70% of intell budget spent on private contractors

Like ya know what 'cuffs' are for..this is way too funny...then again I suppose I could loan some S&W cuffs to the 'fireman'...y'all could have a 'Hot Time'...sorry USC Damo has the upper hand...and gets the cuffs!

Something tells me you have more experience with blow up dolls, than with handcuffs.

Call it a wild guess.

I know...

Darnit all to heck! The hopes of so many men on this board, so cruelly dashed!

Because you know, hetero or homo, you sure are a dreamboat.

But alas I am 'firmly' a hetro..I love girls always have and always will..so your hopes are not dashed...'Gimme a Little kiss won't ya hun'..stolen from a song leric...sorry but that is me...lol
hmm I wonder if all this outsourcing has anything to do with the inability of the US govt to hire FBI and CIA guys in recent years because of the requirement of never having used drugs, whether they inhaled or not.
A way to shoot around the problem.

hmm I wonder if all this outsourcing has anything to do with the inability of the US govt to hire FBI and CIA guys in recent years because of the requirement of never having used drugs, whether they inhaled or not.
A way to shoot around the problem.

This may be just the case..as the old saying goes...'When ya play ya must pay' missed out on a cool job...yah?...Then again the Fed requirement has gone beyond real..they recruit from Colleges...want a 3.5 gpa and all...not the old system where experience and a combination of schoolin' was the real mark..so I agree with ya on some of what you said...a sorry state of affairs we now live in...if it is on paper all is cool...not true..imho...sometimes the need arrises to recruit from those who actually have street smarts...!
Missed out on a good job ? Me ? yeah missed out on several in my life, but none because of drug use. Heck I worked for a while as a contractor putting in a fiber optics system in the J. Edgar Hoover bldg in Washington DC.

I was just commenting on how they might be shooting around the no drugs rule by using contractors and getting druggies in the intelligence community :shock:
maybe they are hiring private sector workers to get arround the having them swear to protect the constitution and the US interests so htye can find people who will do anything for money.

Blackwater is currently suing the families of the guys who were burned alive and hung from that bridge.