21 y.o. black tells truth about black failure. IT'S IQ, NOT RACISM

Freddie Mercury was Asian, so it's clearly not a very descriptive term.

And lets be clear, when someone like Text Drivers says "white-hating" in a thread that is clearly designed to denigrate black people, he's not concealing his racist motivations very well. He thinks that white-people should be united in promoting white-superiority over black people, and those who betray that cause are traitors.
The evidence blacks are mentally inferior is overwhelming....blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

The overwhelming evidence points to dysfunctional family environments as the chief cause for low academic attainment. How can any child do well when their low IQ single mother is on welfare doing drugs and selling her body?
The overwhelming evidence points to dysfunctional family environments as the chief cause for low academic attainment. How can any child do well when their low IQ single mother is on welfare doing drugs and selling her body?

If the mother has an IQ of 75, as most blacks do, then the kids aren't far behind.
And lets be clear, when someone like Text Drivers says "white-hating" in a thread that is clearly designed to denigrate black people, he's not concealing his racist motivations very well. He thinks that white-people should be united in promoting white-superiority over black people, and those who betray that cause are traitors.

Hell yes. Whites should stick up for the white race. All other races support their own. THINK
Yet there are obviously differences in IQ nonetheless. Look at the Chinese or the Southern Indians. 45% of the top 64 chess grandmasters are Jewish, why is that?

This is all easily explained by culture. In Jewish culture, intellectual pursuits are emphasized early on in family life. That also explains one of my favorite books, "Jewish Sports Heroes", 120 pages long and each completely blank.
I would just like to point out that there is no parallel to this guy among liberals. You guys (Trump supporters and right-wingers) own this rancid pile of shit disguised as a human.

Um, ownership of other human beings, at least in the US, will always be part of the history of Democrats.
Um, ownership of other human beings, at least in the US, will always be part of the history of Democrats.

Democrats used to be the Southern conservative party. Republicans used to by the New York liberal party. Fortunately, I follow neither party, so your attempt to judo-flip my comment has no effect. Republicans currently own people like Text Driver. There is no liberal equivalent.
Democrats used to be the Southern conservative party. Republicans used to by the New York liberal party. Fortunately, I follow neither party, so your attempt to judo-flip my comment has no effect. Republicans currently own people like Text Driver. There is no liberal equivalent.

If you don't own the Democrat slave thing, what makes you think I own Text Driver? You can't have it both ways, sorry.
If you don't own the Democrat slave thing, what makes you think I own Text Driver? You can't have it both ways, sorry.

I'm not having it both ways. Democrat is a party affiliation, not an ideology. Sorry that you don't understand. OTOH, if you were a Democrat (or unaffiliated) and you joined the Republican party because of Trump, you do own Text Driver.

If you left that Republican party because of Trump, or otherwise showed disgust at Trump and his takeover of the Republican party, then you are absolved of blame or culpability.
I'm not having it both ways. Democrat is a party affiliation, not an ideology. Sorry that you don't understand. OTOH, if you were a Democrat (or unaffiliated) and you joined the Republican party because of Trump, you do own Text Driver.

If you left that Republican party because of Trump, or otherwise showed disgust at Trump and his takeover of the Republican party, then you are absolved of blame or culpability.

This is hilarious, you attempting to set the terms of who owns who. Typical Democrat.
This is all easily explained by culture. In Jewish culture, intellectual pursuits are emphasized early on in family life.

Now how do you prove something like that.?

It's just more liberal babbling because you don't want to admit what even you can see - there are huge mental differences between the races just like there are huge physical differences. THINK, you miserable white-hating racist.