46% of whites worry becoming a majority-minority nation

America was founded as a White, Anglo-European, Protestant, Republic/nation. America was , from 1776 to 1965 an 80%- 90% White Anglo-European nation. In the 19th century it became the most prosperous and powerful liberal democracy in all of Western civilisation. Now, however, the White, European, Christian population are destined to increasingly diminish is size until they are eventually replaced by Latin Americans, Black Africans and other Third World ethnic/racial groups. It looks as though Hispanics will be the first racial group to establish themselves as the majority group in the US.

When Hispanics and Blacks make up the majority of America's population. What was called "America" will simply become a low -IQ, Third World "jungle" (think Detroit or Mexico City).

But maybe it wont end that way. Maybe there will be a second Civil War? Maybe White Americans will not be prepared to go down with a whimper and lose their magnificent Western culture (its traditions/institutions/intellectual and aesthetic achievements/sophisticated social manners and mores) Lose, in short, the greatest and most objectively superior culture the world has ever seen) without a fight. In my opinion, the white American man is DUTY bound to fight to the death in the defence of his Western cultural inheritance when it has come under attack by invading Third World hordes who will, if not stopped, utterly desecrate, then, destroy it.


Sieg Heil Hitler and your White American utopia!
You guys are living in such unreasonable fears. In 2055 America will be 48 percent white. 24 percent Hispanic 14 Asian and 13 black. Can you figure out which is the largest demographic by far? Do you really think the other groups will all gather and vote as one? Can you be that stupid? Do you guys just think up things to make you afraid?


Are you a millennial ? I was wondering because you have some very naive ideas. And generally I find there's no point in arguing with them because they have been educated - at high school and college - by a neo-Marxist or so-called Postmodernist system that has decimated the liberal art/humanities curriculum and no longer teaches critical/rational thinking skills STEM subjects thank God are immune to the virus, but disciplines like sociology, history, English literature, politics, anthropology, psychology have been destroyed and qualifications in these areas are truly not worth the paper that they are printed on. Stuff like: Women's Studies, Black Studies, Neo-colonial studies, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Social Justice Studies, Feminist Studies, Stupidity Studies (seriously), Marxist Critical Theory, Intersectionality, Ethnical/racial studies, Cultural Studies, etc; etc; IT IS ALL PURE, WORTHLESS BULLSHIT.

OK, now that I've got that off my chest, let's take a look at your post.

Why do you think the Democrat base in Congress - which is "progressive" ideologically (read "socialist" for "progressive", BTW, because that's what it boils down to) has always opposed Trump building the Mexico-US border wall ? Why do you think that up to now all of the Democrat Presidential candidates have endorsed open-border policies re illegal immigration into the US or policies that call for the abolition of ICE, or policies that promote "sanctuary cities". Why do you think the big Blue state of California have, in short, been ACTIVELY ENCOURAGING Hispanic illegal immigrants from Mexico, and, when they arrive providing them with just about every tax-payer-funded Welfare benefit that you can imagine?

I'll tell you why, Einstein. Its because those illegal Hispanics in ,say, California, are not going to vote Republican are they ? No, they will vote Democrat because the Democrats give them heaps of Welfare goodies and will not deport them even though they have no right to be in the US. And if your wondering how illegal aliens manage to vote in Presidential elections, just ask to Democrats who turn a blind eye to voter fraud and encourage illegals to vote for them.

It also why the Democrats are the party that Blacks vote for, because they blacks are far more likely to be unemployed, high-school drop outs or failing at high school, living in poverty, relying on the racist Affirmative Action scheme, living in single parent families, involved in criminal activities/or incarcerated, living in sub-standard housing, etc, etc. All of these circumstances require hand-outs from the Welfare state: e.g. food stamps, unemployment benefits, legal aid for those charged with crimes or those in jail, educational interventions for students who cannot cope with the mainstream curriculum in elementary school or high school, and so on and so forth. Now do you think the Black population are going to vote Republican ? No, of course they are not, because the Republicans are ideologically allergic to Big Government/Big,bloated Welfare States; also the Republican Party is 90% White and Black American positively hate (sorry, but it's true) White European Americans. So for years now, the Democrats have been saying the Blacks "Vote for Us !!", we'll give you all the Welfare hand-outs and Welfare programmes that you want.

