100 Days, 100 Mistakes!

LOW. Beginning with Reagan in the USA the word "liberal" has been amligned to an extreme extent by the right. I have actually heard "Christian" pastors equare Liberal and Satan....

It just does not seem very American to me.
So, what did you think of Obama's pastor of 20 plus years and what he said about the white man?

LOW. Beginning with Reagan in the USA the word "liberal" has been amligned to an extreme extent by the right. I have actually heard "Christian" pastors equare Liberal and Satan....

It just does not seem very American to me.
And I what?
You are using words that exist, in the meaning you intend, only in the US. In most societies the word 'liberal' is a word of which people are proud. It stands for freedom, society, responsibility.
You have much in common with Humpty Dumpty and as such are almost entirely incomprehensible.
You will soon see the error of your ways. Your banks, for instance will be nationalised before the end of summer and those that are not will have gone to the wall since in general they are insolvent.
Don't tell me I'm talking rubbish now. Wait until August/September and then tell me .... if you can!

IF the banks are nationalized, it will be because the liberal socialist administration wants them to be, not because conservatives caused them to be. Let's keep in perspective, the reason the banks are in trouble now... It's not because of conservative initiatives of deregulation, it is because of liberals taking advantage of deregulation and passing a bunch of legislation to force banks into giving loans to people who couldn't afford to repay them.

In the US (which is where we are), the word "liberal" is apparently nothing to be proud of. Most liberals here, prefer to be called "progressives" instead. It doesn't stand for freedom, society, or responsibility here, it stands for socialist fascism, gay marriage and abortion on demand. Every policy suggested or proposed by liberals, have at their core, the Karl Marx philosophy of "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (AKA: Robbing from the rich to give to the poor.)

Liberals run screaming from the label "Socialist" but that is the philosophy they espouse. It's almost as if they want to say.... let's be socialists, do socialist things, adopt socialist policies, advocate socialism, and mold our system after a socialist system, but...hey... can't we call it something else?
IF the banks are nationalized, it will be because the liberal socialist administration wants them to be, not because conservatives caused them to be. Let's keep in perspective, the reason the banks are in trouble now... It's not because of conservative initiatives of deregulation, it is because of liberals taking advantage of deregulation and passing a bunch of legislation to force banks into giving loans to people who couldn't afford to repay them.

In the US (which is where we are), the word "liberal" is apparently nothing to be proud of. Most liberals here, prefer to be called "progressives" instead. It doesn't stand for freedom, society, or responsibility here, it stands for socialist fascism, gay marriage and abortion on demand. Every policy suggested or proposed by liberals, have at their core, the Karl Marx philosophy of "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (AKA: Robbing from the rich to give to the poor.)

Liberals run screaming from the label "Socialist" but that is the philosophy they espouse. It's almost as if they want to say.... let's be socialists, do socialist things, adopt socialist policies, advocate socialism, and mold our system after a socialist system, but...hey... can't we call it something else?

Excellent post. Except for your homophobia.
IF the banks are nationalized, it will be because the liberal socialist administration wants them to be, not because conservatives caused them to be. Let's keep in perspective, the reason the banks are in trouble now... It's not because of conservative initiatives of deregulation, it is because of liberals taking advantage of deregulation and passing a bunch of legislation to force banks into giving loans to people who couldn't afford to repay them.

In the US (which is where we are), the word "liberal" is apparently nothing to be proud of. Most liberals here, prefer to be called "progressives" instead. It doesn't stand for freedom, society, or responsibility here, it stands for socialist fascism, gay marriage and abortion on demand. Every policy suggested or proposed by liberals, have at their core, the Karl Marx philosophy of "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (AKA: Robbing from the rich to give to the poor.)

Liberals run screaming from the label "Socialist" but that is the philosophy they espouse. It's almost as if they want to say.... let's be socialists, do socialist things, adopt socialist policies, advocate socialism, and mold our system after a socialist system, but...hey... can't we call it something else?

WooHoo! That Dixie is/was a fine and pointed bit of descriptive prose about our stupidly and undeservedly elitist half of America :)
Excellent post. Except for your homophobia.

No homophobic at all. Low said across the pond they are proud of liberalism, it stands for society.... Here, it stands for Gay Marriage and ramming that down society's throat against its will, through liberal judicial activism. Fuck Society!

I actually think I have as many gay friends as straight ones, not sure about that, but it's close. My personal feeling are, whatever cranks your tractor, I don't care. It makes no difference in how I see you as a person, or how I treat you. I am an advocate for Civil Unions, because I believe gay couples should have the same benefits/opportunities as their straight counterparts. I don't support "gay marriage" because it's an oxymoron. I don't advocate changing a primarily religious institution and redefining it based on sexual lifestyle... I think it opens a really ugly can of worms society doesn't want to open. I've made my case for this before, and it has nothing to do with fearing gay people or hating gays.

Your reply is typical for you. Rather than being honest, and posting sincerely, you had rather try to interject some slam on me, or make some off-the-wall remark which is totally devoid of reality.
IF the banks are nationalized, it will be because the liberal socialist administration wants them to be, not because conservatives caused them to be. Let's keep in perspective, the reason the banks are in trouble now... It's not because of conservative initiatives of deregulation, it is because of liberals taking advantage of deregulation and passing a bunch of legislation to force banks into giving loans to people who couldn't afford to repay them.

In the US (which is where we are), the word "liberal" is apparently nothing to be proud of. Most liberals here, prefer to be called "progressives" instead. It doesn't stand for freedom, society, or responsibility here, it stands for socialist fascism, gay marriage and abortion on demand. Every policy suggested or proposed by liberals, have at their core, the Karl Marx philosophy of "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (AKA: Robbing from the rich to give to the poor.)

