APP - 25 Year Expert in Prosecuting Sex Crimes Claims THERE IS NO CASE

If you have a problem with something I did then submit it to the Mods

Yeah...this is such a disaster for the Democrats...ya gotta wonder why your side is trying so hard to end it.

One would almost think you are just whistling past the graveyard.
So you aren't happy with his record and decisions? Has he not been fair, impartial, and independent?

His decisions are his decisions.


However, you wrote: "What's he been doing successfully for the last twelve years?"

I merely noted, NOT MUCH. He has been in the minority on almost everything of consequence.
His decisions are his decisions.


However, you wrote: "What's he been doing successfully for the last twelve years?"

I merely noted, NOT MUCH. He has been in the minority on almost everything of consequence.
So, he's been successfully doing his job...for the last twelve years....
I do not think that at all, Grumpy...and have never said or inferred anything of the sort.

Why are you making something like that up?

Not making anything up! That is the message you project. Name one conservative Republican you would recommend to be on the court.
Love your sense of humor. I said a conservative Republican.

And I love yours in return, Grump.

Every Republican I will claim is not a conservative Republican.

So...give me a list of all the conservative Republicans in America...and I will choose one or two in response to your request.

In fact, let's narrow it down a bit. Give me a list of all the conservative Republican attorneys in America...and I'll choose.

That is more a problem with your ability to see...

...than with Kavanaugh dodging.

His testimony was one huge dodge, TOP.
We disagree....
I didn't believe Mrs. Ford from the beginning...I believe her even less after her testimony..
So I guess we'll just we'll just have to agree to disagree...
We disagree....


You got a mouse in your pocket...or are you practicing to be Queen?

I didn't believe Mrs. Ford from the beginning...I believe her even less after her testimony..

I am not sure why you are telling me this. I could not give a shit less about your guesses of DR. Ford's veracity.

So I guess we'll just we'll just have to agree to disagree...

Is that your final answer?
"We?" I disagree;)

You got a mouse in your pocket...or are you practicing to be Queen? Neither....

I am not sure why you are telling me this. I could not give a shit less about your guesses of DR. Ford's veracity. If you don't want me to reply, don't post to me;) (Turns out she isn't a psychologist, as she claimed at one time....just fyi;)

Is that your final answer?
And I love yours in return, Grump.

Every Republican I will claim is not a conservative Republican.

So...give me a list of all the conservative Republicans in America...and I will choose one or two in response to your request.

In fact, let's narrow it down a bit. Give me a list of all the conservative Republican attorneys in America...and I'll choose.


You choose Mueller for one reason only his asinine extended investigation of Trump. Plus the corruption in the highest ranks of the FBI, would make him unacceptable. OK, I'll play I will give you a true conservative. Would you endorse Lindsey Graham?
You choose Mueller for one reason only his asinine extended investigation of Trump. Plus the corruption in the highest ranks of the FBI, would make him unacceptable. OK, I'll play I will give you a true conservative. Would you endorse Lindsey Graham?

Not for the Supreme Court. If he were to run against Donald Trump for the presidency...and I were required to choose between the two...I would endorse him in a heart beat.

Not for the Supreme Court. If he were to run against Donald Trump for the presidency...and I were required to choose between the two...I would endorse him in a heart beat.

So the truth is you don't want another conservative on the court. That is fine with me. With any luck I will get my wish and you won't.
I didn't say that.

I was replying to your, "Experience and qualifications aside, right Frank?"

YES...experience and qualifications are often put aside for decent reason.

Right now, there is a cloud hanging over Kavanaugh...and he MAY NOT BE FIT TO SIT ON THE SCOTUS.

If the people of the American right cared about that...they would have called for a thorough investigation into the charges...rather than doing everything in its power to avoid an investigation.

It's a good thing you've never had the position that includes interviewing someone for a job. Experience and qualifications are a very important part of the hiring process. I would never recommend a pottery maker for the position of machinist, I'd have been looking for a job myself if I did.
So the truth is you don't want another conservative on the court. That is fine with me. With any luck I will get my wish and you won't.

Not sure how you got there.

I chose Robert Mueller...and immediately you claimed he was not a "conservative" Republican. He certainly is NOT a liberal one.

You then asked if I would endorse Lindsay Graham...and I gave you a full response.


The court has been too politicized by BOTH ends of the spectrum.

Kavanaugh is a loser. If your side cannot find better than Kavanaugh...then too bad for America. But considering you could not find better than Donald Trump as is TOO BAD FOR AMERICA.