300 days and counting

Nothing will get done for 3 years because of the GOP. Brilliant strategy.
If Biden uses that bipartisan approach he might get something done. Maybe the Republicans should cut off the republican areas of California and make a new state. Or maybe after 2024 they should add 6-7 more Supreme Court judges.
No no no. What you said makes no logical sense. Aborting babies would mean no future voters for EITHER parties.
So liberals want abortion an conservatives don't. Most aborted babies would likely have voted Democrat like their "mother" would. For example Blacks have more abortion than any other group. Blacks tend to be Democrat.
288 Days from today 1/24/2022 till 11/8/2022 Counting down to the return to sanity in Government. Enjoy it while you can Liberals. The countdown clock is ticking and as Cuck Todd the Democrats will lose big. Biden has lost The New Times, MSNBC, and NBC and the independent voters.

I wish I could believe that "voters" will decide future elections instead of "votes". There's a difference.
That is false. Many conservative and Republican women had abortions.
It just astounds me, they think only Democrats have abortions. I remember in 2018 when a number of Republican politicians were outed as having paid for abortions for their affairs while voting in harsh laws to stem abortions.
Biden is already whining.

He's just preparing to "fortify" another election and needs a new plausible-sounding excuse now that plandemic fatigue has set in, IMO.

After all, he boasted on camera that DEMOCRATS have put together "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." That hasn't been disbanded, AFAIK.
