10% of Republican Senators involved in SEX SCANDALS...

Compelled to defend the underdog??

Damo, when we liberals were totally outnumbered on Politics.com years ago, did you rush in to defend Desh or USC? ;)

not that I can recall. Damo has crept a bit out of the closet since the old school came over from FP.
Nope. No jesting here. I am even more conservative than a Southern Baptist when it comes to what I consider to be moral issues. I oppose the republicans on most of their "help the top and let the bottom fight over the scraps" mentality and I oppose most national democrats on their stance of the moral issues. Hucakbee is a good middle of the road fellow (as pertains to money and taxes and public service) who isn't tied to corporate America like most republicans. He happens to support my views on the other side of the agenda slip also. But number 1 to me is that he has proved to be nothing short of honest as I witnessed the things accomplished in his state just a few miles from where I live. I also saw folks fighting against him tooth and nail as he tried to improve roads and education over there. The only thing I disagreed with him on was his push for healthy school snacks because of the obesity problem. I think he had a heart attack and decided to try to make everyone eat cardboard.:)

See, there really is such a thing as too much diversity. And people think I'm joking when I say I want California to secede . . . .
I changed my avitar to try and suck up some more to damo.
Umm and I will throw in a gore sucks or two just for good measure.
It's because Damo feels the need to defend those he believes are being ganged up on, or made to feel unwanted.

He has never, once, defended me. Ever. But you will see him run in to defend certain people whose names I won't mention but say their initials were something like RS.

But I take that as a compliment. Damo, probably partly because he is a buddhist and partly because this is his board, feels compelled to defend the underdog. I guess it's obvious that I can take care of myself, and don't need any help, and certainly, that I dont get to feeling unwanted around here.

You should take it as a compliment too usc.
It could also be that there are many who already work to "defend" you.

I just can't let math mistakes go without correcting them. It is one of the reasons I spent so much time trying to explain to Dixie about 1/3.
It could also be that there are many who already work to "defend" you.

I just can't let math mistakes go without correcting them. It is one of the reasons I spent so much time trying to explain to Dixie about 1/3.

So you punish me because I'm popular?


I don't care! I am just giving my view of the whole thing.
Compelled to defend the underdog??

Damo, when we liberals were totally outnumbered on Politics.com years ago, did you rush in to defend Desh or USC? ;)
Yes. I did. Especially against the "Unamerican" crap. I consistently stated that if you believed the war was wrong and immoral it wasn't only patriotic, but your duty to protest.
Alex just makes up numbers and hypes them like the media.
Also Alex as I recall you are married and had some gay scandal of your own? Remember that?

I am married, to a woman. Ive never been involved in any scandal.
Yes. I did. Especially against the "Unamerican" crap. I consistently stated that if you believed the war was wrong and immoral it wasn't only patriotic, but your duty to protest.

I was just jerking your chain. Your pretty fair, even if your bush-apolgist side shows up sometimes. ;)
Had a conversation in the library the other day with a YD democrat and tried to point out that not everything Bush has done was wrong or ended up being bad for the country. Got myself called a republican.
Had a conversation in the library the other day with a YD democrat and tried to point out that not everything Bush has done was wrong or ended up being bad for the country. Got myself called a republican.

That's harsh. Though I must admit, at times I am pressed when forced to consider any good Bush may have done. People always bring up the fact that he worked with Ted Kennedy on No Child Left Behind, but I'm not a big Kennedy fan, and I hate that law.

He's done some things to encourage hybrids. I guess that's something positive...
I cant think of much...

Got people past worrying if a canidate did drugs when he/she was young and stupid...
Had a conversation in the library the other day with a YD democrat and tried to point out that not everything Bush has done was wrong or ended up being bad for the country. Got myself called a republican.

darn Libraries are full of those liberal types. you know republicans don't read don't ya :)