70% of intell budget spent on private contractors

American Civics 101 - For Damocles:

The president proposes budgets; negotiates with congress to try to get them implemented; and then signs budgets into law.

Short version: The president isn't a powerless potted plant, when it comes to budgets.


teasing you man!
Read the Constitution. The Congress makes the Budgets. And did you notice that it is a hand in hand thing, thus promoting my opinion that it was a bipartisan problem? Or did you not realize that you were actually proving my point? You really are the most disingenuous poster on this board when it comes to the "protect the libs at all cost" mentality.

Your precious party created and passed the budgets that turned the intel community over to the more problematic tech rather than humint variety, and as you have already proven actually did cut the publicised funding (we can only speculate about the classified portion...)

Yes, the R President put them into effect, as well as the D President later. But the budget, according to the constitution, is the responsibility of the Congress.

(Note to self: Should read the Just Kidding part before getting all huffy...)
Anyway, basically I don't blame bush for needing to hire contractors for this. It was an ingorance of need for at least a good decade.

And actually, I must confess. The D Congress under Clinton did increase Intel spending in 93, and Clinton did sign it. Unfortunately they budgeted it toward more tech intel... *sigh*

Although the Executive Order to no longer use "undesirables" in Humint gathering sure did hurt quite a bit...
Right, that's scary! ;)

Like ya know what 'cuffs' are for..this is way too funny...then again I suppose I could loan some S&W cuffs to the 'fireman'...y'all could have a 'Hot Time'...sorry USC Damo has the upper hand...and gets the cuffs!