to make everyone eat cardboard.:)
Umm he said senators.. Only 100 of those as I recall dano.

Dano impaled on his own skewer yet again.
Whoops, fine then, change that to 2%, I'm still much closer than Alex and his exxagerated claim. Not to mention the fact that it's kind of stupid to mention percentages when we are talking about one individual.