Wrong again, as always. I disputed your incorrect assertion that most shootings are done with illegal guns, with an actual credible source. Thereupon you said and I quote "You are cherry picking and being racist." Ad hom for the loss.
Now you're doubling-down with the name-calling. This is a political forum, as you've no doubt noticed. Disputing an incorrect statement is what happens here, and is not "picking a fight." Only the insecure and fearful believe that. Maybe you should PM Flaming Capitalist and ask him to thread ban me?
or these pesky facts...
„ About 21% of state and 20% of federal prisoners said
they possessed a gun during their offense, while
79% of state and 80% of federal prisoners did not.
„ About 29% of state and 36% of federal prisoners
serving time for a violent offense possessed a gun
during the offense.
„ About 1.3% of prisoners obtained a gun from a retail
source and used it during their offense.
„ Handguns were the most common type of firearm
possessed by state and federal prisoners (18% each);
11% of all prisoners used a handgun.
„ Among prisoners who possessed a gun during their
offense, 90% did not obtain it from a retail source.
„ Among prisoners who possessed a firearm during
their offense, 0.8% obtained it at a gun show.
„ About 1 in 5 state and federal prisoners who
possessed a firearm during their offense obtained it
with the intent to use it during the crime.
„ Among state prisoners who possessed a gun during
their offense, 27% killed someone with it, another
12% injured someone, 7% fired the gun but did not
injure anyone, and 54% did not fire it.
„ State prisoners with no military service were more
likely to possess a gun during their offense (21%) than
prisoners who had served in the military (16%).
Stop whining please, crybully.
I hope you consider these to sources "credible".