Without the Black and Hispanic vote, the Democrats aren't in the race, and they know it. And there is no way that Blacks and Hispanics are going to vote Republican, because that would mean getting off you arse and getting a steady job that you are capable of performing. It would mean not doing drugs, not behaving fecklessly, violently/dangerously or criminally, it would mean learning to take responsibility for children you have fathered, it would mean being financially prudent and living within your means, it would mean cleaning up your act and behaving in a civilised manner according to mainstream social mores (being well-mannered, polite, respectful, tolerant of others, etc), it would mean refusing to be a victim of 18th and 19th century slavery in the year 2020. Why commit to all of this, especially when it would require lots of effort, motivation, diligence, perseverance and self-control, when you can, instead, just just sit back and continue to be paid by the Democrat Welfare state to be a dysfunctional loser and a burden on decent society? (And be told that you are morally ENTITLED to do, because White Western American culture/civilisation is racist, patriarchal, exploitative, privileged, discriminatory, oppressive, etc; towards people of colour).

Can you see what is going to happen Nordberg. American Whites have stopped breeding, Hispanic and Blacks have not. Over the ensuing decades the numbers of Hispanics and Blacks in America will increase. I would ask you to look into the future beyond 2050, because that is when the shit is really going to hit the fan. I know that you and I will be dead in 2150, Nordberg so for us this is academic, but it seems to me that in 2150 the number of Blacks and Hispanics and other Latinos will greatly exceed the number of any White Western European Americans. The Republican Party will be long dead. The Democrats, if they still exist in that name will be the permanent party of government. The average IQ scores of Hispanics and Blacks in America today are 87 points and 85 points respectively - that's low compared to White European Americans whose average IQ is 100 points. Psychologists, psycho-metricians and geneticists who investigate racial intelligence, tend to agree that these average IQ scores , or measures of general intelligence are quite stable, so in the year 2150 the the average intelligence (or average "g-factor" i.e. general , fluid, intelligence factor) of the American population will be quite low judged by today's standards. This is because White European American, if there are still any living in North America will only be a small minority group and the fact that they have an average IQ of 100 points will not do much to lift the national level. Likewise, North East Asians have a particularly high average IQ of around 105, but in 2020 they account for only 6% of the US population; if we assume that in 2150 these Asians will still be a relatively small minority group as well, then even though they have, on average a high general intelligence, there will not be enough of them to significantly raise the national IQ. I predict, as I have said, that Blacks and Hispanics and mixed-race Black-Hispanics will make up the overwhelming majority of the American population.

Black African-American culture and Hispanic/Latino culture is COLLECTIVIST, it is philosophically opposite to the classic liberal culture of individuality and the maximising of the freedom of the individual that America was founded on, and that is still the dominant philosophy in White European America today (but only JUST). The US is historically saluted as "the Land of the Free" (individual). Collectivism is the opposite, it is the principle upon which socialist states are founded.

So, finally, in the year 2150, I predict that America will be a socialist nation; one main reason being that the dominant Black and Hispanic majority will find socialism harmonises nicely with their own innately, collectivist, cultural instincts. Because the US is now a relatively low-intelligence nation, it will not be able to think itself out of the socialist governance. The quality of life in the US in 2150 will be miserable compared to what it is today, America will basically become a dreadful, third world "S**T-HOLE."

Short of a second Civil War, I do not see how the fall of America can be prevented. Interestingly, the fall of another mighty Empire - the Roman Empire - was caused by the same factor... the unregulated mass immigration of foreign "barbarians." (under Valens, Emperor of the Eastern Province of the empire).

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Are you a millennial ? I was wondering because you have some very naive ideas. And generally I find there's no point in arguing with them because they have been educated - at high school and college - by a neo-Marxist or so-called Postmodernist system that has decimated the liberal art/humanities curriculum and no longer teaches critical/rational thinking skills STEM subjects thank God are immune to the virus, but disciplines like sociology, history, English literature, politics, anthropology, psychology have been destroyed and qualifications in these areas are truly not worth the paper that they are printed on. Stuff like: Women's Studies, Black Studies, Neo-colonial studies, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Social Justice Studies, Feminist Studies, Stupidity Studies (seriously), Marxist Critical Theory, Intersectionality, Ethnical/racial studies, Cultural Studies, etc; etc; IT IS ALL PURE, WORTHLESS BULLSHIT.

OK, now that I've got that off my chest, let's take a look at your post.

Why do you think the Democrat base in Congress - which is "progressive" ideologically (read "socialist" for "progressive", BTW, because that's what it boils down to) has always opposed Trump building the Mexico-US border wall ? Why do you think that up to now all of the Democrat Presidential candidates have endorsed open-border policies re illegal immigration into the US or policies that call for the abolition of ICE, or policies that promote "sanctuary cities". Why do you think the big Blue state of California have, in short, been ACTIVELY ENCOURAGING Hispanic illegal immigrants from Mexico, and, when they arrive providing them with just about every tax-payer-funded Welfare benefit that you can imagine?

