5 Years Of Democrat Terror Campaigns Result In Plunging Sales; Biden Does Nothing

Porkulus is being used to bail out blue lockdown states who destroyed their own economies.

But wrong as it is, it's too little too late.

And all the Democrat trolls can do is spew their deranged venom; they've rendered themselves lower than Brownshirts.
Senile usurper Biden's handlers are sending him on a victory lap after he signed their $1.9 trillion ‘COVID’ porkulus package. “Help is here,” his handlers wrote in a tweet promoting his plan.

But Americans who were initially glad to hear that more ‘COVID’ relief is supposedly on its way may be surprised when they learn that the latest legislation funnels billions in taxpayer money to fill the coffers of blue states and DEMOCRAT-dominated local governments.

  • California: $42.3 billion
  • New York: $23.5 billion
  • Illinois: $13.5 billion
  • Pennsylvania: $13.5 billion
  • Michigan: $10.1 billion
  • New Jersey: $10 billion
  • Massachusetts: $7.96 billion
  • Washington: $6.94 billion
  • Virginia: $6.68 billion
  • Maryland: $6.21 billion
At first glance, it’s hard to decipher a clear pattern on this list. So, how did they divvy up the pork?

Curiously, the Biden regime and DEMOCRATS in Congress factored in the number of unemployed citizens. This had the direct effect of skewing the bailout benefits toward blue states that enacted harsher lockdowns and punishing red states who sensibly prioritized preserving economic activity.

One could argue that perhaps focusing on the unemployment rate is meant to ensure the aid goes to the states shortest on revenue.

But why not use actual revenue shortfalls, then? Indeed, Calipornia tops the list for bailout money, yet the Beholden State is actually running a budget surplus!

The only conclusion left to draw, however disappointing, is that DEMOCRATS crafted this bloated bailout to favor states run by DEMOCRATS.


Democrats behaving like a criminal gang? :whoa:
"The article states". :rofl2:

Poor Dicky needs to bone up on economics!

The US is facing a dollar collapse by the end of 2021 and an over 50% chance of a double-dip recession, economist Stephen Roach says

The US dollar could collapse by the end of 2021 and the economy can expect a more than 50% chance of a double-dip recession, the economist Stephen Roach told CNBC on Wednesday.

The US has seen economic output rise briefly and then fall in eight of the past 11 business-cycle recoveries, Roach said.

Grim second-quarter data cannot be dismissed, he said, pointing out that "the current-account deficit in the United States, which is the broadest measure of our international imbalance with the rest of the world, suffered a record deterioration."

Roach last predicted a crash in the dollar index in June, when it was trading at about 96. He said at the time that it would collapse 35% against other major currencies within the next year or two.

As they insist on doing it, shouldn't we give the trumpanzees an actual reason to call us 'brownshirts?"
Eradicate them as we would any other infectious disease.
Maybe that would help us to Make America Great Again.
you actually still think covid is a hoax? wow. what a moron.

It’s not a hoax but Covid provided democrats with a godsend [in the words of one prominent leftist] and they ‘maximized’ its potential, as it were. This resulted in blue city/state economies being locked down for political purposes. They were recently rewarded with massive bailouts.

Trump’s strength going into 2020 was the economy and Covid provided democrats an opportunity to crash it. There was one wag running around here almost exactly a year ago saying “shut her down! Shut her down!” in reference to the Trump economy. He could barely contain his glee.

And shut her down they did. Then it became the ‘Trump virus’. A brain dead meme even by lefty standards. Without the CCP Virus Trump would be beginning his second term.

Yes, Covid was absolutely *hoaxed* by democrats and their running dogs in the media. And it worked. You should be proud of them.
Ignorant fuck, do you think that you know more than Business Insider, arrogant prick?

Your claims are not even supported by the Business Insider opinion piece.

I can see why so many of you fall for the Q quack stuff. You don’t understand the difference between opinion and fact, You can’t see underlying motivations, and you certainly have no ability to read critically. Some of you must not of gone to elementary school.
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Your claims are not even supported by the Business Insider opinion piece.

I can see why so many of you fall for the Q quack stuff. You don’t understand the difference between opinion and fact, You can’t see underlying motivations, and you certainly have no ability to read critically. Some of you must not of gone to elementary school.

Ok, you've been warned, arrogant prick.

The US is facing a dollar collapse by the end of 2021 and an over 50% chance of a double-dip recession, economist Stephen Roach says

It’s not a hoax but Covid provided democrats with a godsend [in the words of one prominent leftist] and they ‘maximized’ its potential, as it were. This resulted in blue city/state economies being locked down for political purposes. They were recently rewarded with massive bailouts.

Trump’s strength going into 2020 was the economy and Covid provided democrats an opportunity to crash it. There was one wag running around here almost exactly a year ago saying “shut her down! Shut her down!” in reference to the Trump economy. He could barely contain his glee.

And shut her down they did. Then it became the ‘Trump virus’. A brain dead meme even by lefty standards. Without the CCP Virus Trump would be beginning his second term.

Yes, Covid was absolutely *hoaxed* by democrats and their running dogs in the media. And it worked. You should be proud of them.

Nonsense cities were not locked down for Political reasons, and it is on the right for making a Pandemic Political.

More nonsense, we had to shut down to stop the spread of Covid and will remind you that many place only partially shut down.

The shut down was done by both Dem and Repub State leaders, funny how you Always forget that Fact. It became Trumps Virus when he mismanaged the entire issue, downplaying it while all the time knowing it was deadly, thousands of deaths are on his hands. The brain dead are those that claim trump did a great job at handling a deadly virus.

No it was not hoaxed, the right is just butt hurt because trump screwed up Big Time and yes it cost him his re-election, Good, he proved he had no Leadership skills and was unfit for the job.