5 Years Of Democrat Terror Campaigns Result In Plunging Sales; Biden Does Nothing

In order to gain power, it was necessary for the Democrats to wage war not only on Trump, but upon The People themselves.

Using everything from endless witch hunts to their deranged & hysterical Covid Scam, the Democrats have bombed a booming economy into ruins.

Retail sales are plunging as after a year of brutal recession caused by non-stop Democrat terror campaigns, millions of people are realizing how completely the Democrats have destroyed the economy & country.


It's bad, and it's about to get worse.

Much, much worse.

Thanks, Democrats.

That is the stupidest thing I have read here in this forum! BECAUSE NOT ONE THING IN YOUR LITTLE COMMENTS ARE TRUE!

Ok, you've been warned, arrogant prick.

The US is facing a dollar collapse by the end of 2021 and an over 50% chance of a double-dip recession, economist Stephen Roach says


Who is Stephen Roach? It might happen, who knows, but I remember all the double dip predictions when Obama took office, and the screaming about inflation.

It sounds more like wishful thinking on your part.
It’s not a hoax but Covid provided democrats with a godsend [in the words of one prominent leftist] and they ‘maximized’ its potential, as it were. This resulted in blue city/state economies being locked down for political purposes. They were recently rewarded with massive bailouts.

Trump’s strength going into 2020 was the economy and Covid provided democrats an opportunity to crash it. There was one wag running around here almost exactly a year ago saying “shut her down! Shut her down!” in reference to the Trump economy. He could barely contain his glee.

And shut her down they did. Then it became the ‘Trump virus’. A brain dead meme even by lefty standards. Without the CCP Virus Trump would be beginning his second term.

Yes, Covid was absolutely *hoaxed* by democrats and their running dogs in the media. And it worked. You should be proud of them.

hard to believe how out of touch with reality you are. keep that tin foil hat on tight!!

as far as covid 19 bill funding for "blue states-cities," only, or primarily- bullshit- another right wing lie-

Texas to get $27 billion from $1.9 trillion COVID relief billwww.dallasnews.com › News › Politics
Mar 6, 2021 — The Senate passed President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus ... Some proposals originally in the bill, such as funding for a subway in California, ... but some budget hawks, like the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, ... Dallas County will receive $511 million, and the city of Dallas will ...
What was going to happen this month (Nazicrat CovidScam eviction crisis) has been pushed to July, AKA Riot Season.

Retail still in trouble.

Rough times ahead as Nazicrats crashed the economy for power & giggles.
When it does not happen you’ll pretend you never made this prediction.

I would love to be proved wrong, you however have never ever admitted to being wrong about anything. Hubris and humility are words that don't exist for you!

Still as you said before, boom or bust matters not for avaricious bottom feeders like you. Your motto is the more dead, the more you make bread.
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