100 Days, 100 Mistakes!

Not a patch on the most ridiculed president you have ever had, heh?
Let me tell you something, lady. Bush so screwed your nation in his eight 'hilarious' years that you became the least trusted, the least respected, the most reviled of all the so-called civilised nations.
Don't give a shit? Neither did bush and that is why you are where you are.
From a non American view point Obama is no where near the world threat that bush was and as such.... NOW READ THIS SLOWLY:
We, the rest of the world, are more likely to buy your products (should you decide to make anything we wanted), more likely to suppport your foreign policies and more likely to spend our currency visiting you as spending tourists.Now, if you can't see that then you need to admit that you really are a dumb, redneck yank. May you harvest all that you sow.

You don't understand the mentality of a red neck like Dixie. He would prefer to build a wall around Alabama and flood the rest of the world. He could care less about anything you just stated.
Most unfortunate, we are world players and should respect world opinion.

I think your attitude, like GWB is what got us in trouble with the world and why they think they need to attack us.

Teenagers have this attitude towards their parents. America has been compared to a teenager. We are a young society compared to most others.

yet our general principles of freedom had made us the most advanced and strongest society on earth, that is until the internationalist disciples of Nimrod have hoodwinked us to re-embrace the Old World totalitarianism and elitism.
yet our general principles of freedom had made us the most advanced and strongest society on earth, that is until the internationalist disciples of Nimrod have hoodwinked us to re-embrace the Old World totalitarianism and elitism.

Down big fella! Down! Here....here's a bowl of pudding and a plastic spoon to eat it with. :)

Now see what you done Froggie? Ya went and got the Zombie all excited.
Not a patch on the most ridiculed president you have ever had, heh?
Let me tell you something, lady...

See what I mean, Dixie. When you use a woman's name for your stupid screen name, everyone thinks you are a woman!!

We can't be expected to know that you are celebrating the Plebe States, because we all know they suck and wouldn't expect anyone to celebrate them in their screen name.
yet our general principles of freedom had made us the most advanced and strongest society on earth, that is until the internationalist disciples of Nimrod have hoodwinked us to re-embrace the Old World totalitarianism and elitism.

In the early days we tended more towards isolationism. Do you feel we need to return to those days? Maybe noninterventionist would be better, huh?

We still have to trade, what would you do different? You must like Thomas Paine? and as we know, Teddy!
In the early days we tended more towards isolationism. Do you feel we need to return to those days? Maybe noninterventionist would be better, huh?

We still have to trade, what would you do different? You must like Thomas Paine? and as we know, Teddy!

I believe free trade should be limited to partners with a comparable view of human and individual rights. Free trade was not meant to include totalitarian nations who enslave their populations. Human slavery was never intended to be a "comparative advantage", to use the terminology of the facists. Our government and corporations have melded together in a fascistic cabal and they are determined to destroy the american middle class. The new internationlist fascist movement appeals to the conservative assholes because it;s anti-labor, and it appeals to the wacky left because it's anti-american.
I believe free trade should be limited to partners with a comparable view of human and individual rights. Free trade was not meant to include totalitarian nations who enslave their populations. Human slavery was never intended to be a "comparative advantage", to use the terminology of the facists. Our government and corporations have melded together in a fascistic cabal and they are determined to destroy the american middle class. The new internationlist fascist movement appeals to the conservative assholes because it;s anti-labor, and it appeals to the wacky left because it's anti-american.

Fair trade is what you support. My girlfriend and her organization toured the world promoting it until she was diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer, she didn't practice prevenative medicine and she should, but she does now!
100 Days, 100 Mistakes!

Wow... talk about being liberal! Only 100 mistakes? Are they kidding? Barack Obama makes at least 100 mistakes before lunch every day! You can tell he even expects himself to make continuous mistakes, he can't complete a sentence without abusing the words "uh" and "uhm," or having to constantly go back and say what he should have said to begin with.

And I what?
You are using words that exist, in the meaning you intend, only in the US. In most societies the word 'liberal' is a word of which people are proud. It stands for freedom, society, responsibility.
You have much in common with Humpty Dumpty and as such are almost entirely incomprehensible.
You will soon see the error of your ways. Your banks, for instance will be nationalised before the end of summer and those that are not will have gone to the wall since in general they are insolvent.
Don't tell me I'm talking rubbish now. Wait until August/September and then tell me .... if you can!
If you need a translator you came to the wrong place.
100 Days, 100 Mistakes!

Wow... talk about being liberal! Only 100 mistakes? Are they kidding? Barack Obama makes at least 100 mistakes before lunch every day! You can tell he even expects himself to make continuous mistakes, he can't complete a sentence without abusing the words "uh" and "uhm," or having to constantly go back and say what he should have said to begin with.

he makes about a thousand mistakes everytime he talks to any of those evil liberals, it just makes me sick and my head spin a little. in alaska we would shove him down a polar bear hole and make lite work of him. i didn't live in any liberalfied anchorage.
Hi froggie.

he makes about a thousand mistakes everytime he talks to any of those evil liberals, it just makes me sick and my head spin a little. in alaska we would shove him down a polar bear hole and make lite work of him. i didn't live in any liberalfied anchorage.