We let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the rich, and revenues grew 13% and $325B - which was the largest single yearly revenue gain ever.
So if we got that from letting the rate return to 39.6%, it stands to reason that increasing the rate on the top bracket alone to 70% would increase revenues even more, because that's empirically what happened from 2012-2013.
What's sophistry is pretending that revenues will go down when tax rates are raised. Never in the history of our country has that happened.
But revenues have gone down when tax rates are cut. That's happened quite a few times, most recently from 2001-2004.
Now THAT is sophistry.
If spending bills are passed, then that is a guarabtee the money would go to those things.
So at least you're conceding that raising taxes would raise revenue, now your point of contention seems to be that the increase in revenue won't be spent on the things that Congress would pass spending bills for.
And that is a sophist's argument.
What a fucking fraud and intellectual lightweight. I see why you are compelled to declare victory, your ego is so fragile.
Let's try this argument from a different place shall we? You have been asked this question before, but for some reason (I think I know) you won't answer
Here is the question. How much revenue would be raised by raising the top marginal rate on incomes over $10,000,000 to 70%?