15 & 17, ‘filmed themselves gang raping woman, 36, and beating her to death in a park

Couple of Points:
Almost all Large Cities are run by Democrats, so acting as if large cities run by Repubs is just pure BS.

Secondly the news source is channel 58 in Milwaukie, so to say it was not reported he is a Lie.

Thirdly I wonder why it is the OP always points to Blacks committing a crime and uses it to attack Dems, yet ignores any crimes committed by whites as if they do not exist, could there be an agenda there?

Fourth, if found guilty, and they will be, they should get the maximum punishment.

If you saw his old race bait avatar of handing the Obama's a banana or his disinformation campaign here, you'd know how much of a troll the dweeb is.