$14 trillion

The amount we have spent on war and fighting terrorism, it is staggering when you think of all the great things that money could have done for the USA.

Sadly, this expense has been rolled up in the typical, Washington DC/ Christopher Columbus method:

We didn't know where we were going when we started.

We never did find the place we were trying to get to.

We did the whole thing with someone else's money.

We declared success at every opportunity.
The amount we have spent on war and fighting terrorism, it is staggering when you think of all the great things that money could have done for the USA.


$22 trillion. The amount we've wasted fighting the war on poverty. It's staggering when you think of all the money the freeloaders got that another person actually had to go out and earn. The end result is we still have the same percentage of freeloaders today as we did BEFORE that $22 was wasted.
Sadly, this expense has been rolled up in the typical, Washington DC/ Christopher Columbus method:

We didn't know where we were going when we started.

We never did find the place we were trying to get to.

We did the whole thing with someone else's money.

We declared success at every opportunity.

"We"? Is that a pig in your pocket?
That wasn't 30 years ago, we are talking the last 30 years.

Assad's dad destroyed Hama back in 1982, he killed over 40 thousand people in the process in just over a month. I'll guarantee that you've never heard about it!! I doubt that it is a much of a conversation maker in Texas knitting circles. I only tell you this because there are many people think militant Islam only came about in the 90s!!

His son said in 2011 that Syria gained a 30 year respite from militant Islam. He also said that he'd have to kill a million to get 100 years.

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Was it our fault that the Axis Powers made war on us in 1941, and we had to spend a fortune fighting them?

Was it our fault that moron right wing chicken hawks responded to a terrorist attack by Saudi nationals aided by the Afghanistan government by invading a country that had nothing to do with the attack and was not a clear and present danger to our national security?
No...the Catholic Church and its crusades and colonial conquest were.

Crusades started 370 years after Islam started attacking. Also, I am holding as my prize, the West. This is my primary object of cheering for the Greeks over the Persians and Europe over the Muslims, etc. But, go ahead and make excuses for Islam, because it will absolutely change Muslim behavior.
Was it our fault that moron right wing chicken hawks responded to a terrorist attack by Saudi nationals aided by the Afghanistan government by invading a country that had nothing to do with the attack and was not a clear and present danger to our national security?

Interesting fact. Many on the left that called what Bush said a lie said exactly the same thing BEFORE Bush was elected. Why did it suddenly become a lie when Bush said it but perfectly OK with the left when their own said it?
The amount we have spent on war and fighting terrorism, it is staggering when you think of all the great things that money could have done for the USA.


Consider the source....in not researching the information they are reporting as factual....FAKE NEWS from NBC...again.

Now the truth....documented, testable. Someone says is another cousin of Anonymous and Alleged. There is no documentation just an ad hominem accusation....why not 15 trillion, 16 trillion..etc.,?

You want to talk about spending or wasting money on a war? The US has spent some 22 Trillion on the War on Poverty since 1967....and the poverty index is exactly the same 14% as it was in 67. And the actual cost of all the wars the US has engaged since its inception? 1/3 the cost of the lefts war on poverty with US tax dollars. The 22 Trillion spent on Welfare...not including Medicare and Social Security....is 3 times more than the total cost of ALL THE WARS IN US HISTORY from the revolutionary war to this latest war on terror....COMBINED.

Looks like its time to call a cease fire on the War on Poverty...its a losing battle. Especially when the government keeps moving the bar in relation to what constitutes poverty in this nation....now someone is considered impoverished if they earn less than 40K a year and they have dependent children.

No the 14 trillion was pulled out of this characters ass...the actual inflation adjusted cost is somewhere around 6.8 trillion that has been spent on all the wars of US HISTORY COMBINED up to 2014....not just the past 30 years, 50 years 100 years...but 250 years. The left has wasted 3x more tax payer monies on its war on poverty over the past 50 years than the military has spent defending the US though acts of WAR over a 250 year period.

Documented and testable.....the numbers come from the US government itself. Simply prompt "references" at the end of this report from the heritage foundation. The data is actual...not jerked from anyones ass. If anyone can prove that one source of reference is not true....simply disprove the data coming from the US government itself.

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I know! Given their history I can't fathom how a Catholic can say that with a straight face.

Are you saying an individual Catholic parishioner is responsible or can be held accountable for what a priest did? Interesting how you consider all Catholics responsible for what some priests did viewing all of them bad because of a few. You do until the group is black, Muslim, the poor, etc.