2 questions

The problem here, is that lefties cannot conceive this kind of objective thought any more than a dog can feel guilty about licking his ass in front of your guests. Lefties live in the moment, and the moment dictates to destroy Brett and/or Trump.


^Obsessive little Trumptard can’t get Hillary off his mind. :rofl2:
(shaking head) OK. I see your avatar (is that a toy superhero?) and then right below that is "Boob Grabber".
So, PLEASE, don't try and tell me anything about women. (sad)

You should try it sometime, jack. They feel really good...
You fucking candy-ass. I'm going to watch McGregor beat down Kabib this Saturday over at my son's house. Then, you little whimp, I'm going to track you down and pulverize your skull into the ground. I WILL be pumped up!!!

LMFAO!! Okay, THAT, was damned funny Jack.
