4 weeks until NCAA Football begins!

The freaking Pac 10 chooses to play all other nine conference teams during the year. So that means only three non-conference games each as opposed to say the SEC (or all other conferences) which only play 8 conference games. So therefore instead of scheduling a cupcake or Division I-AA school for an easy win the Pac 10 plays a conference team thereby guaranteeing itself as a conference five more losses.

What the Pac 10 ought to do is what the Big 12 and SEC do which is basically play 4 cupcakes so every school starts conference play with a 4-0 record. Then all the pundits talk about how great the conference is with all these undefeated teams. That's how they play the game.

what you ought to do is bring in Utah and add a conference championship game. Or find a way to get half of that toi-fu conference better than hs teams.
USC doesn't exactly have a murderous schedule. Yes, you play 9 conference games. But one of those is against a team who didn't win a single game last year! And another who only won 2 games.

And you start out with San Jose State? And playing ND might have meant something at one time. But not recently.

Every team schedules cupcakes. Its how you give your second stringers and futures starters playing time.

The SEC is a great conference. I'm not attempting to deny that or suggest in any way that it isn't. If I can find the list again I will post it here and it shows the caliber of out of conference opponents that the Pac 10 plays and that the SEC plays and there is no comparison.

You are correct there are a few bad teams in the Pac 10. The difference I would argue is that conference games are always tougher because you play the team every year and thus have more familiarity with each other than does a non-conference opponent who you have never or rarely ever played. How many people really thought Florida would lose at home to an unranked Ole Miss team last year for example? Crazy upsets occur more often in conference games.

Now of course I admittedly come from a pro-West Coast pro-Pac 10 bias. And I love the South for its beautiful women and college football passion. But when it comes to rankings from national pundits or even Rivals.com there has always been an anti-West Coast bias and I know Topspin likes to f around but his attitude toward the West is prevelent among many people.
No conf is as overrated as the pac 10. That's evidenced by pre and post season top tens.
USC is obviously one of the best if not the best program in History.
I've just had a chapped ass since Pete took it up the butt and tried to steal our NC.
He showed his class on the QB going pro, LOL dude gets picked like 5th and pete wants him to stay.
Mark Rict is the dirties coach in college football,when they played FL and Tebowwas hurt he had his team taking shots at his shoulder all night, it is the only reason they won, then when he had the whole team run to the end zone after the first touch down, wow that teaches the kids good sportsmanship, guess I am old fashion, I like the idea education first then sports and you should conduct yourself as a adult while playing, Paterno could teach allot of these new coaches some class, USC had a awesome defense, and there offense speaks for itself, I am not sure but what did they lose 1 game last year?

And as for the SEC and the last 3 decades lol, I must of missed that, but yes you are right it does go in cycles, look at N.D. what do they have like 7 championships and can't hardly win a game
Damn dude, that aint dirty. That's football. You wanna were a dress and go to the ball, have at it but this is a mans game. Can't take a hit, then you shouldn't be on the field.
USC doesn't exactly have a murderous schedule. Yes, you play 9 conference games. But one of those is against a team who didn't win a single game last year! And another who only won 2 games.

And you start out with San Jose State? And playing ND might have meant something at one time. But not recently.

Every team schedules cupcakes. Its how you give your second stringers and futures starters playing time.
You'll have an idea of how good USC is when they play the Bucks. Regardless of what you SEC weenies think OSU is a top tier team. If USC crushes them. Watch out.
LOL, might be , But I live in GA about 20 mins from Athens and people are getting sick of Richt, but you know how that is if he turns it around he will be a hero again, but again I think ya need to teach these kids, ya say thats to old fashion, well how many of GA players are super stars in the pro's, Herschel Walker for a great for a trade to to buy a team in Dallas, as I said I am a GA fan, but not a Richt fan
It could be worse. You could have John Cooper as your head coach.
BTW, did ya'll hear the rumor about Pryor at OSU? Reliable sources have it he ran a 4.33 40 yd. That's 0.2 better than Vince Young. Scary thought, huh? The Bucks are going to be scary fast on offense this year. Pryor, Herron, Sensenbrenner, Smart all run sub 4.6 times.
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Damn dude, that aint dirty. That's football. You wanna were a dress and go to the ball, have at it but this is a mans game. Can't take a hit, then you shouldn't be on the field.

I played football up till I graduated HS and never was told to do the dirty shit Richt tells his players to do, so it is ok to ruin a kids career to win a conference game, lol

As for a man, lol, I have no problem there,

I watch Joe PA from Penn state I don't see him coaching that way, how many championships does Richt have? enough said, lol
I played football up till I graduated HS and never was told to do the dirty shit Richt tells his players to do, so it is ok to ruin a kids career to win a conference game, lol

As for a man, lol, I have no problem there,

I watch Joe PA from Penn state I don't see him coaching that way, how many championships does Richt have? enough said, lol
That's a good point. Joe Pa don't tolerate cheap shot artist.
That's a good point. Joe Pa don't tolerate cheap shot artist.

The years of Bear & Joe Pa facing off were some of the best games ever.

I think our Goalline Stand in the '79 Sugarbowl may be one of the best "gut checks" in the history of college football.
The years of Bear & Joe Pa facing off were some of the best games ever.

I think our Goalline Stand in the '79 Sugarbowl may be one of the best "gut checks" in the history of college football.
Let's not get maudlin. That was then this is now. I say Ole Miss is gonna shock the nation by taking the SEC this year.
Let's not get maudlin. That was then this is now. I say Ole Miss is gonna shock the nation by taking the SEC this year.

Just wandering down memory lane.

I have no doubt Ole Miss is gonna be tough. But I think we will take'em.
VaTech lost their starting RB to a knee injury. I hate to see anyone get hurt. And I want Bama to beat a team when they are at top form.

But this may have sealed their fate on Sept 5th. Unless their QB made HUGE improvements from last year, they won't do much against our D.
According to Rivals.com, Bama has the #1 Nose Guard, the #2 Linebacker and the #16 Linebacker in the nation.

Its gonna be a great year.
According to Rivals.com, Bama has the #1 Nose Guard, the #2 Linebacker and the #16 Linebacker in the nation.

Its gonna be a great year.
Both the starting middle linebacker and fullback at Ohio State are from my high school alma mater. The Homan brothers from tiny little Coldwater, Ohio.