And it was conservatives who forced unions to not allow closed shop contracts that destroyed unions.
No, I noted that it didn't help their earnings. Their earnings dropped far before that though.Damo, you act like the amnesty opened a vast hole in the earnings of hispanics.
You are being deliberately ignorant here. There has been a lot of immigration since then, mostly of low earners. Why would the people who were here before that immigration be making less now? Of course they wouldn't. Let's use a little common-fucking-sense.
Duh, there was this President in the 80s. I think he might have been conservative.And it was conservatives who forced unions to not allow closed shop contracts that destroyed unions.
Duh, there was this President in the 80s. I think he might have been conservative.
He had much to do with the Amnesty that I spoke of and had the goal that I spoke of as well. Shoot, it was Caesar Chavez's Union that Reagan killed with that one. It was already on the downward trend.Reagan had nothing to do with the "right to work" laws. It was an entirely state level things. It's in both of our states. I've never seen a union worker.
He had much to do with the Amnesty that I spoke of and had the goal that I spoke of as well. Shoot, it was Caesar Chavez's Union that Reagan killed with that one. It was already on the downward trend.
Each time you start spouting this stuff you wind up schooled. Why do you keep doing it?
Look. Each time you get emotive rather than actually reading my posts you start in on the angry stuff and wind up totally wrong. You make statements like "Nobody at all was hurt by that!" then find out you were utterly wrong about that.May I also declare ownage? If that's all it takes to win an argument, we should both do it, and see how it turns out.
Look. Each time you get emotive rather than actually reading my posts you start in on the angry stuff and wind up totally wrong. You make statements like "Nobody at all was hurt by that!" then find out you were utterly wrong about that.
It quite literally was designed to hurt one specific group, and it worked.
It quite literally was designed to hurt one specific group, and it worked.
I can't believe what happened to the Hispanics. For a time they were nearly equal with whites in earnings, then they leaped above them, then they dropped to nearly equal with blacks.
It appears that the 80's Amnesty wasn't too good to them, nor do I think any new Amnesty will be....
The Reagan Amnesty told potential illegal aliens, that if they could get into the US and hold on long enough, they'd be given permanent legal status. That was all they needed to hear. They started flooding across the border in the late 80s after Reagan signed the first amnesty, and haven't stopped since, helped by the Fed govt's almost complete lack of border enforcement.
Many of them wound up working for jobs paying miserable wages, $1/hr or less, which was still more than they could get in Mexico. But my guess is, that huge influx of very-low-pay workers, dragged down the per capita income of "all Hispanics" as the chart shows.
Hispanics who were born here, or who got legal resident status, have mostly not been affected. They still work at the same wage levels as the rest of the (legal) population. But the chart shows ALL Hispanics with jobs - including the mostly-Hispanic illegal alien population, which has exploded hugely since the 1980s. So the average goes way down, even though legal-resident Hispanics suffered no real income losses.
It's kind of stalled since the '80's.
Gee, I wonder who came into power en masse then that could've caused such damage? I'll get back to you guys on my findings.
Came to power en masse? LOL.... conservative Dems and Republicans still controlled Congress during the 80's. There was a four year stint that the Reps controlled the Senate, but at no time did they gain control of the House.
A rabidly conservative and nativist version of what I just said.
An endless parade of liberals who can't refute the data or the conclusions, yet still refuse to accept the truth. They seem to fall back to simply calling it names, such as "conservative".
They are correct.
It is abundantly clear from poverty statistics and income statistics that the Great Society and War on Poverty programs were effective at reducing poverty and increasing income among blacks on a much larger scale than the preceding years.
Listen to yourself.
Blacks had been steadily and rapidly improving their lot from WWII onwards. Then poverty programs took effect in the mid to late 60s. Within a few years, black improvements had come to a halt, and remained stagnant throughout the 70s. And you call those programs a "resounding success". Who do you think you're kidding?
It's not my eyes that need checking. The evidence on the charts is clear. It's you who are completely missing what's in front of your face. The funny part is, you seem to expect others to be as myopic and (did someone say "lying?) as you are.
The liberal programs of the 60s onward, have been a complete failure, even after billions and billions have been spent. It was only tax cuts by various conservatives, that let blacks gain any small increase in wages, prosperity etc... only to be pushed back down by tax increases on people pushed into higher tax brackets by inflation, until Reagan put an end to that practice too.
And after mounting evidence of the failures of liberal program after liberal program, the audacity with which liberals STILL push the same old failed aganda, is nothing short of breathtaking. One might almost refer to them, by now, as "noxious fucks who haven't a clue". Wouldn't one?
But I don't bother referring to them as that, since I'm not a potty-mouthed adolescent who can't prove them wrong. I find it perfectly adequate to point out their programs, point out the results, and let intelligent people draw their own conclusions. And if a few people on the other side can't see what's in front of their faces, there's not much more I can do for them.