1984 and school walkouts

Spot on; I hear that these events were funded by Moveon.org and other leftist organizations.

The spokesperson for the district where I lived claimed they weren't public but private events organized by the students. They took place at 10:00 which, if I'm not mistaken, is during a time when the school district has total say over what happens and doesn't happen at the schools. The schools, when they want to hold a pep rally for a big game, have to request from the district office that time be taken out of the schedule. Suddenly, the kids now get to dictate the schedule. Bullshit. If it happens during the time the PUBLIC schools are supposed to be responsible for the kids, it's not private. If they want to hold to that nonsense, then those wanting to hold a pro II rally can do the same.
these are future voters you fucking idiots

your voters are in walkers and diapers with the channel stuck on Fox News
the NRA is being investigated for Russian money infusions

all your masters are going down

You should probably quit hiding your lithium pills under your tongue, and spitting them out after the orderly leaves your room. I don't think it's helping you.
Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall.

Hilliard senior Jacob Shoemaker says school isn't the place for politics, and he wasn't taking sides Wednesday.

The district says it's responsible for students' safety and they can't be unsupervised.

Jacob's citation for not following instructions was shared online by a friend, prompting a flood of messages to his father.

Scott Shoemaker says some people thought his son was suspended for walking out, and angry comments accumulated, including some that mistook Scott for the principal. He says he also got a couple death threats and had to consider switching phone numbers.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall.

Hilliard senior Jacob Shoemaker says school isn't the place for politics, and he wasn't taking sides Wednesday.

The district says it's responsible for students' safety and they can't be unsupervised.

Jacob's citation for not following instructions was shared online by a friend, prompting a flood of messages to his father.

Scott Shoemaker says some people thought his son was suspended for walking out, and angry comments accumulated, including some that mistook Scott for the principal. He says he also got a couple death threats and had to consider switching phone numbers.


they were given a place to go to stay neutral
Which ones that walked out are victims?

Let them protest. That doesn't exempt them from the punishment that comes their way for doing. The students in the district where I live that walked out in the middle of class will each be suspended, unexcused without the ability to make up work, for at least a day for what is considered cutting class.

You need a lesson in personal responsibility. Take the actions you believe you need to take and be honorable enough to accept the consequences of doing so.

On a side note, one of the students that will be suspended lives across the street from me. She told me that her protest was solely for the purpose of supporting a ban on what her dumbass called an assault weapon. I'll make sure when I load my FOUR AR-15s a friend and I will target shoot on his private property tomorrow, she and her retarded parents that believe the same thing are outside. I'll see how red-faced they get.

Many students were willing to face the consequences for walking out. You gotta stand up for what you believe in even if you stand alone.