I'll tell you why, Einstein. Its because those illegal Hispanics in ,say, California, are not going to vote Republican are they ? No, they will vote Democrat because the Democrats give them heaps of Welfare goodies and will not deport them even though they have no right to be in the US. And if your wondering how illegal aliens manage to vote in Presidential elections, just ask to Democrats who turn a blind eye to voter fraud and encourage illegals to vote for them.

It also why the Democrats are the party that Blacks vote for, because they blacks are far more likely to be unemployed, high-school drop outs or failing at high school, living in poverty, relying on the racist Affirmative Action scheme, living in single parent families, involved in criminal activities/or incarcerated, living in sub-standard housing, etc, etc. All of these circumstances require hand-outs from the Welfare state: e.g. food stamps, unemployment benefits, legal aid for those charged with crimes or those in jail, educational interventions for students who cannot cope with the mainstream curriculum in elementary school or high school, and so on and so forth. Now do you think the Black population are going to vote Republican ? No, of course they are not, because the Republicans are ideologically allergic to Big Government/Big,bloated Welfare States; also the Republican Party is 90% White and Black American positively hate (sorry, but it's true) White European Americans. So for years now, the Democrats have been saying the Blacks "Vote for Us !!", we'll give you all the Welfare hand-outs and Welfare programmes that you want.

Without the Black and Hispanic vote, the Democrats aren't in the race, and they know it. And there is no way that Blacks and Hispanics are going to vote Republican, because that would mean getting off you arse and getting a steady job that you are capable of performing. It would mean not doing drugs, not behaving fecklessly, violently/dangerously or criminally, it would mean learning to take responsibility for children you have fathered, it would mean being financially prudent and living within your means, it would mean cleaning up your act and behaving in a civilised manner according to mainstream social mores (being well-mannered, polite, respectful, tolerant of others, etc), it would mean refusing to be a victim of 18th and 19th century slavery in the year 2020. Why commit to all of this, especially when it would require lots of effort, motivation, diligence, perseverance and self-control, when you can, instead, just just sit back and continue to be paid by the Democrat Welfare state to be a dysfunctional loser and a burden on decent society? (And be told that you are morally ENTITLED to do, because White Western American culture/civilisation is racist, patriarchal, exploitative, privileged, discriminatory, oppressive, etc; towards people of colour).

Can you see what is going to happen Nordberg. American Whites have stopped breeding, Hispanic and Blacks have not. Over the ensuing decades the numbers of Hispanics and Blacks in America will increase. I would ask you to look into the future beyond 2050, because that is when the shit is really going to hit the fan. I know that you and I will be dead in 2150, Nordberg so for us this is academic, but it seems to me that in 2150 the number of Blacks and Hispanics and other Latinos will greatly exceed the number of any White Western European Americans. The Republican Party will be long dead. The Democrats, if they still exist in that name will be the permanent party of government. The average IQ scores of Hispanics and Blacks in America today are 87 points and 85 points respectively - that's low compared to White European Americans whose average IQ is 100 points. Psychologists, psycho-metricians and geneticists who investigate racial intelligence, tend to agree that these average IQ scores , or measures of general intelligence are quite stable, so in the year 2150 the the average intelligence (or average "g-factor" i.e. general , fluid, intelligence factor) of the American population will be quite low judged by today's standards. This is because White European American, if there are still any living in North America will only be a small minority group and the fact that they have an average IQ of 100 points will not do much to lift the national level. Likewise, North East Asians have a particularly high average IQ of around 105, but in 2020 they account for only 6% of the US population; if we assume that in 2150 these Asians will still be a relatively small minority group as well, then even though they have, on average a high general intelligence, there will not be enough of them to significantly raise the national IQ. I predict, as I have said, that Blacks and Hispanics and mixed-race Black-Hispanics will make up the overwhelming majority of the American population.

Black African-American culture and Hispanic/Latino culture is COLLECTIVIST, it is philosophically opposite to the classic liberal culture of individuality and the maximising of the freedom of the individual that America was founded on, and that is still the dominant philosophy in White European America today (but only JUST). The US is historically saluted as "the Land of the Free" (individual). Collectivism is the opposite, it is the principle upon which socialist states are founded.

