15 & 17, ‘filmed themselves gang raping woman, 36, and beating her to death in a park

Progress toward the American ideal. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -- unimpeded by jealous, greedy racists and wealth hoarders. The fact that you don't even understand the concept of social progress is the greatest exhibit I could offer as evidence that people like you are just in the way.

I'm your best ally for that, but fuck me, amirite?
If I'm "Holding you back" mother fucker. Go 'on 'head and try to move me out of your way, big boy!
Ain't nobody stopping you but me!
Do not be surprised if you don't have to worry about a damn thing ever again anymore.
Social Progress deez nutz, fucktwit.
Pls..choke yourself, Private Pyle! LOL!

What I would call "Social Progress" is a lot of people going back to church.
I'm your best ally for that, but fuck me, amirite?
If I'm "Holding you back" mother fucker. Go 'on 'head and try to move me out of your way, big boy!
Ain't nobody stopping you but me!
Do not be surprised if you don't have to worry about a damn thing ever again anymore.
Social Progress deez nutz, fucktwit.
Pls..choke yourself, Private Pyle! LOL!

What I would call "Social Progress" is a lot of people going back to church.

I know. That's my point. You people need to finish dying off. That's my position. You don't agree. Good talk, champ.
Here's the DEMOCRAT mayor:

Thomas Mark Barrett (born December 8, 1953) is an American politician and member of the DEMOCRAT Party who has served as the 44th Mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin since 2004. He served in the United States House of Representatives from 1993 to 2003, and the Wisconsin State Senate from 1989 to 1993. He previously served in the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1984 until 1989. Barrett ran for Governor of Wisconsin in 2010, losing in the general election to Republican Scott Walker. After a recall election, Barrett again ran for governor in 2012 and was again defeated by Walker.


yes, mayors can make crazy ass homicidal teenagers never fuck up. good god. trump defended putin for torturing and killing some of his political opponents. he defended Little Kim when he said he did not know his prison guards tortured Otto Warmbier to death, he defended the murderous Saudi Prince for torturing and killing a Saudi journalist who was writing a story about the Prince and his connections to Jared....CRICKETS FROM THE RACIST TRUMP PIGS. these vicious misfits do their heinous crime and somehow it is the democratic mayor's fault for not stopping it.

fuck you chickenshit hypocrites.
I know. That's my point. You people need to finish dying off. That's my position. You don't agree. Good talk, champ.

You make the idea of killing you so you never get anything pleasurable.
Wow! LOL

You die off 1st! Punk! Get off my lawn! LOL!

Whataboutism, my little bitch.

facts, chickenshit hypocrite. you are a fucking liar, a racist and a piece of shit, on your best day. your headline is a lie UNLESS it is talking about how Trump lied, and so many died. What your post clearly said is that Cuomo's team lied about how many had died, after the fact. Their lies about that had nothing to do with their deaths. Trump's lies CAUSED hundreds of thousands of deaths.

even a stupid fuck bitch like you has to see that.
More whataboutism, my little bitch.

You're my little bitch.

according to my Funk and Wagnall, it is impossible for a little bitch, like you, to have a little bitch. You are too weak and wimpy and full o' shit to have any power over any human being, even over the goats you have to give date rape drugs to before you can blow them. try to remember that, little bitch.
according to my Funk and Wagnall, it is impossible for a little bitch, like you, to have a little bitch. You are too weak and wimpy and full o' shit to have any power over any human being, even over the goats you have to give date rape drugs to before you can blow them. try to remember that, little bitch.

I post, and you come running, my little bitch, because you are my little bitch.
Maybe you and all your half-literate friends can form a lynch mob?

How does that work when they're already in custody?
You've never really gotten away from any mobs, huh?

Never found yourself in that type of situation? I suppose not everyone does.

This guy did pretty good! LOL!

Why can no one talk about black violence without racist being screamed

If someone stated Asian Life's Matter

The left would scream racist