5 Ways People Are Trying to Save the World (That Don't Work)

What is difficult to understand about using recycled goods? If I do not use lumber to build a deck, there will be less lumber sold and less cut. I am willing to spend a little more to accomplish that.
If the recycled material doesn't perform better than wood and cost you less in the long run you'll be wasting other resources to re-satin it and eventually replace it.
If the recycled material doesn't perform better than wood and cost you less in the long run you'll be wasting other resources to re-satin it and eventually replace it.

It depends on what you would be using the wood for, how long you expect it to last, and how you treat either material. And I am making no claims about not using other resources. I specifically spoke about preserving diverse, old growth forests.

Right after I joined this site you posted something about me not letting go. Ring any bells?
It depends on what you would be using the wood for, how long you expect it to last, and how you treat either material. And I am making no claims about not using other resources. I specifically spoke about preserving diverse, old growth forests.

Right after I joined this site you posted something about me not letting go. Ring any bells?
I told you that the best way to preserve tree diversity is to purchase diverse forest products, and then explained why. If you can't respond with rational thought then by all means let it go.
I told you that the best way to preserve tree diversity is to purchase diverse forest products, and then explained why. If you can't respond with rational thought then by all means let it go.

And planting new forests with one species or more than one species does not replace old growth forests. And that has been my point.

I have responded on the same topic, and with rational thought throughout.
And planting new forests with one species or more than one species does not replace old growth forests. And that has been my point.

I have responded on the same topic, and with rational thought throughout.

That's why you should should but diverse wood products, so producers will be encouraged to plant them. *shrug*
That's why you should should but diverse wood products, so producers will be encouraged to plant them. *shrug*

What I have said I would be willing to spend more money to protect has not changed since we started this discourse.

It is a diverse, old growth forest. Diverse without being old growth is not it. Old growth of single species is not it. The ecosystem of a diverse, old growth forest supports many species of plants and animals that will not survive elsewhere.
What I have said I would be willing to spend more money to protect has not changed since we started this discourse.

It is a diverse, old growth forest. Diverse without being old growth is not it. Old growth of single species is not it. The ecosystem of a diverse, old growth forest supports many species of plants and animals that will not survive elsewhere.
I'm not arguing against old growth, in fact my son and I make it a point to hike in as many designated Wilderness areas as we can. But the religious fervor to save trees is actually screwing up theses areas. We took a trip to a Wilderness area in Oregon in 2003. It was surrounded by national Forest, and the environmentalists had prevented the harvesting of trees throughout this whole area. Throughout the Forest there were stands of trees that hadn't been harvested in decades, along with tons of highly flammable forest litter that accumulates when trees are left basically unmanaged. The whole fucking place burned down two weeks after we visited.

You do know the difference between Wilderness and Forest, don't you?

My point is that if the environmentalists would go away, the Forests would be harvested as they need to be, and the Wilderness areas could them survive.

The same thing about the Amazon areas. If the folks who lived there had a market for the exotic wood, they'd manage the areas as Forests instead of trying to assume some European farming economy. And a healthy Forest includes Wilderness areas to preserve the native ecosystems.
I'm not arguing against old growth, in fact my son and I make it a point to hike in as many designated Wilderness areas as we can. But the religious fervor to save trees is actually screwing up theses areas. We took a trip to a Wilderness area in Oregon in 2003. It was surrounded by national Forest, and the environmentalists had prevented the harvesting of trees throughout this whole area. Throughout the Forest there were stands of trees that hadn't been harvested in decades, along with tons of highly flammable forest litter that accumulates when trees are left basically unmanaged. The whole fucking place burned down two weeks after we visited.

You do know the difference between Wilderness and Forest, don't you?

My point is that if the environmentalists would go away, the Forests would be harvested as they need to be, and the Wilderness areas could them survive.

The same thing about the Amazon areas. If the folks who lived there had a market for the exotic wood, they'd manage the areas as Forests instead of trying to assume some European farming economy. And a healthy Forest includes Wilderness areas to preserve the native ecosystems.

You know the difference between an environmental lunatic and someone making informed decisions don't you? Wait, you have already answer that haven't you?

There needs to be a balance in everything. Saying that all environmentalists are bad is no more accurate than saying all businesses are bad.

But you took what I posted and ran with it. Your post about my loving trees with a religious fervor was not debate. It was stupid.

Rational management of diverse, old growth forests is not the problem. But to try and have a small segment set aside and then open the rest up for wholesale logging is not an acceptable answer.
You know the difference between an environmental lunatic and someone making informed decisions don't you? Wait, you have already answer that haven't you?

There needs to be a balance in everything. Saying that all environmentalists are bad is no more accurate than saying all businesses are bad.

But you took what I posted and ran with it. Your post about my loving trees with a religious fervor was not debate. It was stupid.

Rational management of diverse, old growth forests is not the problem. But to try and have a small segment set aside and then open the rest up for wholesale logging is not an acceptable answer.
There you go making a caricature of my argument then debating that. I never said "wholesale logging", but responsible Forest management. Environmentalists don't know the difference, and apparently you don't either as evidenced by your attempted straw man.
There you go making a caricature of my argument then debating that. I never said "wholesale logging", but responsible Forest management. Environmentalists don't know the difference, and apparently you don't either as evidenced by your attempted straw man.

Wait a minute. I posted that I would be willing to pay a little more in order to protect diverse, old growth forests, and you start that "It's people like you who worship trees with a religious fervor that has caused the destruction of the forest". Now you want to whine about my making a caricature of your argument? huh?

Either you are being deliberately antagonistic to avoid a debate or you are too stupid to engage in open discourse. Feel free to take your pick. I have better ways to waste my time.
Wait a minute. I posted that I would be willing to pay a little more in order to protect diverse, old growth forests, and you start that "It's people like you who worship trees with a religious fervor that has caused the destruction of the forest". Now you want to whine about my making a caricature of your argument? huh?

Either you are being deliberately antagonistic to avoid a debate or you are too stupid to engage in open discourse. Feel free to take your pick. I have better ways to waste my time.

Paying more not to harvest wood- that is your "solution". As I pointed out, a better solution is to encourage responsible forest management, including exotic woods.