15 & 17, ‘filmed themselves gang raping woman, 36, and beating her to death in a park

Everything isn't about skin color, you know.

Although you do seem to have a point about CNN's selective coverage. Maybe they are driven by what they think their audience cares about.

Thats the whole point the thread!

When blacks do something very bad like this(gang raping and beating girl to death) on a different race its nary a peep

When a white shoots a black with a shotgun that is going for the gun or just hang a noose up somewhere its 24/7 on CNN with panels talking about what's wrong with America that this would happen
Couple of Points:
Almost all Large Cities are run by Democrats, so acting as if large cities run by Repubs is just pure BS.

Secondly the news source is channel 58 in Milwaukie, so to say it was not reported he is a Lie.

Thirdly I wonder why it is the OP always points to Blacks committing a crime and uses it to attack Dems, yet ignores any crimes committed by whites as if they do not exist, could there be an agenda there?

Fourth, if found guilty, and they will be, they should get the maximum punishment.

I don't wonder why. volsrock is a rabid racist and was trained like a dog to hate liberals.
No we should put them both in a cell and tell them the first one to rape and murder the other one will go free. Then when that one gets out we shoot the fucker in the back of the head. Filthy fucks.

You are obviously the same thing as they are, for being able to imagine that scenario while jerking yourself off with a pair of tweezers. You're fucking disgusting.
They need to die, not get fed and babysitted on decent people's money for 60 years.
This is bullshit!

why dont you go out and start killing blacks.......................................then all your problems will be solved.

start with the blacks in chicago.
why dont you go out and start killing blacks.......................................then all your problems will be solved.

start with the blacks in chicago.

In what way would that help the situation? Hmm? Dipshit?

What if I actually did that. Except ..what blacks in Chicago would I be killing?
What about the 9 others? Motherfucker! In my neighborhood, pieces of shit like that were tortured and fed to the sharks.

The law did nothing, so a group of neighborhood dudes that are all now dead took care of the miscreants. On a routine basis, even.
That group of neighborhood dudes was around 40% black. Real people with real morals, no matter what the fuck the law says.
I remember..
For instance, this one guy raped a 14 year old I had been sweet on and talking to.(when I was 15)...traumatized her for life. She probably thought he was me until he jumped in her window and raped her. Then the law let him off and he raped a hooker or 2..
Then he went bye bye. The place was better without him for sure. The law doesn't always work as it's supposed to.
I heard about what happened. He deserved it.
I guarantee his raping days are over. Damn, all those dudes are dead now, I wish there was someone in their place.
Has my generation failed?

Your generation failed fifty years ago. We're just waiting for the rest of you to die.