So, finally, in the year 2150, I predict that America will be a socialist nation; one main reason being that the dominant Black and Hispanic majority will find socialism harmonises nicely with their own innately, collectivist, cultural instincts. Because the US is now a relatively low-intelligence nation, it will not be able to think itself out of the socialist governance. The quality of life in the US in 2150 will be miserable compared to what it is today, America will basically become a dreadful, third world "S**T-HOLE."

Short of a second Civil War, I do not see how the fall of America can be prevented. Interestingly, the fall of another mighty Empire - the Roman Empire - was caused by the same factor... the unregulated mass immigration of foreign "barbarians." (under Valens, Emperor of the Eastern Province of the empire).


Have you a scintilla of evidence that blacks and Latinos have sought socialism. You made that up.
Poor people have more kids. That is a truism in any country. It is not a crime, nor a plot.
Blacks and Latinos vote Dem because the Repubs exploit them. They are doing it now and it is their philosophy. They are not stupid, but your paternalistic attitude is what pisses them off.
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Are you a millennial ? I was wondering because you have some very naive ideas. And generally I find there's no point in arguing with them because they have been educated - at high school and college - by a neo-Marxist or so-called Postmodernist system that has decimated the liberal art/humanities curriculum and no longer teaches critical/rational thinking skills STEM subjects thank God are immune to the virus, but disciplines like sociology, history, English literature, politics, anthropology, psychology have been destroyed and qualifications in these areas are truly not worth the paper that they are printed on. Stuff like: Women's Studies, Black Studies, Neo-colonial studies, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Social Justice Studies, Feminist Studies, Stupidity Studies (seriously), Marxist Critical Theory, Intersectionality, Ethnical/racial studies, Cultural Studies, etc; etc; IT IS ALL PURE, WORTHLESS BULLSHIT.

OK, now that I've got that off my chest, let's take a look at your post.

Why do you think the Democrat base in Congress - which is "progressive" ideologically (read "socialist" for "progressive", BTW, because that's what it boils down to) has always opposed Trump building the Mexico-US border wall ? Why do you think that up to now all of the Democrat Presidential candidates have endorsed open-border policies re illegal immigration into the US or policies that call for the abolition of ICE, or policies that promote "sanctuary cities". Why do you think the big Blue state of California have, in short, been ACTIVELY ENCOURAGING Hispanic illegal immigrants from Mexico, and, when they arrive providing them with just about every tax-payer-funded Welfare benefit that you can imagine?

I'll tell you why, Einstein. Its because those illegal Hispanics in ,say, California, are not going to vote Republican are they ? No, they will vote Democrat because the Democrats give them heaps of Welfare goodies and will not deport them even though they have no right to be in the US. And if your wondering how illegal aliens manage to vote in Presidential elections, just ask to Democrats who turn a blind eye to voter fraud and encourage illegals to vote for them.

It also why the Democrats are the party that Blacks vote for, because they blacks are far more likely to be unemployed, high-school drop outs or failing at high school, living in poverty, relying on the racist Affirmative Action scheme, living in single parent families, involved in criminal activities/or incarcerated, living in sub-standard housing, etc, etc. All of these circumstances require hand-outs from the Welfare state: e.g. food stamps, unemployment benefits, legal aid for those charged with crimes or those in jail, educational interventions for students who cannot cope with the mainstream curriculum in elementary school or high school, and so on and so forth. Now do you think the Black population are going to vote Republican ? No, of course they are not, because the Republicans are ideologically allergic to Big Government/Big,bloated Welfare States; also the Republican Party is 90% White and Black American positively hate (sorry, but it's true) White European Americans. So for years now, the Democrats have been saying the Blacks "Vote for Us !!", we'll give you all the Welfare hand-outs and Welfare programmes that you want.

Without the Black and Hispanic vote, the Democrats aren't in the race, and they know it. And there is no way that Blacks and Hispanics are going to vote Republican, because that would mean getting off you arse and getting a steady job that you are capable of performing. It would mean not doing drugs, not behaving fecklessly, violently/dangerously or criminally, it would mean learning to take responsibility for children you have fathered, it would mean being financially prudent and living within your means, it would mean cleaning up your act and behaving in a civilised manner according to mainstream social mores (being well-mannered, polite, respectful, tolerant of others, etc), it would mean refusing to be a victim of 18th and 19th century slavery in the year 2020. Why commit to all of this, especially when it would require lots of effort, motivation, diligence, perseverance and self-control, when you can, instead, just just sit back and continue to be paid by the Democrat Welfare state to be a dysfunctional loser and a burden on decent society? (And be told that you are morally ENTITLED to do, because White Western American culture/civilisation is racist, patriarchal, exploitative, privileged, discriminatory, oppressive, etc; towards people of colour).

