12-year-old Rhode Island boy suspended for bringing 2-inch gun keychain


[h=1]12-year-old Rhode Island boy suspended for bringing 2-inch gun keychain - just bigger than a coin - to school[/h] [h=2]Joseph Lyssikatos said he was suspended for three days after the novelty pistol - which he won at a local arcade - fell out of his backpack during class at Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School in Coventry on Thursday. His mother, Bonnie Bonanno, was outraged at the punishment - which included the seventh-grader being banned from a school trip at the end of the month.[/h]

A 12-year-old boy was suspended from a Rhode Island middle school after a gun keychain — just bigger than the size of a quarter — dropped out of his backpack during class.

Joseph Lyssikatos said a classmate scooped the novelty pistol from the ground and began showing it to other students at Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School in Coventry when a teacher confiscated it on Thursday.

“I didn’t know that (there) was anything wrong with it,” the seventh-grader told NBC 10 News. Lyssikatos was suspended for three days and banned from a class field trip to Salem at the end of the month.

The boy’s mother, Bonnie Bonanno, was outraged at the punishment. “That’s disgraceful,” said the woman, adding that the suspension alone was “enough for him mentally.”

School officials declined to comment, but gave the news station a copy of its zero-tolerance policy, which states that suspensions are determined by the principal.

Lyssikatos’ family said the school’s behavior specialist issued the suspension — who, along with the principal and the superintendent, won’t return their calls.



Common sense has completely left the public schools....
Stupid rules are stupid, Desh. This is blatantly idiotic. Kind of reminiscent of that dangerous pop-tart.
it is a complete ban.

that way there is NO squishy sides to the issue.

The kids know exactly what they cant bring to school.

ANYTHING that looks like a weapon.
it is a complete ban.

that way there is NO squishy sides to the issue.

The kids know exactly what they cant bring to school.

ANYTHING that looks like a weapon.

It's idiotic, and only the truly mental would think it wasn't. Zero tolerance policies lead to zero brain engaged "leadership", I for one prefer that schools be run by people who are allowed to actually think.
when you are dealing with kids clairity is important.

how easy is it to understand "If it looks like a weapon don't bring it to school"?

what you want is confusing to kids.

Sometimes in life you make a mistake and have to pay the societal price for that mistake.

man up
when you are dealing with kids clairity is important.

how easy is it to understand "If it looks like a weapon don't bring it to school"?

what you want is confusing to kids.

Sometimes in life you make a mistake and have to pay the societal price for that mistake.

man up

Bull, even a kindergartner can tell the difference between a keychain and a weapon, Desh. When dealing with Administration you must force them to think or they'll start pushing zero-tolerance policy so they no longer have to. Time to stop allowing them to pass responsibility this way... "But the rule says so!" Yeah, those were my "orders"....

This is Expert Level Moron.
it is easy as hell to understand things that look like weapons don't belong at a school.

IT is good teaching.

I cant believe how confused you are by life
it is easy as hell to understand things that look like weapons don't belong at a school.

IT is good teaching.

I cant believe how confused you are by life

It's easy as hell to understand that a pop-tart isn't dangerous, as well as a key chain.

I can't believe how you think people could be "confused" and think the key chain "looks like" an actual weapon. Are you really that moronic and just think everybody else would be?

Teaching people that they must follow the rules without thought isn't good teaching, it wasn't even a good defense against criminal behavior during war.
a copy of its zero-tolerance policy, which states that suspensions are determined by the principal.

Lyssikatos’ family said the school’s behavior specialist issued the suspension — who, along with the principal and the superintendent, won’t return their calls.
nobody knows nothing, we're all just slaves to a rule even though it is open for some interpretive enforcement.

Ya. i remember the "dangerous pop tart" too. Modern America =Ship of Fools.
it makes it VERY clear to children what they cant bring to school.

Why does that trouble you so?

So would a rule against weapons, Desh. As well as hiring people who actually would be willing to take responsibility, think, and make decisions rather than morons who just say, "Those were my orders. And they are good!"

This isn't good policy, it really is just Expert Level Moron.
guns don't belong at schools.

schools are for learning NOT intimidating others with the threat of violence.

with an easy to understand policy the rules are easier to follow.

No one is saying they cant OWN them are they.

They are saying the School is NOT the place to bring them
guns don't belong at schools.

A keychain isn't a gun, even you know that.

schools are for learning NOT intimidating others with the threat of violence.
There was no threat of violence inherent in a keychain, even you know that.

with a easy to understand policy the rules are easier to follow.
And "just following orders" is easy to do, but it doesn't mean it is right.

No one is saying they cant OWN them are they.

They are saying the School is NOT the place to bring them
And they are utilizing Expert Level Moron powers of "rational" thought that ends and begins with, "But that's what I was told to do!"

It's idiotic, that we would spend money and energy making up "zero tolerance" nonsense that makes a keychain something that a kid can lose part of an education over is yet more idiotic, that we'd do it because some idiot liberal actually thinks a keychain would make some kid think they are threatened is unbelievably moronic.
what you want is to make it confusing for all.

do you know there are guns that small that actually shoot?