15 & 17, ‘filmed themselves gang raping woman, 36, and beating her to death in a park

Investigators say on Sept. 16, Lewis and Spencer — along with other teens — were present in Washington Park.

Officials say Lewis and Spencer confronted Lee, who was minding her own business laying out on a blanket in the park, and started to harass her and demand money. Investigators say the harassment quickly escalated to physical violence and sexual assault.

According to a criminal complaint, Lee was beaten, assaulted, and then dragged to the pond in Washington Park and left to die. She was found half-clothed and unconscious and taken to Froedtert Hospital. She died three days later.

An autopsy determined her cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head and the manner was determined to be homicide.

The criminal complaint says surveillance video, witness accounts, DNA, and scene evidence helped investigators connect Lewis and Spencer to the crime.

Investigators interviewed Lewis, who — according to the criminal complaint — stated in two different interviews he never called for help after the beating and assault because he thought Lee was dead or soon to be dead and it “wouldn’t have made a difference and that he didn’t really care about her because she is not someone he knows personally.”

TWO teenagers are facing homicide charges after a woman was savagely raped and beaten to death by a gang of up to 11 boys.

Ee Lee, 36, was relaxing in a park when the teens dragged her under a tree, stripped and abused her in a sickening assault filmed on cell phones, prosecutors say.

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Kamare Lewis, 17, and Kevin Spencer, 15, each face a charges of first-degree intentional homicide, as party to a crime, and first-degree sexual assault.

Ee was found half-naked and barely breathing by a pond at Washington Library Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on September 16 last year.

She died days later in hospital due to blunt force trauma to her head.

Investigators say footage from the area shows 11 youths leaving the park on foot and on bicycles, one being Lewis.


In the large Democrat cities, civilization is finished. You can’t even relax in a public park without a high risk of being murdered by feral black POSs

Why do things like this happen?

60 years in prison?! If convicted, they should be hanged by the neck, publicly in their neighborhood ,until dead within 2 weeks after a guilty verdict.

They didn't give her 3 hots and a cot for 60 years. AND raped her and beat her to death.

This is a hanging offense, IMO.

This thing needs to change. Why should taxpayers have to feed these pieces of shit in prison for 60 years? Meanwhile, they make it more dangerous for non-violent offenders that end up in prison.
Fuck that! Hang them pieces of shit!

Violent rape (like this) , robbery (this is subjective) , murderers (they were), and pedos all need hanged within 2 weeks of conviction/sentencing.

There haven't been any hangings for a quarter of a century, you decrepit Klansman.
WISN 12 News learned Spencer has been involved in three other crimes, including another homicide in December.

So why was he not in JAIL? Released on a homicide charge in Dec only to do this

KEEP THESE POSs LOCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There haven't been any hangings for a quarter of a century, you decrepit Klansman.

Well here in Texas we stick a needle in their arm and put em to sleep, but bitching about what another State has as their maximum penalty is a pointless argument in my opinion.
Investigators say on Sept. 16, Lewis and Spencer — along with other teens — were present in Washington Park.

Officials say Lewis and Spencer confronted Lee, who was minding her own business laying out on a blanket in the park, and started to harass her and demand money. Investigators say the harassment quickly escalated to physical violence and sexual assault.

According to a criminal complaint, Lee was beaten, assaulted, and then dragged to the pond in Washington Park and left to die. She was found half-clothed and unconscious and taken to Froedtert Hospital. She died three days later.

An autopsy determined her cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head and the manner was determined to be homicide.

The criminal complaint says surveillance video, witness accounts, DNA, and scene evidence helped investigators connect Lewis and Spencer to the crime.

Investigators interviewed Lewis, who — according to the criminal complaint — stated in two different interviews he never called for help after the beating and assault because he thought Lee was dead or soon to be dead and it “wouldn’t have made a difference and that he didn’t really care about her because she is not someone he knows personally.”


What about the 9 others? Motherfucker! In my neighborhood, pieces of shit like that were tortured and fed to the sharks.

The law did nothing, so a group of neighborhood dudes that are all now dead took care of the miscreants. On a routine basis, even.
That group of neighborhood dudes was around 40% black. Real people with real morals, no matter what the fuck the law says.
I remember..
For instance, this one guy raped a 14 year old I had been sweet on and talking to.(when I was 15)...traumatized her for life. She probably thought he was me until he jumped in her window and raped her. Then the law let him off and he raped a hooker or 2..
Then he went bye bye. The place was better without him for sure. The law doesn't always work as it's supposed to.
I heard about what happened. He deserved it.
I guarantee his raping days are over. Damn, all those dudes are dead now, I wish there was someone in their place.
Has my generation failed?
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Well here in Texas we stick a needle in their arm and put em to sleep, but bitching about what another State has as their maximum penalty is a pointless argument in my opinion.

He's alluding to a lynching. Surely you understand that.
Wisconsin is one of only nine states in the nation in which all 17 year-olds are automatically treated as adults in the criminal justice system.

Here we see a leftist Milwaukee lawyer crying about that fact:

"This get-tough regime enacted in 1996 flies in the face of fairness, common sense, psychological and sociological studies, and the reality recognized by the majority of the United States Supreme Court in Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551, 569 (2005).

[A]s any parent knows and as the scientific and sociological studies . . . tend to confirm, “[a] lack of maturity and an underdeveloped sense of responsibility are found in youth more often than in adults and are more understandable among the young. These qualities often result in impetuous and ill-considered actions and decisions.” . . . (“Even the normal 16–year–old customarily lacks the maturity of an adult”). It has been noted that “adolescents are over-represented statistically in virtually every category of reckless behavior.” . . . In recognition of the comparative immaturity and irresponsibility of juveniles, almost every State prohibits those under 18 years of age from voting, serving on juries, or marrying without parental consent.

The State Bar of Wisconsin and one of the authors of this blog when he was on the Board of Governors vigorously pushed for enactment of the Second Chance Act, which would have returned most 17 year-olds to juvenile court jurisdiction. Despite bipartisan support for this real reform to undo the harmful aspect of the 1996 law, the bill did not get through the Wisconsin Legislature. Recently, the Legislature took some minor steps to address changes to state’s juvenile detention system due to reports of inmate abuse and unsafe conditions at the state’s only juvenile corrections facility. A bill was passed that will place serious juvenile offenders in a new juvenile prison that will be overseen by the state Department of Corrections. Juveniles who are charged with less serious offenses will be placed in secure residential care facilities, which are intended to allow offenders to remain closer to their homes and provide them with the resources and stability they need. Much more needs to be done to protect the best interests of Wisconsin children."
