Now that makes sense, and is accurate.I suspect that what he meant was not that the U.S. population is becoming more liberal, but rather that this is a trend of which conservatives are going to disapprove.
single women vote overwhelmingly democratic. I've even heard Rush Limbaugh squeeling like a stuck pig, over this statistic.
I think there's many reasons for it - but, it's a statistical fact.
And my point was, that when a Conservative woman gets a divorce she doesn't magically change to a Liberal woman. This, more than likely, will change the dynamic of the "Single Women Vote Liberally" rather than change the dynamic of the nation. The same numbers will be there...Idoubt there is any going back either.
This trend will just grow.
I know quite afew families where the chick earns more than the guy.
The US is going to trend even more liberal in the future
Now the fact that women are less dependent on men means with the woman making = or more than her spouse means she is less likely to stay because of finances (as in the past) and YES women vote more liberally than men .
You're assuming that she doesn't become more conservative -- or at least express more conservative opinions -- simply because she's married. Anecdotally, at least, that's a questionable assumption.And my point was, that when a Conservative woman gets a divorce she doesn't magically change to a Liberal woman. This, more than likely, will change the dynamic of the "Single Women Vote Liberally" rather than change the dynamic of the nation. The same numbers will be there...
I feel for the kids, being the "beneficiary" of a divorce as a child I fully understand the implications and negative impact of a divorce on children.
I'm assuming nothing. I understand that it is more likely for a conservative woman to wish marriage. However, when just over 50% of marriages end in divorce they simply are not all liberals getting them. Plus, we have seen many conservatives get divorces. Prominently.You're assuming that she doesn't become more conservative -- or at least express more conservative opinions -- simply because she's married. Anecdotally, at least, that's a questionable assumption.
More broadly, people have the opinions they do for reasons. Those reasons aren't always apparent, but they always exist.
I'm assuming nothing. I understand that it is more likely for a conservative woman to wish marriage. However, when just over 50% of marriages end in divorce they simply are not all liberals getting them. Plus, we have seen many conservatives get divorces. Prominently.
I believe that it is "more than likely" that it will change the dynamic of the percentages of women who vote liberally as single women because a large group of them will not change views because of their divorce. I never stated that none of them do change to liberals, I stated that all of them do not magically change to liberals.
It also says that they are staying single longer after divorce. I didn't make it up wholly out of fabricated assumption or anything. The idea that the dynamic of women voters would change hugely because of this is an assumption. Regardless of whether or not they rush into marriage will not change their views politically. I suspect that the only dynamic to change is the "single women vote largely liberally" and that only marginally.Many of these women are delaying marriage, they're not divorced. It says that "most will eventually marry", indicating that a high percentage are not divorced.
And I think what Ornot is alluding to in his response is something that I myself have witnessed. More women than you might imagine go along with their husband's political beliefs. I'm out there canvassing and I see it all to often. I've had a shocking number of women say something to me along the lines of "oh he knows about that stuff" or "oh he handles that stuff". I also have personally known women (one of them being an aunt of mine) who change politics the way they change their men. That is, everytime they get a new man, they also get a new set of political beliefs...his.
I've also known a girl who told me that she was thinking of voting for Hillary Clinton (this is when she was running against Lazio), but her father would "kill" either her or her mother if they voted for Hillary.
What Ornot is saying, and what cannot be proved but only guessed at using personal experiences as a half-assed gauge, (this is why he uses the word anecdotal) is that nobody knows how many married women are with controlling husbands and so do not feel free to spread their own wings politically. You don't know how they're going to vote once freed. It's a good bet they'll vote whatever way would drive him most crazy though. And that holds if he's a controlling leftist, and yes, there are controlling male leftists. It just isn't a primary character trait the way it is with conservative males. But it can and does happen.
I think that such women would exercise their vote differently than their mouth says while still in the marriage. That they say the right thing to keep the peace does not mean that they do what they are saying.And I think what Ornot is alluding to in his response is something that I myself have witnessed. More women than you might imagine go along with their husband's political beliefs.
I totally believe this. Not a majority of women, mind you. But some.
It also says that they are staying single longer after divorce. I didn't make it up wholly out of fabricated assumption or anything. The idea that the dynamic of women voters would change hugely because of this is an assumption. Regardless of whether or not they rush into marriage will not change their views politically. I suspect that the only dynamic to change is the "single women vote largely liberally" and that only marginally.
Basically, I answered to the assumption that because of this dynamic the number of liberal voters would change. I don't think that it will.
I also think we'll hear about this report from many socially conservative talk show hosts that will make a big to do about it then quiet down while they change nothing...
m'eh. I think I've made my point. I don't think that not being married will change a woman who is conservative into a liberal. That her plans have changed to prolong her single status won't change her political views. It is that simple.
And I think what Ornot is alluding to in his response is something that I myself have witnessed. More women than you might imagine go along with their husband's political beliefs.
I totally believe this. Not a majority of women, mind you. But some.
Oh, I know such men exist. I just know that women in such situations, most of the ones that I know, would vote opposing viewpoints to "punish" him while he isn't watching...Right, not a majority, but we know they exist. Sadly. I saw Damo's response too, and I wouldn't expect you to realize that Damo. I didn't think you did try and control your wife. But there are men like that out there. And they do marry. In fact, they look to marry.
Oh, I know such men exist. I just know that women in such situations, most of the ones that I know, would vote opposing viewpoints to "punish" him while he isn't watching...
In my opinion, of the people I have seen in such a situation, they "transgress" (sometimes against their actual beliefs) in a passive-aggressive way like I describe above. While the "gentleman" (very loosely used term there) may think they have that control they actively push them in the other direction with their "manliness".
I think that such women would exercise their vote differently than their mouth says while still in the marriage. That they say the right thing to keep the peace does not mean that they do what they are saying.
I couldn't imagine attempting to control my wife in such a way, it seems like pushing an immovable object and expecting a reaction.
Thank you Cypress. I was waiting for someone to point out that obvious fact in Desh's defense.
Married women trend slightly Republican. Single women trend Democratic.
So this is a significant development.
You ignore the possibility, however, that the simple act of living on her own might change a woman's outlook and opinions. It certainly changes the opinions of men, and I don't see why women would be any different.Oh, I know such men exist. I just know that women in such situations, most of the ones that I know, would vote opposing viewpoints to "punish" him while he isn't watching...
In my opinion, of the people I have seen in such a situation, they "transgress" (sometimes against their actual beliefs) in a passive-aggressive way like I describe above. While the "gentleman" (very loosely used term there) may think they have that control they actively push them in the other direction with their "manliness".
I don't overlook it. I have stated that this does happen... You are overlooking the fact that many get divorced, do not change, then later remarry, those who do are taking longer to remarry. The idea that this will significantly change the nation to superliberal overnight is ridiculous. I think the statistic is politically meaningless other than to social conservatives who want to make divorce nearly impossible....You ignore the possibility, however, that the simple act of living on her own might change a woman's outlook and opinions. It certainly changes the opinions of men, and I don't see why women would be any different.