APP - 25 Year Expert in Prosecuting Sex Crimes Claims THERE IS NO CASE

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Rachel Mitchell found numerous problems with Ballsy's "testimony". There were many holes in it. Most notably not being able to remember how she got home afterwards. Again, if she were really assaulted she would remember who her savior was.

I am sure that when the FBI gets to her they will ask her some REAL questions and get to the bottom of her memory hole. Remember, that is what she wants. She wants the FBI to investigate to help her remember. So I suggest a midnight raid on her remodeled home :)
Yes...I think we ALL realize a prosecution against Brett Kavanaugh would be remote.

But we are not talking about prosecuting him...

...we are trying to determine if he is fit to serve on the Supreme Court.

This has been mentioned several many different people.

Have you missed it?
Yes...I think we ALL realize a prosecution against Brett Kavanaugh would be remote.

But we are not talking about prosecuting him...

...we are trying to determine if he is fit to serve on the Supreme Court.

This has been mentioned several many different people.

Have you missed it?

Agreed, and by every measure he is fit

We don't hold people accountable for what they did or DIDN'T do in high school. Since she can't prove her claims, we have to PRESUME he is innocent of what she accuses him of. Doesn't mean something didn't happen to her. She just can't prove it was Kavanaugh. The presumption of innocence doesn't merely apply to a court of law. That is a silly notion that only the dumbest among us would believe

This has been mentioned several many different people

Have you missed it?
Agreed, and by every measure he is fit

It is an absurdity to suppose "by every measure he is fit." By some measure, in fact, he seems totally unfit.

We don't hold people accountable for what they did or DIDN'T do in high school.

Sometimes we do.

But whether we do or not...we do hold them accountable for lying. And it appears that Kavanaugh may be doing lots of that right now.

Since she can't prove her claims, we have to PRESUME he is innocent of what she accuses him of.

No we don't.

Doesn't mean something didn't happen to her. She just can't prove it was Kavanaugh. The presumption of innocence doesn't merely apply to a court of law. That is a silly notion that only the dumbest among us would believe

If you happen to "believe" it...that is your problem.

I don't do "believing" I do not.

As for the presumption of innocence...your take on that is off-base.

The presumption of innocence would apply to Ford also...and she has indicated she is 100% certain that Kavanaugh assaulted her...essentially saying she cannot be wrong in the matter.

Since we cannot logically presume innocence of both...the notion of presuming innocence in this setting is out the door.

This has been mentioned several many different people

Have you missed it?

Not at all.

I've seen it...and dealt with it much the way I dealt with the mistaken notion here.
It is an absurdity to suppose "by every measure he is fit." By some measure, in fact, he seems totally unfit.

Sometimes we do.

But whether we do or not...we do hold them accountable for lying. And it appears that Kavanaugh may be doing lots of that right now.

No we don't.

If you happen to "believe" it...that is your problem.

I don't do "believing" I do not.

As for the presumption of innocence...your take on that is off-base.

The presumption of innocence would apply to Ford also...and she has indicated she is 100% certain that Kavanaugh assaulted her...essentially saying she cannot be wrong in the matter.

Since we cannot logically presume innocence of both...the notion of presuming innocence in this setting is out the door.

Not at all.

I've seen it...and dealt with it much the way I dealt with the mistaken notion here.

This notion of applying innocence or guilty to Ford seems quite off base. She is not being accused of a crime. Her certitude is irrelevant. That she is 100% certain that it happened does not connote any added credibility.

People can be 100% certain of their memory and 100% wrong at the same time.

As I said, I believe that Ford actually had a sexual assault at some point in her life, whether as a little child at the hands of a relative or maybe a boyfriend. The most charitable case is that she has been manipulated by the left into believe it is Kavanaugh. The worst case scenario is that she is a left wing activist trying to use a personal trauma to take someone down for political aims

History is replete with "witnesses who were 100% certain" but very wrong
This notion of applying innocence or guilty to Ford seems quite off base. She is not being accused of a crime. Her certitude is irrelevant. That she is 100% certain that it happened does not connote any added credibility.

People can be 100% certain of their memory and 100% wrong at the same time.

