Oh... Now I'm supposed to give the standard SR response...Republican History:
Destruction of Ozone Layer:
Not True. Not True!
You can't prove it!
It's not as bad as you say!
We never said it wasn't so!
Fixing the problem has ALWAYS been a Republican initiative!
Do we remember this?
The attacks in Iraq are almost entirely due to foreign Terrorists!
Fuck the facts, there IS NO INSURGENCY!
Who could have known that an insurgency would arise?
Democrats embolden the enemy with their democrati-ness!
Fixed.I think you mean IPCC.
Now, it is time to see whether Democrats will do the same thing. I have little faith, and a fool's hope.
However, my idea has nothing to do with what they "right" does to make things "seem" anything, but everything to do with how you can beat whatever tactic they may throw.Bullshit.
The FACT is that The Right, for the most part, has no problem with using ridiculously dishonest tactics to try to make those things they WISH were not true, SEEM untrue.
They KNOW they are being dishonest, but perpetrate such dishonesty for the sake of trying to make their ideologies POLICY.
Perhaps, they have some misguided faith that doing as such will change reality, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Perhaps, they simply don't care, and revel in destruction of sound government. Perhaps, they have more than just a political stake.
Whatever the case, they have been painfully wrong again and again.
And regardless of this, if you are successful making it a moral issue you will win no matter how much they supposedly do what you accuse them of doing. And not only that, if we start going into a little ice age it won't totally destroy any progress you might have made. Or even if the trend reverses, it will still go strong.... It will be the right thing to do, literally, if you are successful using the tactic that I suggested.They have willfully advertised their ideology as truth, despite the fact that evidence clearly states otherwise.
The Republican Platform has become "Ideology before reality."