Liberals run screaming from the label "Socialist" but that is the philosophy they espouse. It's almost as if they want to say.... let's be socialists, do socialist things, adopt socialist policies, advocate socialism, and mold our system after a socialist system, but...hey... can't we call it something else?

Your banks are insolvent. There will be no private money to bail them out. Your government is the only body that can save them. They cannot be allowed to fail totally.
Once again, you wouldn't know socialism if one were giving you the time of your life. As an American you have ZERO experience of socialism. ZERO experience of left of centre politics. ZERO experience of how more civilised nations than yours run their affairs. Find out what socialism means before either misusing the term or condemning it.
And relearn the meaning of liberal. You are being led around by loonies with an extreme right wing agenda. One of the easiest ways to manipulate populations is by changing the meanings of words.
Okay, try to comprehend this... I'll type it extra slowly....

People who oppose your liberal socialist party, are not impartial. Those who are impartial, mostly voted for and support Obama, because they are too profoundly stupid to be partial. These people are incapable of compiling a list of Obama's 100 mistakes in his first 100 days, because they are incompetent.

So the notion that only impartial third-party conveyors of information, can legitimately criticize Obama, is unrealistic and unacceptable. We live in a democratic society, where everyone gets to have a voice, including those you disagree with. Also, the JACKASS is the official symbol of the Liberal Socialist Party!


Ahh, bring back the good old days of gw bush and his cadre of patriotic governmental thinkers. The sun will, once again, rise on this country and return those wonderful times of peace, prosperity, mutual understanding, and brotherly love.................barf.
Not a patch on the most ridiculed president you have ever had, heh?
Let me tell you something, lady. Bush so screwed your nation in his eight 'hilarious' years that you became the least trusted, the least respected, the most reviled of all the so-called civilised nations.
Don't give a shit? Neither did bush and that is why you are where you are.
From a non American view point Obama is no where near the world threat that bush was and as such.... NOW READ THIS SLOWLY:
We, the rest of the world, are more likely to buy your products (should you decide to make anything we wanted), more likely to suppport your foreign policies and more likely to spend our currency visiting you as spending tourists.Now, if you can't see that then you need to admit that you really are a dumb, redneck yank. May you harvest all that you sow.

Frankly, I don't give a shit what you think about my country.
IF the banks are nationalized, it will be because the liberal socialist administration wants them to be, not because conservatives caused them to be. Let's keep in perspective, the reason the banks are in trouble now... It's not because of conservative initiatives of deregulation, it is because of liberals taking advantage of deregulation and passing a bunch of legislation to force banks into giving loans to people who couldn't afford to repay them.

In the US (which is where we are), the word "liberal" is apparently nothing to be proud of. Most liberals here, prefer to be called "progressives" instead. It doesn't stand for freedom, society, or responsibility here, it stands for socialist fascism, gay marriage and abortion on demand. Every policy suggested or proposed by liberals, have at their core, the Karl Marx philosophy of "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (AKA: Robbing from the rich to give to the poor.)

Liberals run screaming from the label "Socialist" but that is the philosophy they espouse. It's almost as if they want to say.... let's be socialists, do socialist things, adopt socialist policies, advocate socialism, and mold our system after a socialist system, but...hey... can't we call it something else?

I agree with Low. You just don't know what socialism is. Anything that's not utter fascism and despotism you just label "socialist", or ironically "fascist". The end result has been you labeling moderatism socialism, and the American public not seeing the word "socialist" in a bad light anymore because you've associated socialism with all the good things about government (you oppose all good things).
But dixie, it was republicanny types that created the bogus securitization schemes which multiplied the effects of bogus mortgages many times.

And It was republicanny types that wanted the deregulation to use mortgages in financial schemes such as this.

of course, the very idea of government backing, is democraticcy.

These two have worked hand in hand to bring American Fascism into full incarnation.
Once again, you wouldn't know socialism if one were giving you the time of your life. As an American you have ZERO experience of socialism. ZERO experience of left of centre politics. ZERO experience of how more civilised nations than yours run their affairs. Find out what socialism means before either misusing the term or condemning it.

Yes I do know what Socialism is, and I know that countless Americans are buried forever on European soil, because they gave their lives to liberate Europe (twice) from Socialist dictatorships. As for civilized nations, you'd be hard pressed to find a more civilized nation than the US, and it's certainly not the UK, they haven't even discovered oral hygiene yet.

You are typical of an idiot left-wing pinhead who embraces Socialism. No one can argue with you, no one can question your judgment, and past world history means absolutely nothing to you. For whatever reason, you believe, despite the dismal results every time it has ever been tried, that Socialism is the way to go! Nothing can convince you otherwise, because you fucking read something in a book one time.

Isn't it apparent to everyone, that Socialist governments always end up as tyrant dictatorial regimes? Did you ever wonder why that is? It's because when you remove capitalist incentives, you effectively eliminate class and competition. Without class and competition, everyone is the same, has the same things, and will never have anything more. The only delineation of power in such a society, is found in who controls political power. So, instead of having liberty and freedom and a competitive population of various classes, you have one class of people, and their rulers. With this template, you will ultimately end up with a tyrant dictator as a ruler, it's human nature.
Public/Private Partnership = Fascism.

I learned something yesterday, that corporation were suppose to be limited to 35 years and if by that time they had not accomplished their goals they were to be dissolved!

I don't think that is what happened.

Fascinating stuff.
Frankly, I don't give a shit what you think about my country.

Most unfortunate, we are world players and should respect world opinion.

I think your attitude, like GWB is what got us in trouble with the world and why they think they need to attack us.

Teenagers have this attitude towards their parents. America has been compared to a teenager. We are a young society compared to most others.