As I said, I believe that Ford actually had a sexual assault at some point in her life, whether as a little child at the hands of a relative or maybe a boyfriend. The most charitable case is that she has been manipulated by the left into believe it is Kavanaugh. The worst case scenario is that she is a left wing activist trying to use a personal trauma to take someone down for political aims

History is replete with "witnesses who were 100% certain" but very wrong

As I is an absurdity to suppose "by every measure he is fit" to sit on the SCOTUS. By some measure, in fact, he seems totally unfit.

I'll stick with that.
Experience and qualifications aside, right Frank?


If an experienced, qualified judge is also a thief and a wife beater...


I still question your assertion that, "by every measure he is fit."

If an experienced, qualified judge is also a thief and a wife beater...


I still question your assertion that, "by every measure he is fit."

So, now he's a thief and wife beater? You'd better inform the FBI about this...
So, now he's a thief and wife beater? You'd better inform the FBI about this...
Where do they come up with this stuff? ...and the "unfit to serve"? What's he been doing successfully for the last twelve years? I believe you reminded him of that....
Where do they come up with this stuff? ...and the "unfit to serve"? What's he been doing successfully for the last twelve years? I believe you reminded him of that....

They are all fools. They oppose him no matter what

Mark my words they will rue this day.

Kavanaugh will be on the court. Whether it is now or in November or in January with an expanded Republican majority

The odds or greater that the GOP expands their majority in the Senate than the democrat party gaining control.

McCaskill, Nelson, Tester and Donnelly are all toast. None of them were above 50% prior to them announcing they would not support Kavanaugh and it will only get worse for them

Heitkamp is below 50% and behind. She hasn’t committed yet

People point to Manchin having a 12 point lead insulating him but if you look at the poll he has dropped below 50% and there are a high number of undecideds. That is an ominous sign for him

An outside pickup for the GOP is Menendez. He is in trouble.

This is why I say the GOP could pick up 5-7 seats

They definitely have four

So we will get Kavanaugh. And when Ginsburg croaks Trump will nominate Barrett to replace her
As I is an absurdity to suppose "by every measure he is fit" to sit on the SCOTUS. By some measure, in fact, he seems totally unfit.

I'll stick with that.

Frank we well understand that in your eyes any conservative is "totally unfit" to sit on the SCOTUS.
So, now he's a thief and wife beater? You'd better inform the FBI about this...

I didn't say that.

I was replying to your, "Experience and qualifications aside, right Frank?"

YES...experience and qualifications are often put aside for decent reason.

Right now, there is a cloud hanging over Kavanaugh...and he MAY NOT BE FIT TO SIT ON THE SCOTUS.

If the people of the American right cared about that...they would have called for a thorough investigation into the charges...rather than doing everything in its power to avoid an investigation.
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Where do they come up with this stuff? ...and the "unfit to serve"? What's he been doing successfully for the last twelve years? I believe you reminded him of that....

How successful has he been?

He is on the minority side of many of the cases that he hears.
They are all fools. They oppose him no matter what

Mark my words they will rue this day.

Kavanaugh will be on the court. Whether it is now or in November or in January with an expanded Republican majority

The odds or greater that the GOP expands their majority in the Senate than the democrat party gaining control.

McCaskill, Nelson, Tester and Donnelly are all toast. None of them were above 50% prior to them announcing they would not support Kavanaugh and it will only get worse for them

Heitkamp is below 50% and behind. She hasn’t committed yet

People point to Manchin having a 12 point lead insulating him but if you look at the poll he has dropped below 50% and there are a high number of undecideds. That is an ominous sign for him

An outside pickup for the GOP is Menendez. He is in trouble.

This is why I say the GOP could pick up 5-7 seats

They definitely have four

So we will get Kavanaugh. And when Ginsburg croaks Trump will nominate Barrett to replace her

Yeah...this is such a disaster for the Democrats...ya gotta wonder why your side is trying so hard to end it.

One would almost think you are just whistling past the graveyard.

Question: I don't usually come into the APP section. But should you be calling a class of people fools here?
Frank we well understand that in your eyes any conservative is "totally unfit" to sit on the SCOTUS.

I do not think that at all, Grumpy...and have never said or inferred anything of the sort.

Why are you making something like that up?
Yeah...this is such a disaster for the Democrats...ya gotta wonder why your side is trying so hard to end it.

One would almost think you are just whistling past the graveyard.

Question: I don't usually come into the APP section. But should you be calling a class of people fools here?

If you have a problem with something I did then submit it to the Mods