40 years Ago Today...

This is a fascinating phenomenon.

I presented government data showing black income and poverty improving rapidly before 1970, and then showing far less improvement in the 70s and onward. And here we have several liberal hysterics, completely unable to refute the facts, simply announcing that improvements didn't slow down until the 80s... despite what the data clearly shows to everyone reading the thread

Apparently they expect normal people to accept their wishful thinking, and conclude that the liberals are right and the facts somehow wrong. And they stick to their bizarre lies, with the graphs right out in the open where anybody can see the libs are lying.

We seem to be entering a new chapter in extreme-leftist denial. We've become used to the ways these strange people would announce that Barack Obama was unaware of his pastor's racist America-hating despite twenty years of describing the man as his "close friend" and "mentor". At least there was the tiniest chance of that being true (about as much chance as Hillary being named after the Everest climber).

But now, with the facts baldly in their faces and people pointing them out time and again, they calmly announce the facts are wrong. And, of course, continue to insult and denigrate anyone who points out how silly they are being.

It's becoming sort of a game, almost. How irrational and insane can these people get, in their quest to keep pretending they are right in the face of clear facts to the contrary? Are they going to announce next that John McCain is an alien? Announce that Bill Clinton can legally run for a third term? What bizarre fantasies will they cite next, in their desperate quest to stave off defeat?

I'm coming to realize there is no limit to the grotesqueness or obviousness, of the lies these people will tell, while acting as though they are being "reasonable". It should be an interesting six months. :D :D :D
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No one else thinks this guy sounds like Dano?
I will tell you that according to all the information I have they are not the same person. TheDanold even dropped by a couple times to ask me a question, but hasn't posted here as far as I know.
Its a shame how the concept of "the goverment which governs least" has increasingly yielded to the authoritarian streak that has always defined Europe.
Its a shame how the concept of "the goverment which governs least" has increasingly yielded to the authoritarian streak that has always defined Europe.
Humans invariably are willing to give up liberties they believe to be inessential for a bit more security.
always yielded since we bacame a country. It began with the whiskey rebellion.
After the civil war we seemed to just accept it though ever since.