2 questions


After reading posts from our current JPP liberals, over the past few days, regarding Kavanaugh being voted on and the FBI report, I was curious.

Am I the only one that has come to the conclusion that the liberals appear to have gone completely unhinged and are desperate; because of the revelation that the DNC failed in their attempt to postpone this past the mid-term elections??

My second question is, should the RNC approach the mid-terms in this manner:

To all registered voters:
It's obvious that definite lines have been reached, regarding how people feel about the Supreme Court nomination and the final result; but there is something I would like everyone, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and those who are undecided, to consider.

Do we now operate under the idea that people are to considered Quilty, until proven innocent??

Is this how you would want your Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone to be treated?

We ask; because this is exactly how the DNC have treated Judge Kavanaugh and if they continue to be elected into office, this very thing could happen to your
Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone else who's male.
Once you jerk offs,put this drunken pervert on the SC.
I trust we won't be hearing you cry about Bill Clinton getting a blow job
After reading posts from our current JPP liberals, over the past few days, regarding Kavanaugh being voted on and the FBI report, I was curious.

Am I the only one that has come to the conclusion that the liberals appear to have gone completely unhinged and are desperate; because of the revelation that the DNC failed in their attempt to postpone this past the mid-term elections??

My second question is, should the RNC approach the mid-terms in this manner:

To all registered voters:
It's obvious that definite lines have been reached, regarding how people feel about the Supreme Court nomination and the final result; but there is something I would like everyone, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and those who are undecided, to consider.

Do we now operate under the idea that people are to considered Quilty, until proven innocent??

Is this how you would want your Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone to be treated?

We ask; because this is exactly how the DNC have treated Judge Kavanaugh and if they continue to be elected into office, this very thing could happen to your
Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone else who's male.

Free911: "Am I the only one that has come to the conclusion that the liberals appear to have gone completely unhinged and are desperate; because of the revelation that the DNC failed in their attempt to postpone this past the mid-term elections??"
Jack: Kavanaugh has presented himself as a Partisan Hack, NOT an impartial Judge.

Free911: "Do we now operate under the idea that people are to considered Quilty, until proven innocent??"
Jack: This has nothing to do about what 2 High School kids did on a bed. It has to do with Kavanaugh being qualified to be an impartial Judge on the Supreme Court. His public conduct at the 'job interview' proved him unfit for the position.
Free911: "Am I the only one that has come to the conclusion that the liberals appear to have gone completely unhinged and are desperate; because of the revelation that the DNC failed in their attempt to postpone this past the mid-term elections??"
Jack: Kavanaugh has presented himself as a Partisan Hack, NOT an impartial Judge.

Free911: "Do we now operate under the idea that people are to considered Quilty, until proven innocent??"
Jack: This has nothing to do about what 2 High School kids did on a bed. It has to do with Kavanaugh being qualified to be an impartial Judge on the Supreme Court. His public conduct at the 'job interview' proved him unfit for the position.

They don't care,they just want a tool on the SC.
Free911: "Am I the only one that has come to the conclusion that the liberals appear to have gone completely unhinged and are desperate; because of the revelation that the DNC failed in their attempt to postpone this past the mid-term elections??"
Jack: Kavanaugh has presented himself as a Partisan Hack, NOT an impartial Judge.

Free911: "Do we now operate under the idea that people are to considered Quilty, until proven innocent??"
Jack: This has nothing to do about what 2 High School kids did on a bed. It has to do with Kavanaugh being qualified to be an impartial Judge on the Supreme Court. His public conduct at the 'job interview' proved him unfit for the position.

So nothing of substance, except for your tears. :good4u:
After reading posts from our current JPP liberals, over the past few days, regarding Kavanaugh being voted on and the FBI report, I was curious.

Am I the only one that has come to the conclusion that the liberals appear to have gone completely unhinged and are desperate; because of the revelation that the DNC failed in their attempt to postpone this past the mid-term elections??

My second question is, should the RNC approach the mid-terms in this manner:

To all registered voters:
It's obvious that definite lines have been reached, regarding how people feel about the Supreme Court nomination and the final result; but there is something I would like everyone, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and those who are undecided, to consider.

Do we now operate under the idea that people are to considered Quilty, until proven innocent??

Is this how you would want your Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone to be treated?

We ask; because this is exactly how the DNC have treated Judge Kavanaugh and if they continue to be elected into office, this very thing could happen to your
Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone else who's male.

The problem here, is that lefties cannot conceive this kind of objective thought any more than a dog can feel guilty about licking his ass in front of your guests. Lefties live in the moment, and the moment dictates to destroy Brett and/or Trump.

After reading posts from our current JPP liberals, over the past few days, regarding Kavanaugh being voted on and the FBI report, I was curious.

Am I the only one that has come to the conclusion that the liberals appear to have gone completely unhinged and are desperate; because of the revelation that the DNC failed in their attempt to postpone this past the mid-term elections??

My second question is, should the RNC approach the mid-terms in this manner:

To all registered voters:
It's obvious that definite lines have been reached, regarding how people feel about the Supreme Court nomination and the final result; but there is something I would like everyone, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and those who are undecided, to consider.

Do we now operate under the idea that people are to considered Quilty, until proven innocent??

Is this how you would want your Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone to be treated?

We ask; because this is exactly how the DNC have treated Judge Kavanaugh and if they continue to be elected into office, this very thing could happen to your
Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, male Friends, or anyone else who's male.

They are unhinged. I am hoping that it becomes catatonic should the Republicans hold the House and the Senate and Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court.

My hope is that when Trump win's re-election, and replaces the soon to drop dead Ginsberg; they will have heart attacks and finally do the world a favor and die. ;)

The raw, ugly sore that is the liberal ideology has been exposed. It can never be hidden again.
His public conduct at the 'job interview' proved him unfit for the position.

STFU Jackoff; you're an idiot on steroids. You didn't watch the hearing. You lack the common sense to comprehend the hearing. You lack the character to understand what went on in the hearing. You are a worthless speck on a planet of billions whose opinion is about as credible as that of a gnat.
Like I said:

So nothing of substance, except for your tears. :good4u:

Did Kavanaugh look to be an IMPARTIAL judge to you? OR ... did he strike you as 'PARTISAN'.
(let's get real here, we might as well appoint 'Truth Detector' to the Supreme Court)
STFU Jackoff; you're an idiot on steroids. You didn't watch the hearing. You lack the common sense to comprehend the hearing. You lack the character to understand what went on in the hearing. You are a worthless speck on a planet of billions whose opinion is about as credible as that of a gnat.

Thank you for another in depth analyst.