51% of Women Are Now Living Without Spouse

I have seen two of my very conservative friends become a great deal more liberal after divorcing their husbands...or was it my evil influence? Hmmm, I will never know for sure.
I think that people, very often in certain groups, espouse the belief they believe will lead to the least confrontation. "Becoming more liberal" can often be fitting in with the crowd. Much like I think the women who are supposedly controlled by marriage vote as they will regardless of what they may say, I think that they do the same later... A person who has grown used to passive-aggressive expression doesn't change overnight.
I don't overlook it. I have stated that this does happen... You are overlooking the fact that many get divorced, do not change, then later remarry, those who do are taking longer to remarry. The idea that this will significantly change the nation to superliberal overnight is ridiculous. I think the statistic is politically meaningless other than to social conservatives who want to make divorce nearly impossible....

I think you overlook much of my points above to attempt to convince yourself that this will magically change all of the nation over to your POV. Or that somehow the slowing of change means the ending of change...

Once again, to say, "The US will get more liberal as we go..." is a non-starter. It's like saying that over time the mountains will grow then erode... This doesn't mean a loss for conservatives who have a goal to slow, not stop, change.
I think you're (deliberately) overstating the case. Neither Desh nor anyone else has suggested that this trend will "change the nation to superliberal overnight." What I read into this is yet another incremental nudge in the general leftward drift.
When women start facing and deciding for themselfs the issues there is a tendency to see the ohter side of the issue which they have not previously been exposed to.

My sister has been a Republican all her life.

She in the last few years got her masters in Education and is now teaching.

She has become MUCH less R in the few years she has been IN the economy and IN the shoes of someone who faces the REAL implications of NOT supporting education.