Notice how the blame is placed on the 'right wing'? Half a truth = 1/1 a whole lie. Here are the democrats that supported the Iraq war in Oct. 2002, the one's that voted Yea on resolution 114...a 'joint' resolution that authorized military action against Iraq...there were 29 Yea votes on record in the Senate with the 107th Congress of the United States....among those 29 yea votes
BIDEN, CLINTON, DODD, FEINSTEIN, KERRY, REID, AND CRY BABY CHUCKY SCHUMER. In total in both houses....more than 100 democrats voted to allow military force in Iraq.
The left attempts to rationalize that vote by saying....THE CIA lied and mislead CIA is the best thing since sliced bread and anyone that does not accept the opinion presented by US intelligence is in bed with Russia.
It just depends on what the latest left wing cause of the day to whether you can trust the CIA. Today...the left wing cause is to de-legitimize the current administration that handed them their ass on Nov. 8, 2016. Anytime that Trump passes wind.....the lefts headlines read...TRUMP SHITS HIMSELF.