15 & 17, ‘filmed themselves gang raping woman, 36, and beating her to death in a park

Just for that..I'm never going away! And when I die, I'm gonna haunt you! WOoOOoOo!

I bet you did eat some of my money in the form of taxes paid for food stamps, boy!

Few left to get rid of to do what? Hmm? What's the master plan here?

Let's see..it can't have old people..and it can't have me..

What's this great plan, guy?
Also: Wtf kinda sick-ass plan can't allow older people to be around so we can learn from them?

The ball is in your court and in play now. ;)

I won't type too much because I know you don't brain too good.

The American conservative movement is dominated by old, white people, especially men. "Conservative" to most of these people is simply synonymous with resistance to progress. The sooner the rest of you die off, the sooner our progress can continue. I would not be surprised if my generation someday becomes viewed by the generations younger than I am as regressive as I view the generation older than I am. For now, I feel justified.
TWO teenagers are facing homicide charges after a woman was savagely raped and beaten to death by a gang of up to 11 boys.

Ee Lee, 36, was relaxing in a park when the teens dragged her under a tree, stripped and abused her in a sickening assault filmed on cell phones, prosecutors say.

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Kamare Lewis, 17, and Kevin Spencer, 15, each face a charges of first-degree intentional homicide, as party to a crime, and first-degree sexual assault.

Ee was found half-naked and barely breathing by a pond at Washington Library Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on September 16 last year.

She died days later in hospital due to blunt force trauma to her head.

Investigators say footage from the area shows 11 youths leaving the park on foot and on bicycles, one being Lewis.


In the large Democrat cities, civilization is finished. You can’t even relax in a public park without a high risk of being murdered by feral black POSs

trump supporters
I won't type too much because I know you don't brain too good.

The American conservative movement is dominated by old, white people, especially men. "Conservative" to most of these people is simply synonymous with resistance to progress. The sooner the rest of you die off, the sooner our progress can continue. I would not be surprised if my generation someday becomes viewed by the generations younger than I am as regressive as I view the generation older than I am. For now, I feel justified.

Progress to what? Communist serfdom, you fucktard?

Conserving freedoms that we enjoyed in America and would like to pass on to younger ones?

I bet you can't walk down the street with a .22 any time of day or night and be shooting wtf ever you want to as long as it's not someone else's or someone else and no bullets are pinging near people.

I could do that. I did that.
Could have shot raccoons, but I didn't.
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Lmfao you fucking retard. BTW you stupid fucking twat the difference is in my scenario neither of them is an innocent victim like the lady they raped and murdered. Go fuck yourself you piece of human debris

Yeah, that doesn't explain why you masturbate your toothpick dick while thinking about mentally disabled Asian women being raped and murdered by underage boys in public.

You're sick.
Yeah, that doesn't explain why you masturbate your toothpick dick while thinking about mentally disabled Asian women being raped and murdered by underage boys in public.

You're sick.

How do you know what size my dick is pervert? The fact is you don't give a shit about that poor lady because like all you leftist cunts you care only about the fucking narrative. How may times a day do you fuck your mother?
You can't "OK Boomer" me, motherfucker. I'm a wild card.

Here's a song for your candy ass:

Probably hits a trigger or 2 fer ya! :D

I've never really gotten into metal. You might have noticed that I speak better English than most of the American native English speakers in this forum and in the US at large. That's not an accident.
Progress to what? Communist serfdom, you fucktard?

Conserving freedoms that we enjoyed in America and would like to pass on to younger ones?

I bet you can't walk down the street with a .22 any time of day or night and be shooting wtf ever you want to as long as it's not someone else's or someone else and no bullets are pinging near people.

I could do that. I did that.
Could have shot raccoons, but I didn't.

Progress toward the American ideal. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -- unimpeded by jealous, greedy racists and wealth hoarders. The fact that you don't even understand the concept of social progress is the greatest exhibit I could offer as evidence that people like you are just in the way.
How do you know what size my dick is pervert? The fact is you don't give a shit about that poor lady because like all you leftist cunts you care only about the fucking narrative. How may times a day do you fuck your mother?

I don't give a shit about the lady? Do you know what a straw man fallacy is? :laugh:
Why do things like this happen?

60 years in prison?! If convicted, they should be hanged by the neck, publicly in their neighborhood ,until dead within 2 weeks after a guilty verdict.

They didn't give her 3 hots and a cot for 60 years. AND raped her and beat her to death.

This is a hanging offense, IMO.

This thing needs to change. Why should taxpayers have to feed these pieces of shit in prison for 60 years? Meanwhile, they make it more dangerous for non-violent offenders that end up in prison.
Fuck that! Hang them pieces of shit!

Violent rape (like this) , robbery (this is subjective) , murderers (they were), and pedos all need hanged within 2 weeks of conviction/sentencing.

Hang them by their balls.