300 days and counting

Who said I was?

So you're not, then? You think Roe should stand and women have a right to an abortion?

Sorry that ship has already sailed. Just because you are a INCEL does not mean others are. But hey if you can't get female companionship Diesel is available.

I'm not the one worried about fetuses in people's wombs while shitting forth Great Replacement Conspiracy bullshit.
How are you going to win future elections if you kill off future voters

Well, young people hate Conservatism and Trump, so...it's not a worry of ours.

If it wasn't a worry of yours, you wouldn't be trying to hard to prevent future voters from voting.
Nope that will be the Dems excuse for losing. Biden is already whining.

You've been whining and crying like a fucking loser since November 2020.

Your whining cost you Trump's election.

Your whining cost you control of the House.

Your whining cost you those two Senate seats in GA and control of the Senate.

Maybe keep your fat mouth shut and you wouldn't have to whine so much?
If Biden uses that bipartisan approach he might get something done.

Sure, if there were bipartisan partners to work with and not 262 Nazis in Congress and the Senate.

Happy to work bipartisan with Republicans, once you can find some who aren't white nationalists.
Maybe the Republicans should cut off the republican areas of California and make a new state.

You can call it Welfareville since the red parts of CA are takers on government welfare and the blue parts generate all the revenue.

Cuz Bakersfield ain't generating a broad enough tax base without running to Sacremento looking for a handout.

But that's OK, because it's like that in every state; the blue areas generate all the jobs and revenue, and the red areas suck it all up with their performative rugged individualist cosplay.
Hilarious that you would think the Republican controlled Senate would restore sanity. :rofl2:

1st thing I thought. Trump is unstable, deranged. That was the most surreal, crazy 4 years America has had in modern times.

My 2nd thought was, the GOP shouldn't be counting the chickens yet. COVID could be done by summer, the economy could be roaring, and if SCOTUS overreaches on Roe - it may not be the landslide that conservatives are so sure of.
288 Days from today 1/24/2022 till 11/8/2022 Counting down to the return to sanity in Government. Enjoy it while you can Liberals. The countdown clock is ticking and as Cuck Todd the Democrats will lose big. Biden has lost The New Times, MSNBC, and NBC and the independent voters.

How many days was it between trump being a sure thing to win in 2020, and Biden actually winning? Less than 300, I'm pretty sure.
It just astounds me, they think only Democrats have abortions. I remember in 2018 when a number of Republican politicians were outed as having paid for abortions for their affairs while voting in harsh laws to stem abortions.

I remember trump evading the question when asked if any of his partners ever had an abortion. Heck, he wanted Marla to abort Tiffany.

"Maureen Dowd referred to Trump’s suggestion this week that women who have abortions should be punished – a comment he swiftly retracted – when she wrote: “Given his draconian comment, sending women back to back alleys, I had to ask: When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?

‘Such an interesting question,’ he said. ‘So what’s your next question?’”

The red TSUNAMI is coming.

The ballot harvest is coming, too.

Also, the GOP has to defend 22 Senate seats, with 5 retirement vs. the Democrats who have to defend 11 Senate seats, with 1 retirement in sapphire-blue Vermont.

See you are just using facts to present a case, it lacks the emotional feeling that Republicans have.