250 lbs Cop Beats-up 115 lbs Woman


JPP Modarater

There is video footage. I don't even know where to begin.

First off, the word "accused" is almost a joke in this case.

Secondly, it didn't look like those guys were in any hurry to get him off of her. She was getting pounded for a while.

Thirdly, this really pisses me off because our legal system always favors a cops testimony when clearly there are some rotten apples in the bunch.
Why the hell is that one able-bodied man off to the side, cowering in the corner? When you see a woman getting beaten, you don't just stand there cowering.... You get a running start, and body slam the the asswipe, who's punching the woman.
Why the hell is that one able-bodied man off to the side, cowering in the corner? When you see a woman getting beaten, you don't just stand there cowering.... You get a running start, and body slam the the asswipe, who's punching the woman.

That's what I was saying. I can't imagine any guy I know just sitting there.
That's what I was saying. I can't imagine any guy I know just sitting there.

That dude who's cowering off to the side is never going to hear the end of it.

Everyone who knows him, is gonna say: "Why the hell were you just standing there, while a drunk pummeled a woman?"

He might as well just turn his testicles in right now.

That dude who's cowering off to the side is never going to hear the end of it.

Everyone who knows him, is gonna say: "Why the hell were you just standing there, while a drunk pummeled a woman?"

He might as well just turn his testicles in right now.


Yeah. There should be some kind of law.
The other dude just stood closer and shouted at him. Both of these men were really "chivalrous"... It didn't stop until the girl stood up of her own accord then the guy finally let her walk to the back of the bar. The other dude then got between them after he had stopped.

At least that is what it appeared to me.
What a turd. To tell you the truth, I'm not much bigger than her, but I think I'd have tried to jump in and stop it (and probably gotten my ass kicked to).
The other dude just stood closer and shouted at him. Both of these men were really "chivalrous"... It didn't stop until the girl stood up of her own accord then the guy finally let her walk to the back of the bar. The other dude then got between them after he had stopped.

At least that is what it appeared to me.

Wow. I didn't even notice the other coward who stood by and let the woman get pummeled. Pathetic.

That fat f*ck may be 250 pounds, but you could tell he was drunk off his ass. And no one goes down harder, than a fat, tipsy drunk. All it takes is one good body slam.
In a bar there are lots of heavy bottle to smash on his head ,Im with Tia I would have stepped in myself.
Perhaps the gal getting beaten was his wife ?

On a serious note, 2 cops also recently shot an old lady to death.
the police profession oftens attracts the wrong kind of people. Those who need a gun and a badge to make them fieel big and overcome their inferiority complex.

Most anyone can become a cop. Only a few are really worthy of the task.
Most cops do a good job and are honorable people.

The lady was just a bartender who told him he couldnt get another drink because he was too drunk.
All bartenders should be equipped with tasers.

Would have been fun to see the cop down on the floor peeing on himslef after hitting the lady.

And yes most cops are ok. And they have a rough job that I do not want again. However the fact is that the profession does attract some with problems.
Most cops do a good job and are honorable people.

The lady was just a bartender who told him he couldnt get another drink because he was too drunk.

Yeah. Cops like this give the rest a bad name.
What's worse is that the cops just let the guy sit in a rehab for a month and did not even charge him until the video was made available I had heard...

That cop honestly deserves to be in prison for 20 years AT LEAST as far as I am concerned I view him as very dangerous to society. Someone like him that can beat and kick someone less than half his size and a female.... has one, sick, messed up head.

This girl easily could be dead, it is a miracle that she isn't from viewing the video.... this was attempted murder as far as I can see....

There is video footage. I don't even know where to begin.

First off, the word "accused" is almost a joke in this case.

Secondly, it didn't look like those guys were in any hurry to get him off of her. She was getting pounded for a while.

Thirdly, this really pisses me off because our legal system always favors a cops testimony when clearly there are some rotten apples in the bunch.

Old ladies getting beaten up by drunken, large men? That's awesome.
Wow. I didn't even notice the other coward who stood by and let the woman get pummeled. Pathetic.

That fat f*ck may be 250 pounds, but you could tell he was drunk off his ass. And no one goes down harder, than a fat, tipsy drunk. All it takes is one good body slam.

You know, Cypress, I've often heard people talking about "What they would do" if they were in that situation, how they'd surely kill the perpetrator, or go up behind him and perform a double Karate kick that would snap his spine in half. The thing is, however, that this never happens in real life. Imagine.
What's worse is that the cops just let the guy sit in a rehab for a month and did not even charge him until the video was made available I had heard...

That cop honestly deserves to be in prison for 20 years AT LEAST as far as I am concerned I view him as very dangerous to society. Someone like him that can beat and kick someone less than half his size and a female.... has one, sick, messed up head.

This girl easily could be dead, it is a miracle that she isn't from viewing the video.... this was attempted murder as far as I can see....

Care4all, this is a justice system, a reform system, not a lock them up forever and throw away the key system. The sentences you're talking about are only applicable for things like murder and child molestation. Certainly not simple assault, especially while he was drunk and barely able to understand what he was doing.
Care4all, this is a justice system, a reform system, not a lock them up forever and throw away the key system. The sentences you're talking about are only applicable for things like murder and child molestation. Certainly not simple assault, especially while he was drunk and barely able to understand what he was doing.
I agree about the justice system and ordinarily I give the cops the benefit of a lot of doubt. That's odd for an old hippie like me but it comes from having two in my immediate family, I suppose.

OTOH, I have to agree with Care on this one. If this video is truly an accurate representation of what went on -- remember, we don't see what lead up to this: it's out of context -- then the officer is guilty of some of the most egregious assault and battery I've ever seen.

Twenty years might be too much but he should do time. IF the video doesn't obscure important mitigating circumstances.