Can you see what is going to happen Nordberg. American Whites have stopped breeding, Hispanic and Blacks have not. Over the ensuing decades the numbers of Hispanics and Blacks in America will increase. I would ask you to look into the future beyond 2050, because that is when the shit is really going to hit the fan. I know that you and I will be dead in 2150, Nordberg so for us this is academic, but it seems to me that in 2150 the number of Blacks and Hispanics and other Latinos will greatly exceed the number of any White Western European Americans. The Republican Party will be long dead. The Democrats, if they still exist in that name will be the permanent party of government. The average IQ scores of Hispanics and Blacks in America today are 87 points and 85 points respectively - that's low compared to White European Americans whose average IQ is 100 points. Psychologists, psycho-metricians and geneticists who investigate racial intelligence, tend to agree that these average IQ scores , or measures of general intelligence are quite stable, so in the year 2150 the the average intelligence (or average "g-factor" i.e. general , fluid, intelligence factor) of the American population will be quite low judged by today's standards. This is because White European American, if there are still any living in North America will only be a small minority group and the fact that they have an average IQ of 100 points will not do much to lift the national level. Likewise, North East Asians have a particularly high average IQ of around 105, but in 2020 they account for only 6% of the US population; if we assume that in 2150 these Asians will still be a relatively small minority group as well, then even though they have, on average a high general intelligence, there will not be enough of them to significantly raise the national IQ. I predict, as I have said, that Blacks and Hispanics and mixed-race Black-Hispanics will make up the overwhelming majority of the American population.

Black African-American culture and Hispanic/Latino culture is COLLECTIVIST, it is philosophically opposite to the classic liberal culture of individuality and the maximising of the freedom of the individual that America was founded on, and that is still the dominant philosophy in White European America today (but only JUST). The US is historically saluted as "the Land of the Free" (individual). Collectivism is the opposite, it is the principle upon which socialist states are founded.

So, finally, in the year 2150, I predict that America will be a socialist nation; one main reason being that the dominant Black and Hispanic majority will find socialism harmonises nicely with their own innately, collectivist, cultural instincts. Because the US is now a relatively low-intelligence nation, it will not be able to think itself out of the socialist governance. The quality of life in the US in 2150 will be miserable compared to what it is today, America will basically become a dreadful, third world "S**T-HOLE."

Short of a second Civil War, I do not see how the fall of America can be prevented. Interestingly, the fall of another mighty Empire - the Roman Empire - was caused by the same factor... the unregulated mass immigration of foreign "barbarians." (under Valens, Emperor of the Eastern Province of the empire).


Lets make it simple for you. We have a wall and fences. We built them where they were needed. It was done through Dem and Repug admins. Can you follow that? The drugs and immigrants come in through existing ports of entry. The data makes that clear. Over 90 percent come in that way. Trump is proposing building walls where they are not needed because he scared you rightys into believing criminals and rapists are pouring through. You think people will walk through a dangerous desert to come over instead of coming through the ports. Your susceptibility to Trump lies is the problem.
Even you must have noticed the influx of immigrants went to the ports of entry and presented themselves to the guards. Understand that. They did not sneak in through deserts, but went to the guards and asked for asylum.
The fence Trump proposes is a waste of money. He wants to prevent lizards and roadrunners from crossing the border. It is a pretend problem that Trump created to scare the voters. It worked great on you. The evidence is there if you open your eyes. The immigrants come in through the ports of entry. You can stop them all. Shut the ports. Then you can sleep better.
Lets make it simple for you. We have a wall and fences. We built them where they were needed. It was done through Dem and Repug admins. Can you follow that? The drugs and immigrants come in through existing ports of entry. The data makes that clear. Over 90 percent come in that way. Trump is proposing building walls where they are not needed because he scared you rightys into believing criminals and rapists are pouring through. You think people will walk through a dangerous desert to come over instead of coming through the ports. Your susceptibility to Trump lies is the problem.
Even you must have noticed the influx of immigrants went to the ports of entry and presented themselves to the guards. Understand that. They did not sneak in through deserts, but went to the guards and asked for asylum.
The fence Trump proposes is a waste of money. He wants to prevent lizards and roadrunners from crossing the border. It is a pretend problem that Trump created to scare the voters. It worked great on you. The evidence is there if you open your eyes. The immigrants come in through the ports of entry. You can stop them all. Shut the ports. Then you can sleep better.

you just need to import voters, and you're willing to screw over current citizens to do it. your motives are tainted with taint juice.