APP - 25 Year Expert in Prosecuting Sex Crimes Claims THERE IS NO CASE

It's a good thing you've never had the position that includes interviewing someone for a job. Experience and qualifications are a very important part of the hiring process. I would never recommend a pottery maker for the position of machinist, I'd have been looking for a job myself if I did.


If you interview a candidate with impeccable experience and qualifications credentials...but discover there is the possibility he is a serial killer...I suspect you are NOT going to hire him without a great deal of investigation....if at all.

We have a guy here who MAY BE a sexual abuser. being considered for a job on the highest court in the land.

I think we should investigate thoroughly before even considering confirming.

If you interview a candidate with impeccable experience and qualifications credentials...but discover there is the possibility he is a serial killer...I suspect you are NOT going to hire him without a great deal of investigation....if at all.

We have a guy here who MAY BE a sexual abuser. being considered for a job on the highest court in the land.

I think we should investigate thoroughly before even considering confirming.

Kav is not a serial killer or sexual abuser Frank. Get that through your thick skull.
Not sure how you got there.

I chose Robert Mueller...and immediately you claimed he was not a "conservative" Republican. He certainly is NOT a liberal one.

You then asked if I would endorse Lindsay Graham...and I gave you a full response.


The court has been too politicized by BOTH ends of the spectrum.

Kavanaugh is a loser. If your side cannot find better than Kavanaugh...then too bad for America. But considering you could not find better than Donald Trump as is TOO BAD FOR AMERICA.

To a liberal like you I am sure you consider Mueller a conservative. But I assure you he is a RINO.
Kav is not a serial killer or sexual abuser Frank. Get that through your thick skull.

I doubt Bret Kavanaugh is a serial killer...but there is a distinct possibility that he sexually abused Dr. Ford when they were in high school.

Neither of us knows the truth on the matter.

To a liberal like you I am sure you consider Mueller a conservative. But I assure you he is a RINO.

The people on the American right call anyone who does not toe the conservative line 100%...RINO's.

Interesting that you apparently consider ALL Republicans to be conservatives or RINO's.

And I most assuredly AM NOT a liberal.
I doubt Bret Kavanaugh is a serial killer...but there is a distinct possibility that he sexually abused Dr. Ford when they were in high school.

Neither of us knows the truth on the matter.


There's also a distinct possibility he didn't. You nutcases are trying to destroy our system of justice. Aren't you supposed to be innocent until proven guilty? You portray Kav as guilty and he must prove his innocence via an FBI investigation. Hell, we may as well do away with the whole SCOTUS if that is how you want things done. Screw the American justice system, right?
There's also a distinct possibility he didn't.

Okay...which means there is a distinct possibility that he did.

That is what I said.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

You nutcases are trying to destroy our system of justice.

I would never do that.

Aren't you supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?

In a court of are TO BE PRESUMED INNOCENT until proven guilty.


Not innocent...but PRESUMED TO BE.


You portray Kav as guilty and he must prove his innocence via an FBI investigation.

No I don't.

I have no idea if the event happened or not.

I can make a guess...and my guess would be that it happened.

Since he is being vetted for a position on the SCOTUS...YES, I WOULD WANT ANY ALLEGATIONS INVESTIGATED.

I wonder why you do not want that.

Hell, we may as well do away with the whole SCOTUS if that is how you want things done. Screw the American justice system, right?

Sorry if you feel that way, RB.

I certainly do not.
Okay...which means there is a distinct possibility that he did.

That is what I said.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

I would never do that.

In a court of are TO BE PRESUMED INNOCENT until proven guilty.


Not innocent...but PRESUMED TO BE.


No I don't.

I have no idea if the event happened or not.

I can make a guess...and my guess would be that it happened.

Since he is being vetted for a position on the SCOTUS...YES, I WOULD WANT ANY ALLEGATIONS INVESTIGATED.

I wonder why you do not want that.

Sorry if you feel that way, RB.

I certainly do not.

Yes, we know Frank. What does the rule of law have to do with becoming a justice on the SCOTUS?
Yes, we know Frank. What does the rule of law have to do with becoming a justice on the SCOTUS?

There is no "rule of law" that says a nominee for the SCOTUS should not be vetted...especially if allegations are made that might rule the nominee out.

What is your problem with that, RB?

Why are you guys all so dismissive of checking these allegations out thoroughly?
There is no "rule of law" that says a nominee for the SCOTUS should not be vetted...especially if allegations are made that might rule the nominee out.

What is your problem with that, RB?

Why are you guys all so dismissive of checking these allegations out thoroughly?

Simple. They were never brought up in a timely manner. This woman "claims" these "memories" (that happened back in HS) were rekindled in 2012 while Kav held the second highest position in our justice system. Why, all of a sudden AFTER his nomination (rather weeks before his confirmation) for SCOTUS in 2018 (that's six (6) years later Frank), did she feel a "need" to bring this up? Answer that, and I'll answer your question (technically, I already did).
Simple. They were never brought up in a timely manner. This woman "claims" these "memories" (that happened back in HS) were rekindled in 2012 while Kav held the second highest position in our justice system. Why, all of a sudden AFTER his nomination (rather weeks before his confirmation) for SCOTUS in 2018 (that's six (6) years later Frank), did she feel a "need" to bring this up? Answer that, and I'll answer your question (technically, I already did).


Now...answer my question.