70% of intell budget spent on private contractors

So you don't remember the "Victory Equity" after the wall fell? How the intel agencies were taken apart on nearly a wholesale basis? Those who left created their own companies and are now contracting the same skills they used as employees of the government ran intel. Where do you think they got their experience?

Do you remember which party was most excited about the "Victory Equity"?
So you don't remember the "Victory Equity" after the wall fell? How the intel agencies were taken apart on nearly a wholesale basis? Those who left created their own companies and are now contracting the same skills they used as employees of the government ran intel. Where do you think they got their experience?

Do you remember which party was most excited about the "Victory Equity"?

No idea what you're talking about! Is this about the Berlin wall?
What Damo is trying to explain to you is that after the Cold War ended... the politicians in DC took a huge ax to the intel community. Those they cut loose, formed private companies that did similar intel work. Those are the companies we HAVE to turn to. Because within the government, we do not have the human intel capabilities that we used to have. We tried to rely on electronic intel.... that didn't cut it.

So big deal. 70% goes to private contractors. Not really much of a choice. Private contractors or no additional intel.... hmmm...

yet one more example of your posting a topic on which you possess no intelligence.
No idea what you're talking about! Is this about the Berlin wall?
Right after the wall fell and the Soviet Union fell apart the Democrats in Congress began working the "victory equity". They felt there was no more need of the intelligence machine we had in the past and began to systematically gut intelligence budgets.

Many of those who worked in intel left and created their own companies to collect intel, usually hired by governments such as Australia and the UK, and are now hired back by the US government at a much heftier price now that there is a realization that technology intel didn't provide the correct information and that there is a need for their services. It's more expensive, it's less controlled, but the need was created in the past because there was no longer a "need" for such and we should spend our "victory equity" on domestic issues.
"Trey Brown, a DNI press officer, told Salon that the 70 percent figure disclosed by Everett refers to everything that U.S. intelligence agencies buy, from pencils to buildings to "whatever devices we use to collect intelligence." Asked how much of the money doled out goes toward big-ticket items like military spy satellites, he replied, "We can't really talk about those kinds of things."
Right after the wall fell and the Soviet Union fell apart the Democrats in Congress began working the "victory equity". They felt there was no more need of the intelligence machine we had in the past and began to systematically gut intelligence budgets.

Many of those who worked in intel left and created their own companies to collect intel, usually hired by governments such as Australia and the UK, and are now hired back by the US government at a much heftier price now that there is a realization that technology intel didn't provide the correct information and that there is a need for their services. It's more expensive, it's less controlled, but the need was created in the past because there was no longer a "need" for such and we should spend our "victory equity" on domestic issues.

Your first paragraph describes what I have always read is called "the peace dividend". I have never heard it referred to as "victory equity."
I think that anyone kidding themselves that this war has made a lot of rich people even richer, or that billions of dollars have not been stolen and badly allocated, is in denial.
"So show us the names of these companies currently?"


"show me any connection."

To what???

The claim here is that the post cold war realignment of the intell comminity is responsible for the need to hire Bush buddies at the tune of 70 % of the intell budget.

Lets see some kind of proof this is the case?
Damo let's talk about the Peace Dividend...didn't Ronald Reagan state that there was one? Didn't he cut military spending because of it?
Your first paragraph describes what I have always read is called "the peace dividend". I have never heard it referred to as "victory equity."
Ah, thank you. The "Peace Dividend" was a foolish excuse to take apart the intel agencies and left us vulnerable.
Damo let's talk about the Peace Dividend...didn't Ronald Reagan state that there was one? Didn't he cut military spending because of it?
He cut spending specifically on nuclear weapons. However it was the congress who promoted it as reason that we "no longer needed" the intel machine that was created to battle the "communist threat". Often against republican objection the intel specifically was gutted to a "skeleton crew" limit, thus forcing them to rely on technology rather than humint methods. Those in humint created their own companies.

Where do you think those people came from, or where they got their clearances? They weren't born from the Ether.
"The claim here is that the post cold war realignment of the intell comminity is responsible for the need to hire Bush buddies at the tune of 70 % of the intell budget.

Lets see some kind of proof this is the case?"

Ummm... lets see... how about YOUR article.... seriously... do you even READ the links you post????......

From YOUR article......

"Faced with arbitrary staffing limits and uncertain funding, the report said, intelligence agencies are forced "to use contractors for work that may be borderline 'inherently governmental'" -- meaning the agencies have no clear idea about what work should remain exclusively inside the government versus work that can be done by civilians working for private firms. "
"Damo let's talk about the Peace Dividend...didn't Ronald Reagan state that there was one? Didn't he cut military spending because of it?"

Both parties are guilty of the cut backs in the intel community. While it began with the Dem Congress, the Rep Congress that followed did little to prevent the gutting or reverse it... instead if memory serves me correctly, they continued the gutting. They believed that electronic intel would be sufficient.