12-year-old Rhode Island boy suspended for bringing 2-inch gun keychain

you don't need something that looks like a weapon at school.

There is this thing called common sense... but you are devoid of it, so I guess it would be futile to explain it to you.

That said... what was the purpose of banning the kid from the field trip on top of the suspension?
There is this thing called common sense... but you are devoid of it, so I guess it would be futile to explain it to you.

That said... what was the purpose of banning the kid from the field trip on top of the suspension?

He had a keychain, dammit. And they were just following orders! Please don't engage your brain, that's "bad" education!
guns that small can shoot.

you just pretending that is not true?

Who is saying there aren't guns that small? Tell us Desh... WHO? Why do you continue to LIE about what others are saying?

There is this thing called common sense... but you are devoid of it, so I guess it would be futile to explain it to you.

That said... what was the purpose of banning the kid from the field trip on top of the suspension?
Any kid that would carry something like that has bad intentions and a bad attitude. He should have been suspended.

it looks the same as the gun the kid brought huh

Who is saying there aren't guns that small? Tell us Desh... WHO? Why do you continue to LIE about what others are saying?

There is this thing called common sense... but you are devoid of it, so I guess it would be futile to explain it to you.

That said... what was the purpose of banning the kid from the field trip on top of the suspension?
remember back when kids were being killed by police because of toy guns?

Who is saying there aren't guns that small? Tell us Desh... WHO? Why do you continue to LIE about what others are saying?

There is this thing called common sense... but you are devoid of it, so I guess it would be futile to explain it to you.

That said... what was the purpose of banning the kid from the field trip on top of the suspension?
Absolute rules are almost always ridiculous.

This one is no exception, the kid should be allowed to carry the key chain to school. If they had to, at the least, they should have simply told the kid not to bring it again, if he did they then should have simply called his parents, but to me that's going too far.
Absolute rules are almost always ridiculous.

This one is no exception, the kid should be allowed to carry the key chain to school. If they had to, at the least, they should have simply told the kid not to bring it again, if he did they then should have simply called his parents, but to me that's going too far.

agreed. Even if a person were to take the zero tolerance rule and enforce it... I still don't get why the kid was not only suspended, but then also banned from the field trip later in the month.
"Zero tolerance" rules are a garbage that views everyone like drones and relieves administrators and law makers of doing their jobs....examining each individual and their situation fairly and based on the actual circumstances.

And it relieves them of responsibility.....they cant be blamed when "everyone' is treated the same.

It's mass market authority.
it is a complete ban.

that way there is NO squishy sides to the issue.

The kids know exactly what they cant bring to school.

ANYTHING that looks like a weapon.

Kids have been disciplined and suspended for making 'finger gun' gestures when playing with other kids.

Our society is becoming mindless. Remove decision-making capability from life and people will stop knowing how to make decisions. They will just expect everything to be spelled out for them, unable differentiate between actual danger fantasy, important and unimportant, significant and insignificant. This might very well be happening now with video games.

It's ridiculous to punish kids for play at school (that harms no one) when they see guns constantly on TV and probably are playing video games with them at home. Good guys have guns too, cops, soldiers.
guns don't belong at schools.

schools are for learning NOT intimidating others with the threat of violence.

with an easy to understand policy the rules are easier to follow.

No one is saying they cant OWN them are they.

They are saying the School is NOT the place to bring them

Any kid intimidated by a key chain is the one that needs some counseling. His perceptions of reality need some guidance. However, I'd say that there would be very very few kids that would be.
The kid was obviously going bad anyway if he carries that kind of thing. He's obviously been raised to slobber over guns and that will lead to trouble sooner or later. He was looking for a reaction and he got what he was looking for.

It's a case of a good non-gun owner stopping a bad gun lover.
what if that gun were real and was ignored as a toy and someone got shot?

Like Damocles and I have said....you keep removing the need for people...teachers and kids...to use their brains and they will stop using them. Nothing wrong with examining each case as it arises. It's called responsibility. Not passing the buck so you dont have to be bothered.
guns that small can shoot.

you just pretending that is not true?

It's not true. Good luck with that. And I've seen this discussed before....flat guns do not fire.

It could be a life-size pic of a gun drawn on paper too. Or finger guns. Kids still get suspended. Are people 'fooled' by those too?
agreed. Even if a person were to take the zero tolerance rule and enforce it... I still don't get why the kid was not only suspended, but then also banned from the field trip later in the month.

I suspect there is more to this story, there usually is. Its like the McDonalds verdict.
Stupid rules are stupid, Desh. This is blatantly idiotic. Kind of reminiscent of that dangerous pop-tart.

Then perhaps the outraged mother should take it up with her LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD instead of whining about her son getting in trouble for NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES.